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Fury is a large gas giant in the Blue Sun System.
It has dozens of moons, but only four have been terraformed.
- Coldstone is an icy moon with rich sea life under the frozen surface. Its strong tidal forces cause fissures and impromptu ice mountain ranges to erupt along its equatorial region making that region unsafe. However in the northern hemisphere several settlements take advantage of the sea life.
- Blackwood by contrast finds reflected light from Fury and Blue Sun to provide its rich forests with abundant light. Fertile soil has resulted in heavy forest content as well as rapid growing seasons. Several lumber camps, and other settlements exist on the small moon. It also has some rich mountain coffee plantations.
- Seventh Circle is just finishing its terraforming processes. The moon is being groomed for grain and fruit based agriculture. The terraforming is currently in the soil enrichment stage. During this stage organic materials are seeded across the moon and accelerated using chemical and physical means.
- Yànwō (Bird's Nest) is a privately owned moon. It is owned by You-Ge owner and chairman of You-Go Enterprises. You Ge has also offered Yànwō as neutral ground and a meeting place for the MZC to conduct meetings regarding policies, negotiation and trade. His substantial estate on the moon has a wing dedicated to the governing body.
- Summer 2522 - Has become a sort of intellectual center for Blue Sun. Yanwo’s residential facilities (the You Ge Mansion) has been converted to the You-Ge Foundation. It’s hydrogen processing center is now run by Qing Long (QL) Gas (a small independent fuel company serving the Blue Sun System). The Foundation has been generally supportive of the attempts to bring Blue Sun under a single, open government.