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Name: Jared Mendoza

Callsign: None

Player: Bearclaw

Origin: Clever Investigator

Class: Sleuth 3/Wheelman 1/Soldier 1/Field Analyst 2

Reputation: 2

Age: 32

Height: 5'10" (177cm)

Weight: 155 (70.5 K)

Eyes: Green

Hair: Black

Backstory: Jared Mendoza was born June 11, 1976, in Twin Falls Idaho. His mother Megan Cowlitz was happy, and his father, Henry Mendoza was soon to be bored. Megan was a pretty regular middle class small town girl. Her parents, Dave and Marie, had saved for college and tried to keep her out of trouble. Henry Mendoza was trouble. He never met his father and his mother, Mandy, pretty much gave up by the time he was 13.

Megans' parents bought her a small house with her college money, and she waited tables, did day care, or whatever other job came around to feed them. She had boyfriends, but never anyone she liked enough to move into her house. She never got over Henry. Henry kept up his child support, more or less, always catching up if he got behind. He would blow into town for a few days every few months, and usually stay with Megan, and usually had a lot of cash to spend. He was a gambler, and a truck driver, and did a few other things, but never seemed to be anything for very long. Jared's role models were Grampa Dave, who owned a paving company, and Uncle Rico, Henry's brother. Rico was a cop in Boise. He never married or seemed to have a steady girlfriend, and would come to Twin Falls for Jared's ball games and races and birthdays and such.

Jared enjoyed his childhood mostly. He was an excellent student, especially enjoying science classes. He played sports but wasn't a standout. Not strong enough for football, not tall enough for basketball and too impatient for baseball, he found he could beat his friends in a race of any kind. He found that he most enjoyed moto-cross racing so that's what he did with most of his spare time all through high school. Jared started dating Holly DeVeroux at the beginning of Senior Year, and by graduation they were engaged. They (mostly their parents and grand parents) agreed that they should finish school before they married. So, Holly stayed in town, attending Mister Juans College of Hair Design, and Jared went to Boise State, where he studied Criminal Justice.

Jared and Holly lasted about a year before nights alone became to much for Holly. Jared wasn't really too busted up, as he was busy with school and working as an intern for the Idaho state police. He stayed mostly single until the end of his junior year, when he began dating Barbarah McGee. Barb was also planning on a life in public service, with a double major in Sociology and Social Work. They worked and studied together and when they graduated, Barb got a job with the Nevada Department of Human Services, working in Reno. Jared was planning on getting on with the Boise police, or maybe even trying to get a state police job stationed in Twin Falls. But, as he hadn't got past a first interview yet, he sent off resumes to all of the police agencies around Reno and ended up being hired by Reno PD.

His ability was obvious when compared to most of the other cops around him, and he quickly rose past his "Rookie" status. When a spot opened up for a Pursuit School Jared was picked over many more senior officers, to the irritation of many. He took his detective test exactly 12 months after he started, passing, and becoming the youngest detective in Reno PD history, also creating friction with some of the old-timers.

After almost two years as a detective, when he'd finally settled in to his job and the other detectives quit treating him like a kid, two major events happened. First, he found that Barb had been screwing a co-worker for a while, as well as hooking up with the occasional random guy. She didn't want to break up, but after catching her, Jared couldn't even look at her. About the time that had shaken down and he got settled in his own apartment, his father was murdered. His body was found in the desert outside of Las Vegas, with two bullet holes in his head. The case has still never been solved.

While his fathers case was being investigated, Jared became friends with the detective, Richard Wolf. Rich told him several times that he was wasting his ability being the smartest detective in Reno, and should move to Las Vegas where he can do some good. Between his fathers murder, the crappy pay of Reno PD and the fact that he ran into Barb wherever he went, he decided that Vegas would be a good move. So, he took a job as the youngest detective on the Las Vegas PD vice squad.

After two years of pimps, whores, card counters, drug dealers, rigged slots, and internet porn, Jared got promoted to LVPD's new anti-gang task force. This included training with the FBI on organized crime and it's relations to local gangs and SWAT high threat arrest training. It was exactly the high risk high reward job Jared was looking for. In 2004 Jared became the youngest detective sergeant on the LVPD, and was decorated for bravery and for outstanding performance. His superiors were amazed at how easily people would confess the most terrible things to Jared, and how fearlessly Jared would go through a door, shot-gun at the ready.

In 2005, he asked for and received a years leave of absence to attend Cal-State Fresno's new Masters in Forensic Science program. After finishing he went back to LVPD as a CSI. He enjoyed the work and did it well but after a year spent mostly in the lab, he really wanted to get back on the street. When his old friend Rich retired from Homicide, he pulled a few strings to get Jared brought in as his replacement. At 31, he was again the youngest guy in his Division, but he was used to it. He already had a reputation, and knew most of the guys from his time as CSI.

