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Name: Peter Garcia

Player: Kai Tave

Origin: Resolute Investigator

Class: Sleuth 4/Pointman 4

Reputation: 2







The youngest of four children (two brothers and a sister), Peter's early years were rough-and-tumble ones. The neighborhood where he grew up suffered from unemployment and a lack of urban development, but his parents were always able to make ends meet. In school, Peter was bright but unfortunately gifted with a strong temper (from his mother's side of the family) and an unwillingness to back down from confrontations. It took several parent-teacher meetings to bring Peter's impulses in check, and even then it seemed like hardly a month went by when he wouldn't get written up for fighting, but his grades remained high.

In high school, following the encouragement of his uncle, Peter made his decision to join the police force. With a sense of purpose, Peter managed to reign in his temper and dedicate himself to his studies. After graduating from high school, he was able to obtain a scholarship to UNLV, where he completed a degree in criminal justice and applied, and was accepted to, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Following his stint as a patrol officer, Peter was promoted to detective and assigned to the homicide division, where he's worked since.

Peter's greatest strengths are his keen observational skills and his unrelenting tenacity. It's this combination that's helped him crack a number of cases, and word is that he's being considered for another promotion soon, although Peter is just as happy where he is.

Peter is a lapsed Catholic, to the chagrin of his parents (although they don't complain about it...too much). He hasn't married yet (something that his mother DOES complain about more frequently), citing the responsibilities of his job as a reason, although he has had a string of girlfriends. He's currently dating Rebecca Sunderland, who works as an manager at the Las Vegas Hilton hotel.




STR 12 (+1)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 12 (+1)

Derived Values[edit]

Action Dice: 2

Vitality Points: 42

Wound Points: 14

Fortitude: +5

Reflex: +5

Will: +12

Defense: 15

Initiative: +5

Base Attack Bonus: +6

Unarmed: +7

Melee: +7

Ranged: +7

Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt (Forte), Handgun (Forte), Shotgun, Unarmed

Primary Weapon: Glock 22 .40, Damage 1d12, E/T 1/20, Ammo 17M3, Rec 20, Rng 25 ft., SZ/H D/1h, Qualities CMP, TKD, Wgt 1.4 lbs. Upgrades: Shoulder Holster

Secondary Weapon: Light Club, Damage 1d6+2 Subdual, E/T 1/20, SZ/H T/1h, Wgt 3 lbs.

Armor and Protective Gear: Duty Vest IIA, Partial, DR 1/3, DP +0, ACP +0, Notice/Search DC 24, Wgt 3.5 lbs.

Speed: 30 ft.


Analysis +11/+10 (5 Ranks, +3 WIS/+2 INT, Result Cap 30, Threat 19-20)

Athletics +12/+11 (10 Ranks, +2 CON/+1 STR, Result Cap 50)

Cultures (North America (Mexico)) +3 (1 Rank, +2 INT, Result Cap 20)

Drive (Standard Ground Vehicles) +4 (3 Ranks, +1 DEX, Result Cap 20)

Impress +6 (5 Ranks, +1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Intimidate +8/+6 (5 Ranks, +3 WIS/+1 STR, Result Cap 30)

Investigation +16/+14 (11 Ranks, +3 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 50, Threat 19-20)

Manipulate +9/+6 (5 Ranks, +3 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Notice +17 (11 Ranks, +3 WIS, Result Cap 50, Threat 19-20)

Profession (Police Detective (Homicide)) +2 (1 Rank, +1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Resolve +14/+13 (11 Ranks, +3 WIS/+2 CON, Result Cap 55)

Science (Chemistry) +2 (0 Ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 15)

Search +15 (11 Ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 50, Threat 19-20)

Security +7 (3 Ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 20, Threat 19-20)

Sense Motive +14/+12 (11 Ranks, +3 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 50)

Sneak +6 (5 Ranks, +1 DEX/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Streetwise +8/+6 (5 Ranks, +3 WIS/+1 CHA)

Interests: Action Movies, Basketball, Classic Cars, Poker


Origin Abilities: 1/session improve NPC's disposition by one rank, Resolve always a class skill and +5 to Result Cap, +3 insight bonus to Will, 2/session get a free hint, +3 insight bonus to Analysis and Notice

Class Abilities:

Sympathetic: Your primary focus is personal investigation and detective work. Each time you spend 1 action die to boost a Charisma- or Wisdom-based skill check, you roll and add the results of 2 dice (e.g. a Level 1 Sleuth’s bonus of 1d4 becomes 2d4).

Human Nature: You can read most people like an open book. At Level 1, each time you fail an Investigation or Sense Motive check and don’t suffer an error, you still succeed as long as the check DC (or your opponent’s check result) is equal to or less than your class level + 20. If several grades of success are possible, you achieve only the lowest possible positive result.

