Firefly: Hunter's Moon - Cat

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Cat :: Pilot[edit]


  • Physical [d8]
  • Mental [d8]
  • Social [d8]

Trained Skills[edit]

  • Drive [d10]
  • Fight [d6]
  • Fly [d10] | Transports [d6]
  • Influence [d6]
  • Know [d6] | Navigation [d6]
  • Notice [d6]
  • Operate [d8]
  • Perform [d6]
  • Shoot [d8]
  • Survive [d6]

Untrained Skills [d4][edit]

  • Craft, Fix, Focus, Labor, Move, Sneak, Throw, Treat, Trick


Bolded Triggers are active.

Ship's Pilot [d8] -

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • I've Never Tried That Before - If you replace your Fly or Operate Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.

Fashionable [d8] - Description

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP

Veteran of the Unification War [d8] - Description

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • War Stories - When you create an Asset or take a Complication related to a wartime flashback, step it up.

Signature Assets[edit]

Speed Demon [d8]

Flask of Liquid Friendship [d8]


Before the Unification War, Cat Salazar was an up-and-comer on the hover-racing circuit, winning minor stakes from Bellerophon to Beaumonde, getting ready to move up to the big time. From a flush, respectable family on Santo, she of course signed up to be a pilot when the war broke out, even did a few recruiting gigs.

War didn't agree with Cat - just dragging soldiers around to die is the opposite of the flash and glory she'd first hoped for. But if that was all, she'd probably have just have gone back to her old life after the war. But there are darker memories, of having to sit in the pilot seat while Browncoat prisoners were tossed right out the side of her transport, of carting strange men with blue gloves around, of just... seeing everything go wrong.

Cat still thinks the Alliance cause was the right one in the War, that it was better to be unified than to go back to the old ways of always-squabbling nations of Earth-That-Was, but she's not sure that what the Alliance became is worthy of that cause. Or if it ever was.

That's why she was out on the fringe instead of going home after mustering out. She'd been planning to eventually find a job planetside, something peaceful and repetitive and empty like ore hauling - the blue had always agreed with her better than the black, even though thanks to the war she has more white-knuckle experience in spaceships than anything else. At least, she'd settle down once she'd finished making the rounds of all the bars in the five systems, maybe eventually find some evidence somewhere that the War had been worth the winning of it. Her grand walkabout was cut violently short, which among other things probably kept her from having enough time to develop a truly crippling drinking habit. She might yet get there, though, as her first stop is pretty much always the watering hole groundside, looking for stories and drumming up interested business. And if she's not there or on a job with the crew, she's out racing with the locals, hoping to one day walk away with the title code to something a lot faster and sexier than a Mule.

Cat was at the bar frequented by the dock laborers when the attack hit. She'd happened to recognize one of the maintenance crew chiefs from a base crew during the war, and they were catching up. That's how she heard about the Mayfly sitting loose in a maintenance harness. She tried to lead as many as she could there from the bar, but most either tried to flee deeper into the base or to their own tugs that quickly got picked off. Sometimes, it still eats at her that she couldn't even Hero properly and save more than the handful who did make it to the Hunter's Moon, but she knows - sort of - that it really was a choice between that and death.

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