A month ago Jared was promoted to lieutenant. Again, youngest on the force. And last week, he got a new case dropped in his lap....

Subplots: Mystery (His father's murder), Romance (TBD)


STR 12 (+1)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 10 (+0)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 15 (+2)

CHA 12 (+1)

Derived Values[edit]

Action Dice: 2d6

Vitality Points: 23

Wound Points: 10

Fortitude: +4

Reflexes: +8

Willpower: +10

Stress Threshold: 15

Subdual Threshold: 10

Knowledge Check: +10

Request Check: +8

Gear Check: +9

Defense: 12

Initiative: +7

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Unarmed: +6

Melee: +6

Ranged: +7

Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Handgun (forte), Shotgun (forte), Unarmed

Primary Weapon: Remington Model 870P 12g (Damage 5d4, E/T 1/20, Ammo 7S40, Rec 25, Rng 30 ft., SZ/H S/2h, Qualities DEP, DST, IMP, TKD, Upgrades: none)

Secondary Weapon: S&W 5906 9mm P (Damage 1d10+1, E/T 1/20, Ammo 15M4, Rec 15, Rng 25 ft., SZ/H D/1h, Qualities CMP, Upgrades: ?)

Armor and Protective Gear: Raid Jacket (Armor Type P, DR 2/4, Resistances -, DP +0, ACP +0, Speed -, Notice/Search DC 18D, Upgrade: ?)

Speed: 30 ft.


Acrobatics +3/+4 (2 Ranks, +1 STR/+2 DEX, Result Cap 20)

Analysis +16/+15 (10 Ranks, +3 INT/+2 WIS, +3 Insight bonus, Result Cap 50, Threat 18-20)

Athletics +5/+4 (4 Ranks, +1 STR/+0 CON, Result Cap 30)

Bureaucracy +3 (2 Ranks, +1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Computers +4 (1 Rank, +3 INT, Result Cap 20)

Cultures (North America, Central America) +4 (1 Rank, +3 INT, Result Cap 20)

Drive (Standard/Personal Ground Vehicles, Animals) +8 (6 Ranks, +2 DEX, Result Cap 30)

Electronics +4/+3 (1 Rank, +3 INT/+2 WIS, Result Cap 20)

Impress +3 (2 Ranks, +1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Intimidate +8/+9 (7 Ranks, +1 STR/+2 WIS, Result Cap 40)

Investigation +14/+13 (10 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, +2 Insight bonus, Result Cap 50, Threat 19-20)

Mechanics +4/+3 (1 Rank, +3 INT/+2 WIS, Result Cap 20)

Medicine +12/+10 (6 Ranks, +3 INT/+2 WIS, +3 Insight bonus, Result Cap 30, Threat 18-20)

Networking +7/+6 (5 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Notice +4 (0 Ranks, +2 WIS, +2 Insight bonus, Result Cap 15, +2 Error)

Profession (Police Detective) +2 (1 Rank, +1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Resolve +5/+7 (5 Ranks, +0 CON/+2 WIS, Result Cap 30)

Science (Chemistry, Pharmacology, Genetics) +8 (5 Ranks, +3 INT, Result Cap 30)

Search +12 (9 Ranks, +3 INT, Result Cap 50)

Security +7 (2 Ranks, +3 INT, +2 Insight bonus, Result Cap 20, Threat 19-20)

Sense Motive +10/+9 (8 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 40)

Sneak +7/+6 (5 Ranks, +2 DEX/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Streetwise +7/+6 (5 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Survival +3/+2 (1 Rank, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Tactics +3/+2 (1 Rank, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Interests: Racing (anything), Italian Cooking, Horseback riding, Martial Arts


Origin Abilities: +2 with skill checks to determine surprise, +2 insight bonus with Reflex checks, 2 free hints per session, +2 insight bonus with Analysis and Notice checks

Class Abilities: CSI, Custom Ride, Fight On, Human Nature, Keen, Little Details (1/session), Priority Request (Electronics or Resources), Sources I, Sympathetic

Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Examiner), Always Get Your Man, CQB Basics, Daredevil, Examiner, Private Eye, my Boom Stick!


Lifestyle: 2

Possessions: 4 (2 Caliber I slots, 15 common items)

Spending Cash: 2 ($400)

Currently Carrying:

Remington Model 870P 12g III (7.3 lbs., 30 XP)

S&W Model 5906 9mm P II (Use stats for H&K USP 9mm P, 2 Upgrades, 1.7 lbs., 20 XP)

Raid Jacket II (1 Upgrade, 7 lbs., 20 XP)

Tactical Radio I (1 lbs. each, 10 XP)

Forensics Kit I (10 lbs., 10 XP)

handcuffs, 20 zip ties (1 lbs., 2 XP)

Total Weight: 28 lbs.


Current Condition[edit]

-6 vitality points

10 stress damage