Sources I: You have access to a large network of street informants, criminal snitches, journalists, and other information sources. At Level 2, you may spend 1 hour consulting these sources — in person or by phone — to make a Request check for a dossier without spending action dice. Further, your class level is added to the roll instead of your career level. This Request check takes place outside Faction channels and ignores all Faction restrictions, such as the organization’s Tools Rating (see page 394). You may use this ability a number of times per session equal to your starting action dice.

Little Details: Your uncanny awareness of your surroundings is a striking advantage in combat. At Level 3, once per session, you may make an Athletics/Smash check, or a Disarm, Feint, or Tire action, as a free action. At Levels 7, 11, 15, and 19, you may use this ability 1 additional time per session, though you may never use it more than once during any single round.

Bonus Feat: At Levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20, you gain 1 additional Basic Skill or Style feat.

Versatility: One of your greatest strengths is your facility with new skill sets. At Level 1, you may choose 4 cross-class skills to become Pointman class skills for you.At Levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, you may choose 1 additional cross-class skill to become a Pointman class skill for you.

Assistance I: You can streamline any group activity, though at some risk. At Level 2, you may increase the error range of a teammate’s skill check by 1 to reduce the time required to make the check to 1/2 standard (rounded up, minimum 5 minutes). This ability may target any skill check except one made as part of a Dramatic Conflict (see page 362). Further, you may assist only 1 teammate at a time. You may not perform any other non-free actions when using this ability.

Lead: You’re a born leader whose tutoring ability can bring out the best in anyone. At Level 3, once per session when making a team skill check, you may choose which teammate makes the check. Alternately, as a half action, you may share any focus or weapon proficiency you possess with one of your teammates or allies until the end of the current session. At Levels 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19, you may use this ability 1 additional time per session.

Orders I: Your commands carry incredible weight. At Level 4, once per session as a free action, you may advise a number of allies up to your Charisma modifier + 1 (minimum 1). These instructions must be specific, such as “Cover Molly while she gets the door open!” as opposed to “Help Molly!” While carrying out this order, each teammate and ally who can see or hear you gains a +1 synergy bonus with all skill checks made in support of the order (per the GC’s discretion). You also gain this bonus when making a skill check that supports your own order. If you’re the only character to benefit, you need not speak to use this ability.


Armor Basics: You’ve trained with body armor and are quite comfortable in it, even during combat. Benefits: Choose 1 armor type: partial, moderate, or full. While you wear armor of the chosen type, its statistics are adjusted as follows.

Partial Armor: DR vs. melee weapons increases by 1, Defense penalty decreases by 2 (minimum 0), ACP decreases by 1 (minimum 0), Notice/Search DC increases by 4.

Club Basics: You’re here to administer some severe blunt trauma. Prerequisites: Weapon proficiency (Blunt). Benefits: When holding a readied club, you may convert lethal damage to subdual damage and vice versa at no penalty. Further, you may use an improvised club without suffering the standard –2 penalty with your attack checks. Finally, you gain the following stance and trick.

Furious Stance (Stance): At the end of each round while you’re in this stance, your Initiative Count increases by the number of melee attacks you made during the round.

Out of the Park (Trick): You may make a full-action Standard Attack with a club, gaining a +2 bonus with your attack check and damage. Your threat range with this attack increases by 2.

CQB Basics: You’ve trained extensively with “up close and personal” weapons. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1 or higher. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus with ranged attack checks and damage against targets within CQB Range. Further, when you hold a readied ranged weapon, you gain a +2 gear bonus with skill checks made as part of a Threaten action. Finally, you don’t suffer the standard –4 penalty and your error range does not increase when making a ranged attack out of melee.

Observer: Your Mark 1 Eyeball has always been pretty sharp. Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus with all skill and Knowledge checks made with Notice and Search. Further, your base threat range with these skills becomes 19–20.

Private Eye: Why do they even try keeping secrets from you? Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus with all skill and Knowledge checks made with Investigation and Security. Further, your base threat range with these skills becomes 19–20.


Lifestyle: 2 (2 bedroom apartment, Caliber I vehicle, -1 Appearance modifier)

Possessions: 7 (Glock 22 .40 II (Shoulder Holster), Duty Vest IIA II (Personal Tailoring), Light Club I, Forensics Kit I, Radio I, cell-phone, pack of gum, Leatherman multitool, roll of duct tape, flashlight, voice recorder, notepad, pens, roll of quarters, zip ties, watch, energy bar, LVMPD badge, handcuffs, blood and gunshot residue testing chemicals, UV flashlight)

Spending Cash: 1 ($100)

Currently Carrying[edit]

Glock 22 and magazines, collapsible baton, LVMPD badge, notepad and pens, cellphone, Leatherman multitool, handcuffs, watch.

Current Condition[edit]

-18 vitality points

-17 9mmP rounds
