Followers, Friends and Foes

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Followers, Friends, and Foes

The Solars are not the only players in the drama of the Second Age


Mira, erstwhile Guild factor for Chiaroscuro. Deceased, killed by Karal Jaingha.

Obol, Guild factor for Chiaroscuro. Deceased, killed by an unknown attacker in Chiaroscuro.

Talen, Guild factor based in Nexus. Raiton’s mortal enemy.

Helses, Guild merchant prince based in Nexus. Hunts human beings for sport in his private park.

Cruthello of Jhiub, Guild merchant prince. His unrivalled collections of rarities and First Age artifacts was put beyond reach forever by Raiton and Mouse, and he has sworn revenge.

Thaler, Guild merchant prince based in Nexus, once factor for Theos. Made a vast fortune from the Guild’s ruthless exploitation, but now lives in terror of Tiger’s vengeance.

Prince Mantuoch, opium-addicted Delzahn chieftain and poet

Mon-khan Metach, traditionalist Delzahn chieftain

Oni, one-time Blue Dragon Company soldier. From Tolman

Ayoku, erstwhile Blue Dragon Company lieutenant. Deceased, killed by the nemissary Wandering Voice

Bulbul, Diving Star’s uncle. An inventor and explorer who lived on Azure Day for ten years

Zine, the daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter of Cyan the Drae

Jade Mantis, Abbot of the Order of World Memory

The Sycorax of Theos. Once Tiger’s patron and closest friend, he sold out her and his country to the Guild and is now in hiding somewhere in the West.

Truth in Pain, onetime high priestess of the Blind God. Deceased, killed by Tiger in Theos.

Sense without Vision, onetime arena champion in Theos. Deceased, killed by Tiger in the Southern desert.

Hushed Reverie, once Tiger’s personal attendant. She participated in the conspiracy against her mistress without any apparent motive or hope of gain.

Tellen Dalama, crippled patrician swordswoman

Allhuud Drin’Bara, a mute scholar from Great Forks

Taroketu Kengo, a Lookshy Ranger who betrayed Tiger in the Land of Roots for unknown reasons

Sleepless Albatross, a woman under a curse to die on dry land, who avoided setting foot on any shore for seven years

Pashtal Nobachu, one-time Nexus reformer and father of Selim Nobachu. Thanks to the Fair Folk’s games with time, he met his adult son briefly as a young man on the Isle of Lost Things. His present whereabouts are unknown.

Uttai Red-Lips, a Nexus politician who was involved in the downfall of Pashtal Nobachu. Selim has prophesied his death to the goddess Nemesis.

Ilkesin, one-time magistrate of Paragon

Winter Light, philosopher and servant of the Perfect of Paragon. Deceased, killed by the Man of Constant Sorrow

Patient Crab, one-time general, now warlord


Whispered Secret, former scavenger lord. In life, Raiton’s most hated enemy, he has now become a close friend and adviser

Restless Nomad, Captain of Sijan’s Black Watch and Raiton’s sworn foe.

Conqueror Worm, an ancient ghost, the first person to be thrown into Sijan’s charnel catacombs. Raiton’s sworn foe.

Lone Cypress, the many-eyed ghost of a blind murderer

Joyita the Pirate Queen, a ghostly river pirate captain and Raiton’s sworn enemy after Raiton robbed her ship and freed her pleasure-slave

Smoke, a ghostly river pirate captain and agent of the Mask of Winters


The Dreaming Dark, goddess of riddles

The Yellow River King, god of the Yellow River and the Yanaze River

The Blind God, the Sightless Monarch, god of darkness and one-time god-king of Theos.

Hosek, god of darkness

Rabszolga, god of slaves

Nemesis, the goddess of deaths foretold in prophecy. In love with Selim Nobachu.

Thaleia and Melpomene, twin goddesses of comedy and tragedy respectively

The Peacock God, all-seeing god of the Pazezi

Terrestrial Exalted[edit]

Mnemon Kava, Fire Aspect sorceress and All-Seeing Eye agent. Deceased, killed by the Smiler

Mnemon Sarnath, Earth Aspect soldier and All-Seeing Eye agent. Deceased, killed by Chiaroscuro spirits

Autumn Leaf, Water Aspect Iselsi assassin and All-Seeing Eye agent. Deceased, killed by Karal Jaingha in Chiaroscuro

Peleps Mokath Tandar, Fire Aspect spy and All-Seeing Eye agent.

Cynis Tremaeus, a Water Aspect bon vivant and perennial student based in Great Forks. He acts as an information broker, although it is not clear whether he is working for his House, for the All-Seeing Eye, for himself, or for some other cause.

Den Blizzardborn, a Lost Egg Fire Aspect adventurer and Wyld Huntsman who has survived a record four confrontations with powerful Anathema. Bears a personal grudge against Tiger. A born survivor.

V’neef Tornae, Wood Aspect spearman. Deceased, killed at the House of Glass and Jade by the Valkyrie

Roaring Avalanche, Earth Aspect Immaculate monk. Deceased, killed in the desert by Tiger.

