Friet Fireear
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A character in the Wilderlands Hex Crawl IV B/X Campaign.
Friet Fireear[edit]
- Neutral Halfling 5
- XP: 178055/32,000
- 275 (OOC 281)
- 825 (OOC 320)
- 15 (OOC 408)
- 7 (OOC 445)
- 550 (OOC 457)
- 23 (OOC 470)
- 7 (OOC 504)
- 1320 (OOC 631)
- 40 (OOC 633)
- XP Bonus: 10%
- Backstory: He's not a notorious scoundrel yet, but he's trying.
- 13 STR (+1)
- 09 INT
- 08 WIS (-1)
- 18 DEX (+3 to hit with missiles, -3 AC bonus, +2 individual initiative adjustment)
- 12 CON
- 08 CHA (-1)
- HP: 30
- AC: 2 (0 against Lg creatures)
- Attack: THAC0 of 17
- Short bow: +4 to hit, 1d6 dmg (+3 to hit DEX, + 1 racial)
- Sword+1: 1d8+1 dmg
- Movement: 90/30/90
- Saves:
- 06 Death Ray or Poison
- 07 Magic Wands
- 08 Paralysation or Petrification
- 10 Dragon Breath
- 10 Rod, Stave, or Spell
Racial Abilities[edit]
- +1 missile to hit (stacks with DEX bonus)
- -2 to AC when attacked by creatures larger than Man-sized
- +1 initiative (stacks with DEX bonus)
- 90% chance of hiding outdoors in woods or underbrush
- Can hide in shadows in dungeon on roll of 1 or 2 on d6
Encumbrance 590
- Chain Mail Armor (AC 5, 400 cn)
- Sword +1 (1d8, 60 cn)
- Short Bow w/ 20 Arrows (1d6, 30 cn)
- Quiver w/ 20 Arrows
- 6 Silver-tipped Arrow
- Silver dagger (10 cn)
- Backpack (holds 400cn)
- 2 weeks Iron Rations (preserved, 1 person/1 week)
- 1 week Standard Rations (unpreserved, 1 person/1 week)
- 7 Flask of Oil
- 4 bunches of garlic
- 50' rope
- Small Sack (holds 200cn)
- Large Sack (holds 600cn)
- Tinder box/Flint and steel
- Torches (6)
- 2 Water skin
- 2 Wolfsbane (1 pouch)
- dwarven ring worth 500 gp
- 2 rubies worth 100 gp each
- 6 gp
Encumbrance 10 cn
- Silver tipped arrows x10
- Small sack
- Large sack
- Wolfsbane x2
- sack with 10 75 gp gems
On Areth's Mule (71 cn)
- small sack
- 2 gp
- 10 fairway coins (10 gp each)
- Sword +1