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As the younger sister of an established superhero, there was not much that she could do that would bring her life to the foreground to her parents minds. Everything was Radix this and Radix that, her brother was such a show off.

When she turned sixteen she noted that she too had powers, the same as her brother. She was super accurate in throwing things and also had a hyper metabolism. When she told her parents that were ecstatic, she would follow in her brothers footsteps.

NO, she was not going to follow him anymore. She was going to set out on her own and make a name for herself. She would go out and make a fortune first then see if her brother would like to join the team that SHE was going to put together as Flip.


PL 10 (150PP); Init +7; 45ft (Run); Defense 28/20 (10 Base, 4 Dex, 1 Dodge, 3 Powers); BAB +10; +14 Melee (2S Punch), +15 Ranged (4S/L Thrown Objects); SV Dmg +9 (5 Protection), Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16 (Total 82PP)

Skills: Balance 3/+10, Acrobatics 3/+10, Move Silently 3/+10, Listen 3/+5, Spot 4/+6, Search 4/+7 (Total 20PP)

Feats: Dodge, Evasion, Lightning Reflexes, Attack Finesse, Precise Strike, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Multi Shot, Throwing Mastery, Attack Focus (Ranged) (Total 20PP)


  • Protection +5 (Source: Training; Extras: Sensory Protection; Flaw: Limited [Must be aware of the attack]) (Cost 2 / Total 10PP)
  • Hyper Metabolism (Super Speed) +3 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 6 / Total 18PP)


  • Deck of playing cards (4L Damage)