For Gold and Glory: Quartz Graystrike
Dark Dungeons: For Gold and Glory
- Character Name: Quartz Graystrike
- Class: Dwarf
- Level: 1
- XP/XP Needed: 0/2200
Ability Scores[edit]
- Strength: 13 (+1)
- Intelligence: 10 (0)
- Wisdom: 13 (+1)
- Dexterity: 6 (-1)
- Constitution: 14 (+1)
- Charisma: 10 (0)
- AC: 6
- HP: 8
- Base Attack: +1
- Weapon/Weapon Feat/Damage
- Warhammer/B/1d6
Saving Throws[edit]
- Death Ray/Poison: 8
- Magic Wands: 9
- Paralysis/Petrify: 10
- Breath Weapon: 13
- Rod/Staff/Spell: 12
Class Abilities[edit]
Special Abilities
- Heatvision
- Stonelore
- Cooking
- Gambling
- Intimidation
- Sense Motive
Weapon Feats
- Sword, Normal
- Battle Axe
- Warhammer
- Dagger
- Languages:
- ITEM Cost Enc
- War Hammer 5 GP 50
- Battle Axe 7GP 60
- Scale Mail 30 GP 300
- Backpack 5GP 20
- 2 Waterskin 2 GP 30x2-60 (full)
- 50’ Rope 1GP 50
- dried rations 30 GP 70
- Flask of Oil 2GP 10
- Tinder Box 3GP 5
- 5 Torches 1GP 100
- Long Cloak 1GP 15
- Plain Boots 2GP 10
- Peasant Clths 5sp 20
- Belt 2sp 5*
- Purse 5sp 2*
Total 90 GP, 2sp 725 Remaining 49G, 8s
- Money: 49G, 8s
- Total Encumbrance: 725cn
- Move: 30
The Graystrike clan lies deep in the Southern Mountains, on the other end of the Great Desert. They are known to many for their crafts and their pride, as are many dwarven homes. It was little surprise that Goran, son of Madug, went into the Citadel for fortune and fame—many a young dwarf will do reckless things to gain status and money for a wife and a claim. It was (sadly) not too surprising that Goran didn’t come back—after all, dungeoneering is a dangerous business. But when there was a reward offered? Well suddenly clan politics got interested. Quartz, fourth son of Kyllig, was just a laborer and mercenary, but he was close to Oakhurst, as well as the fine combination of competent but expendable. If Quartz can get in and find out what happened to Goran (with some lucre on the side), fantastic! The Kyllig family will had a debt owed by the Madugs. If not? Well, the inheritance fight just got a bit easier…
Appearance: Quartz is a tanned dwarf, as he works a lot with “Overlanders” as hired muscle and guide for merchant crews and adventurers. He’s shaved bald, with a massive coal-black beard to make up for it. His eye are quiet but alert pale blue pools, and his nose hints at more than a few breaks and barfights.