Fruit of the Vine:Hollan Seti:History

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Hollan Seti was 'born' in the Locus Ezkahiel, called Forge. Forge exists as a city-sized machine in the middle of the African Savannah. Humans within the Chancel have been replaced with sentient robots that now inherit the spirits the humans would have received upon 'birth'. The robotic population spends their days tirelessly creating new technological innovations; Ezkahiel knows that Prosaic Earth has lost 500 years of her history, and it wishes to make them up, releasing all Forge's marvels at once when they're ready. Of course, there's always one more device to be finished, one more advancement that’s under research, and the date of the glorious reveal keeps getting pushed back.

Seti was always a problem child for his mother. In a world where all eyes were expected to be fixed firmly upon the future, Seti just couldn’t keep his off the past. He was fascinated with the study of History, and was often caught reading and daydreaming about long dead cultures and forgotten wars when he was supposed to be creating computer programs.

Seti grew up an outcast; his programs were never revolutionary enough—always a few steps (or leaps) behind. He never fit in during the workers’ brief periods of recreation, either; while the other robots invented new languages for fun, he studied Sanskrit and Latin.

At last, the shunning and the disappointed looks grew too much for him; he longed to explore the outside world, to see the places where actual historical events took place, to peruse the libraries of the world! He knew the myths, that it was said no robot could ever leave Forge, that they would cease to function and dissolve into ice. But Hollan Seti didn’t care, anymore; he wanted his freedom, yes, but he was also aware of something greater stirring within: if he successfully left Forge, he would be the first—an Historic event!

And so, ready to make history, Seti packed his books, downloaded his files, and stepped through the exit.

He materialized inside a giant satellite dish, with the open blue sky above and an expanse of green and tan around him. For a single, exalted moment, Seti thought he was free. Then something happened; his perceptions began to waver. His joint servos grew erratic and unresponsive. He looked in horror at his hand as it began to dissolve into metallic ice!

This would have been the end of Hollan Seti’s tale but for one fateful fact: the Emperor just happened to be watching. Or, rather, his divine perceptions were led towards that spot prophetically. Nevertheless, the Power of Metal had recently been murdered, and he was looking for a replacement. What being, he wondered, could possibly be better suited to safeguarding the Estate of Metal than one who was born of its steely flesh? A shard of the Imperator was thrust into Seti’s heart, transforming his metallic flesh into the essence of the divine, and making him a permanent part of reality.
