GM Commentarys
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Take a gander here to see commentaries on each issue and references for Easter Eggs and story ideas from where they were "re-imagined". Note, while not spoilers specifically - these notes will give some "behind the scenes" ideas and details.
***NOTE*** - If you have questions or comments PLEASE feel free to add them in.
Age of Wonders - the AVENGERS 1888[edit]
issue #1[edit]
- M&M presents:
October 19, 2007.
- This issue and arc were inspired by the original Avengers Comics Issue #5 story.
- This story is a 3 issue adventure arc of the "invasion" from the Magma-Men. I planned for 3 sessions but was prepared to go 4-5, since our sessions tend to be shorter on the weeknight at only 3-4 hours. It worked nicely into 3 sessions. Although I sort of felt like the 3rd session seemed rushed with less role-playing than I liked. The main impetus for finishing the arc by session 3 was that Wasp's player (John) would be leaving the group, due to family needs.
It's of interesting note that the Avengers tend to do this ALL THE TIME, coming in and out of the team. The first "founding member" to leave the Avenger's Comic was The Hulk, who really wasn't given a fair shake at BEING an Avenger since Loki (through writers Kirby/Lee) used his in the first 5-10 issues as a sort of antagonist for the team. - Opening Cut-Away Scene: the Horrible Case of Bloody Jack - these scenes have opened on the scenes of "the Ripper" murders. These scenes are fun to begin the game sessions. Taking the first 5-10 minutes, I describe a "scene" for which the "audience" of our comic tales would see, that are "firewalled" by the players since their characters don't have first hand knowledge of the scene.
In this issue's "cut-away" Bloody Jack is breifly described when he takes the re-imagined version of Marvel Comic's Stilt-Man off his game (stealing the clock hands of Big Ben!) and knocks him to the ground - then cuts through his armor into his skull.
This cut-away tends to suggest the killer takes or eats the C-Tier Villain's brains!
This idea takes the original Jack the Ripper history and replaces the social-lite victim with a supervillain "man of renown"! - Gathered together by the Queen - personally I HATE role-playing games that are cobbled together by "a mission" with a benefactor. I felt though, with the vastly different backgrounds of these Avenger heroes that I could use a bit of the old mission idea. I did this slightly by putting the PCs into scene in a slow "media-res" as the heroes are already headed toward the mission. I also included a neat prop for the letter from the queen with a neat "charter" page that all the heroes actually decided to SIGN in real-life in game session (issue) #3, which is the climax of the first story arc.
- Sir Nicholas "the Fury" Dee arranged the team as the liason to the Queen from S.H.I.E.L.D. - Fury is a classic Marvel staple, I "re-imagined" him as an advisor to the queen but also hinting that he is the descendant (or perhaps the original) Dee who was advisor to Queen Elizabeth and the original creating of a team of renown called the Imperials that is loosely based on Marvel Comic's Defenders. An interesting note is that our newest team member, Dr. Strange, notes in his origin that he is a descendant of Dee! Jefferson noted this prior to knowing my full background on Fury.
- Along the train toward the Isle the train is attacked by strange "Moleoid" beasts... This was a neat Easter Egg homage to the Mole-Man's upcoming origin story (in issue #3) with the changes being that the Mole-Creatures looking more like the creatures from the old Mole-People movies. In this incarnation, they were still mostly docile but they had been driven from their sea coast homes due to the super-heated shores that the Magma-Men were causing. They were essentially running from the heat and coincidentally ran into the train which the new Avengers were on. Coincidence? SURE! Butthis is a comic book!! :)
- The massive hole that has destroyed the Osbourne House. This interesting bit is straight out of real-life and game synchronicity! The Osbourne House hints at Nathan Osbourne (the Green Goblin) but just happens to be the real name of the Queen's summer house. It was a perfect fit in my background research to be the spot of the first British dimensional hole. I've already mentioned Osbourne in the weekly news broadsheets, noting he is the minister of defense for the Queen. How he will be involved in the future will be influenced if a new player joins us as Spider-Man.
- Determining descression might be the better part of valor, the team retreats to search for answers, answers they believe will be had by Henry Pym...! This was neat, as it was the first time in our new game inwhich the PCs really took the world into their own by considering that the world is full of knowledgable people and wanted to seek out Pym. This led to the next issue when they also spoke with Anthony Starkweather (Iron Man) and telegraphed Richard Reeds (Mr. Fantastic). I love when players explore the world like this...
- Last note, the aka. for the Magma-Men became "the Stone-Apes" when Wasp (John) started calling them that. I LOVE player created nicknames and such. It really extends the world for me. Simply calling EVERY NPC or thing by it's designated title given from the GM seems less realistic to me. I encourage this and because I do I took up the name and will use it synonomisly.
issue #2[edit]
- M&M presents:
November 4, 2007.
- Opening Cut-Away Scene: the Horrible Case of Bloody Jack - Ripper Recap PART II - these scenes have opened on the scenes of "the Ripper" murders.
- Rushing back to London to find Pym in hopes of explanation or aid, the team learns that Pym had formerly been working in Paris with a mechanics group but now has been relocated to work with Starkweather.
- Lady Van Dyne telegraphs Starkweather to arrange his aid in finding Pym. Even though it is late at night when they arrive, the Wasp's allure aids entrance to Starkweather's home.
- The team learns that Pym is working on Starkweather's new textile factory machines and has a "laboratory" in Whitechapel. Starkweather gives the Avengers the apartment address and notes on the location his investigators have learned where Pym frequents a brothel and opium den.
- When the Avengers arrive at Pym's apartment they find the entire floor has been seemingly condemned and boarded over. After some investigation the team learns that Pym has reduced everything (using his "Pym Perfumes") within the apartments to a mini-city so that he can have immense areas for his colonies of insects and his lab work.
- After minor dealings with the Pym Perfumes and insects the team search to find Pym not there. Lady Van Dyne retires for the evening as Argonaut and the Marshal seek Pym at the opium den...
- Pym had struck the ire of the den's owners and now was being beaten by tough ruffins, but Marshal America saves the scientist before breaking his nose himself for his bad behavour.
- Pym wakes the next morning in the cells of the Tower of London. The team interogate him until they're satisfied that he's not directly responsible for the events on the Isle of Wight. But they learn much from the scientist about the natures and connections of the trenches and mythology and the faerie realms.
- During these discussions, Commander Dee brings to the attention of the team the appearance of at least 8 total of these 200 meter holes in different parts of the world and across the Empire. Argonaut speculates that these holes are actually forming Antipodes on the opposite sides of the globe from one another!
- Together Pym and Argonaut guess that the strange "Menhir" with the odd silver etched symbols in them, reportedly on the edges of these holes have some sort of powering mechanism or something...
- To end this issue the group makes plans to assault the Magma-Men, hoping to capture the large rock at the center of the disturbance believing that it is a key to the invasions!
- Antipode Calculator
- TEAM ROSTER: Marshal America, the Wasp, Argonaut
- ISSUE CAMEOS/MENTIONED: Anthony Starkweather (and his iron armored bodyguard), Virginia "Pepper" Potts (executive secretary to Starkweather), Edwin Jarvis (butler to Starkweather)
- TOTAL CURRENT Level & Experience: PL8; 125pp
See you next time True Believers!
issue #3[edit]
- M&M presents:
November 16, 2007.
GM: KEVIN- PREVIEW: ... ??? ...
- TEAM ROSTER: Marshal America, the Wasp, Argonaut
- TOTAL CURRENT Level & Experience: PL8; 125pp
See you next time True Believers!