Firefly: 2UW - Ship Assets & SFX

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Signature Assets[edit]

EMP Emitters: d8 It's not the same as blowing em outta the black, but shutting down every last thing that relies on electricity to function can be a mite distractin

Grapnels: d8 Most grapnels are large, magnetic clamps that are fired at a second spaceship with the intent to attack. Once secured, the clamp retracts and pulls the second ship closer to the first

Full Medical Suite: d8 You are equipped to handle virtual any medical emergency.

Military Grade MediVacsuits: d6 Reinforced against both physical and energy damage, these self sealing EVA suits boast extended air, feeding, water and waste tanks as well as automated internal and external first aid medical protocols. (Enough for crew, but not passengers).

Saving Grace: Armor, it can save your life. When you would be taken out by physical damage, reduce your suit to a diceless asset rather than take a complication to stay in play.
Mama's Little Handshake: Sometimes you ain't got time to argue. Spend a PP to gain Scale on your roll to inject a tranquilizer dose via the hand pads of your suit gloves.
[Scale gives you an extra d8 to your dice pool and lets you keep three dice instead of two].

Diceless Assets[edit]

Mule (GravLev overland cargo/personnel transport)
Mid Range Shuttles [2]: (Independent Military Jump Shuttle)
Engines d6 || Hull d6 || Systems d6 ||
Concealed Crew Armory (personal weapons armory)
Brig Armored and Locked Berths [2]

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