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Flower PL 10 (150PP)
Init +8; 30ft (Run), 50ft (Flight); Defense 23 [27]/18 (8 Base, 4 Dex, 1 Dodge, [4 Powers]); BAB +7[+11]; +10[+14] Melee (12S+ Move-By Attack), +11 Ranged; SV Dmg +6 (10 Protection), Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18 (Total 67PP)
Skills: Disguise 3/+7, Move Silently 6/+8, Survival 3/+4, Spot 3/+4, Listen 4/+5, PS: Guitarist 2/+6 (Total 19PP)
Feats: Attack Focus (Melee), Dodge, Evasion, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Durability, Move-By Attack (Total 14PP)
- Density Control +10 (Source: Mutation; Effect: Immovability, Protection and Super Strength; Extras: Shrinking, Flight; Flaws: Limited [No incorporeal], Limited [No appendages]) (Cost 5 / Total 50PP)