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Real Name Galan

Aliases Maker, Devourer of Worlds, Eater-of-Worlds, Ravager of Worlds

Occupation Planet Destroyer

Citizenship The planet Taa in the previous universe

Place of Birth (Galan) Taa; (Galactus) the Cosmic Egg

Known Relatives Unnamed parents from previous universe; Death and Eternity have been described as his figurative brother and father

Group Affiliation Served by a series of heralds; occasional member of Cosmic Tribunal Education Billions of years of cosmic experience

History Originally named Galan of the planet Taa, Galactus is the sole survivor of the Big Crunch of the universe that existed prior to the current Earth-616 Universe.

Galan was a space explorer investigating the impending end of his universe. Eventually, Taa was engulfed by a radiation plague that killed almost all its inhabitants. At the last second, Galan escapes the doomed planet in a star-ship with a few other survivors. Rather than perish from the lethal radiation that had extinguished all life across the universe, Galan proposes to his crewmates that they pilot their craft directly into the center of the Big Crunch. As he approaches the Cosmic Egg — the focal point of the Big Crunch and the source of the exterminating radiation — his ship and crew are promptly destroyed. At the moment Galan's universe meets its end, the incarnation of that reality's Phoenix Force amasses the positive emotions of all living beings in the cosmos to preserve them from eternal damnation, enabling the Sentience of the Universe —that universe's incarnation of Eternity— to meet with Galan.[2][3] Within the Cosmic Egg the Sentience of the Universe reveals itself to Galan and informs him that though they both will die in the impending cataclysm, they will survive through a joint heir born into the next universe. The Sentience of the Universe then merges itself with the mortal Galan, establishing Galan as the sole survivor of the ensuing Big Crunch. This union ultimately leads to his rebirth in the current universe as Galactus.[4] After the birth of the current reality, Galactus gestates in a cocoon of cosmic energy to complete his metamorphosis, and after millions of years emerges as an entity of vast cosmic power who is essential and intrinsic to the newly formed universe.[5]

Galactus is considered one of the five essential entities within the Marvel Universe alongside Eternity, Death, Infinity, and Oblivion. Galactus has been referred to as the "third force of the universe"[6] alongside Eternity and Death. Eternity and Death consider Galactus a peer and a sibling, with Death actually referring to Galactus on one occasion as "husband, father, brother, and son."[7]

It is later suggested that Galactus's metaphysical counterpart is the entity the In-Betweener,

The Devourer of Worlds

Galactus roams the universe in search of planets to sustain himself.Existing since the beginning of the current Marvel-616 universe, Galactus maintains his existence by devouring planets that have the potential for supporting life. He has consumed countless planets, resulting in the elimination of entire extra-terrestrial civilizations. For this purpose, Galactus usually employs a Herald (see below) to scour the universe in search for suitable planets.

Upon pinpointing the requisite planetary body, the herald will signal Galactus, resulting in the Devourer's arrival on the world's surface and the deployment of the Elemental Converter—a colossal machine capable of draining all life energy from the planet within minutes. While the Converter makes consumption of the planet's energy more efficient, Galactus is fully capable of devouring the planets without its aid.[9]

Due to his vast power and intrinsic, natural role in the universal order, Galactus considers himself a higher being than all non-abstracts, and as such has become more morally complex in recent decades, coming to embody a force of cosmic nature and proving to be a necessary being for the universe to exist. The entity Eternity once manifested itself before millions of aliens and allowed each to momentarily be part of the universe, and in that moment each being realizes that Galactus plays a vital and essential role in the universe

Galactus, PL 34

Str 40 (+15), Dex 8 (-1), Con 30 (+10), Int 50 (+20), Wis 30 (+10), Cha 10 (+0)

Height 28'9" (variable) Weight 18.2 tons (variable)

Skills: Computers +15 (35) Concentration +10 (20) Craft (Mechanical) +15 (35) Craft (Structural) +15 (35) Craft (Electronic) +15 (35) Gather Information +10 (10) Intimidate +20 (20) Knowledge (Technology) +15 (35) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +15 (35) Notice +5 (15) Search +20 (40)

Feats: Speed of Thought (5), Renown (10), Fearless, Fearsome Presence (20), Eidetic Memory, Sidekick [Herald (PL15)] (39), Steadfast (3), Talented [Craft Mechinical, Craft Construct]

Powers: Device 10 [body armor, hard to lose] [Feat:Indestructible, Protection 10 restricted to galactus ]; Growth 8 [Feat:Permanent]; Immunity 40 [(Aging, Cold Effects, Disease, Fire Effects, Pressure, Radiation, Starvation, Suffocation, Vacuum)]; Cosmic Energy Control 60 [(Alternate Powers: Boost 20 [Physical Abilities, One at a Time], Healing 60 [Extra: Total], Trasform 50 [Inanimate Objects into Inanimate Objects of the same Element]) Blast 60 or split to hit multilpe targets]; Super-Senses 15 [Detect Energy [Extended 10, Free Action, Ranged, Mental Sense])]

Equipment: Although Galactus is capable of space travel via his own power, he disdains the needless expenditure of power and prefers to travel in starships of his own design. Though Galactus has many different starships in his personal fleet his preferred long range vessel is his sphere-shaped starship (over a mile in diameter) which is capable of trans-light speeds and interdimensional travel. Galactus has even on rare occasions been shown to travel in his solar system-sized Worldship, Taa II

Combat: Attack +8 (+15 Blast, +8 unarmed), Damage +15 (unarmed), +60 (Blast), Defense +35 , Knockback -3, Initiative +20

Saves: Toughness +35, Fortitude +20, Reflex -1, Will +20

Flaws Needs planet energy to survive [Very Common (DC5) | Minor (DC5)]

Abilities 108 + Skills 39 (155 ranks) + Feats 76 + Powers 229 + Combat 40 + Saves 20 + Drawbacks -2 = Total 510

Powers Galactus possesses cosmic power beyond most forms of measurement (The Power Cosmic). He can levitate; restructure molecules; convert matter into energy and vice-versa; project energy with enormous concussive force; teleport himself, others, and objects across space, dimensions, and time; erect virtually impenetrable fields; restore others from any injury, even total disintegration; and endow or enhance powers within others. Even his heralds, imbued with the smallest fraction of his power, can manipulate matter and energy far beyond human comprehension. Though he generally avoids physical conflict, Galactus can bolster his own strength beyond any known system of measure. Galactus is telepathic, able to scan the thoughts of virtually any known being. To sustain his immense power, Galactus requires energies derived from a biosphere, a planet able to sustain living beings, though life does not actually have to be present. Though Galactus can extract and absorb this energy himself, he generally employs his immense Elemental Converter to perform the process, as it is far more efficient and avoids the expenditure required of him. Sometimes the planets on which he feeds are left barely habitable; other times he consumes all life and water, leaving it devastated and barren; most often the process reduces the planet to space rubble. When Galactus was newly formed, the energy of a medium-size Earth-like planet sustained him for over a century. Now he needs to feed about once a month; in addition, when preparing for a massive expenditure of energy, he may absorb planets more frequently to amplify his power stores. Conversely, when he does not feed within his allotted time, his energies will dwindle, and he will even begin to physically shrink as they drop dangerously low. His body totally converts the energies he absorbs for his life functions and activities without any waste products.

Though seemingly destroyed on several occasions, Galactus is always restored to full power eventually. In addition, despite being a physical being, Galactus can adopt a manifestation (M-Body) from the Dimension of Manifestations in order to commune with abstract beings, such as Death and Eternity.