Perched on the Mountain, Air Aspect Immaculate monk and archer. Deceased, killed in the desert by Tiger and Jaingha, although he has recently returned as a ghost to aid his comrades in the Wyld Hunt.

Karal Tobaes, Fire Aspect diplomat and soldier. In love with Karal Jaingha

Pretty Reaper, Air Aspect Iselsi avenger

Ledaal Cohera, Water Aspect renegade Realm sorceress

The Walking Man, Earth Aspect sorcerer

Malkus Niwadi Pinthal al-Lawati al-Tanji ibn Mahfouz; Malkus the Scarred. Fire Aspect prince of Cereus and one-time Blue Dragon Company sorcerer

Peleps Nai - Heptagram Sorcerer who acted as Cruthello's treasure keeper and handler of the Behemoth Abzu, the Father of Dragons. Escaped before Abzu dived into its descent into the eternal sleep as provoked by Raiton and Mouse. Still at large.

Sidereal Exalted[edit]

Aspect (Ragara Anchavis), a Bronze Faction spymaster and Chosen of Secrets

Swift, a Gold Faction Chosen of Journeys. In love with Selim Nobachu

Dekkar Kendai, the Face of Ended Strife, Gold Faction Chosen of Endings

Aiken, Bronze Faction Chosen of Endings and reluctant assassin

Abyssal Exalted[edit]

The Man of Constant Sorrow, a leprous Day Caste assassin. Deceased, killed by Karal Jaingha in Paragon.

The Smiler with the Knife Under his Cloak, a sadistic Moonshadow Caste spy, intriguer and master of schemes and disguises. Feared, disliked, and distrusted even by his fellow deathknights.

The Dark Valkyrie Soaked in Slaughter-Dew, a Dusk Caste soldier, once the Lookshy Ranger Fire Orchid. For reasons as yet unknown, she turned against her country and accepted Abyssal Exaltation as a means of achieving revenge on it. Deceased, killed by Karal Jaingha at the House of Glass and Jade.

The Eremite of Deathly Ardours, a Midnight Caste priestess. She and Tiger have agreed to a five year truce between their followers, which has been witnessed and sanctified by the Smiler.

The Rough Beast, a Dusk Caste killer and ally of the Smiler

The Artificer of Devices of Insidious Intent, a Daybreak Caste engineer and ally of the Smiler

Lunar Exalted[edit]

Morning Breeze, a parakeet totem Changing Moon Lunar. Tiger’s mate.

The White Mouse, a mouse totem No Moon Lunar thief and sorceress. Star’s mate.

Copper-Eyed Spider Spins His Own Labyrinth, a spider totem Changing Moon storyteller and spy. Selim’s mate.

Soo Kon Lasach, an ancient First Age Changing Moon Lunar and Jaingha’s mate. It used its shape-shifting abilities to survive the eruption of a volcano on the island city of Thalassa, but the lava fused it with the city and it has since spent a thousand years trapped in the underwater caldera, parthenogenetically breeding legions of fishmen children and extending its rubbery tendrils across the entire city.

Blue and Argent Lancer Glorious in Battle, falcon totem Full Moon Lunar and sky-knight of Mount Metagalapa. Raiton’s mate.

Tranquil Mendicant, sloth totem Lunar monk

Haroun, coyote totem Lunar elder and Breeze’s mentor

Ismailah, the Stone Jaguar. Jaguar totem Full Moon Lunar and Wyld scout.

Fair Folk[edit]

The Lord of Honey, Fair Folk potentate of the East

Wanton, mercurial envoy of the Lord of Honey. Tiger has sworn revenge on him for his part in the downfall of Theos.

The King of Song, ennui-wasted Fair Folk potentate of the West. The Lord of Honey considers him a sworn enemy, he considers the Lord of Honey a close friend.

Jareth, Prince of the Shimmering Maze


Frosted Branch, Humble Raiton’s Feyblooded concubine

Cyan the Drae, a man possessed by a demon of hunger, who could only live by consuming people of his own extinct race. In order to keep himself supplied, he bred a line of descendants, consuming the males and impregnating the females. Deceased, destroyed by Diving Star.

Tawn, the daughter of a lion god and scholar of the Order of World Memory

Gan, jade automaton made by the Great Magician to tend the gardens of Azure Day

Uz, moonsilver automaton made by the Great Magician to spar with him in the Azure Day dojo, and to keep his mind sharp by plotting against him. Destroyed by Diving Star.

Yafah, orichalchum automaton made by the Great Magician to serve as geisha and courtesan on Azure Day. Destroyed by Uz.

Sefer, starmetal automaton made by the Great Magician to serve as his steward and librarian on Azure Day. Decapitated, blinded, and tortured into insanity by Uz, only Sefer’s unseeing head remains.

Maat, soulsteel hound automaton made by the Great Magician to hunt down and kill any of his future incarnations who managed to escape Azure Day.

Akaede, the Noonday Demon. Daughter of a fire elemental, warlord of fallen Paragon.