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Set (Seth, Setesh) is the Egyptian God of the infertile desert. Lord of Storm and Chaos, he is inextricable linked to Horus whose left eye he ripped out (to become the moon). In exchange, Horus ripped off Set's testicles, leading to his infertility. Set's head is a composite of a jackal and an aardvark and he is linked to the colour red, thereby being associated with foreigners.

Powers Styles Attitudes
  5 - (P) Casually Overpower Mortals  
  4 - (P) Dry as Dust 4 - Sensual
3 - Super-Strength 3 - "You Know You Want to" 3 - Understanding
2 - Dust Storm 2 - Savage Fighter 2 - Sly
1 - Insubstantial 1 - (P) Mythical Resonance 1 - Vindictive
Obsession: 1 Pride: 2 Power: 2 Despair: 3 Fear: 1
0 0 0 0 0