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Flamepunk:Main Page -> Flamepunk: People, Culture and Factions -> Flamepunk:Glossary

A host of fire-related slang terms has grown with the burgeoning ranks of flamerunners and dispossessed street punks that fill the cities of Kiora.

Excrement, offal (or, more generally, undesirable). Ash is what's left behind after a fire, and its use to mean "shit" was a natural development.
General term for someone who can bind elemental flame.
Street slang for a person who can enter flamespace. Also sometimes used as a synonym for burner (see below).
Firebrands (actually a form of tattoing) used to augment the body.
One of the more common metals used to form flamerunning equipment, brass is used generally to mean "high-end, fancy equipment."
Fight. Also used the sense of "get it on," "get going," or "let's roll."
Slang term for street tough, figher, or hired muscle. Generally considered a catch-all epithet for a buddy or companion.
A member of the Hadar, e.g. '"Stay away from that blazer. He's Family."
The realm of flames, where physical reality is broken down to its elemental essences. This is the playground of the flamerunners.
A place where the spark (see below) is chronically absent; a boring place. An uncool (in the sense of popular) location.
In the brutally hot bloodforges, fleshshapers use the power of the Flame Realm to melt and reshape the flesh of men, turning them into...something else. They are reforged into an amalgam of flesh, metal and fire. These fearful creatures are called, in common parlance, mulebloods. Fleshshapers tend to refer to them as the "reforged," however.
Derisive term for a chump, or a loser, someone whose spark is weak. "You want a piece of this, snuff? Come on then, let's burn." Also gutter.
Slang for firebonding or other fire magic, and the frequently visual side effects of the same. Typically, used to indicate the presence or absence of interesting stuff going on, e.g., Let's get outta here, burner. There's no spark in this icepit."