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Galia Dark[edit]

  • Childhood Properties
  • Childhood is Not Bound By Reason 3
  • Childhood is Resilient 3
  • Childhood is Valued most by those who no longer have it 1

Passion/Skill Points[edit]

  • Passion: I desperately need to Destroy Everything (3)
  • Skill: Destruction (3)
  • Skill: Cool (2)

Aspect: 3[edit]

  • Shining Hero

Domain: 2[edit]

  • Viscount
  • 0 - Knowing when something endangers childhood (in a modern world, my Neverland Sense is going off a lot!)
  • 1 - Ghost Miracles of Childhood (for example, I often have a rag tag group of kids with me to vex adults, perhaps)
  • 2 - Shaping Childhood (helps me keep that Tween BS under control)
  • 3 - Protecting and Strengthening Childhood
  • 4 - Lesser Creations of Child Hood
  • 5 - Destroying or Banishing part of Childhood (I have denied Childhood to some as a punishment) Greater Miracles of Knowledge of Childhood
  • 6 - Greater Preservation of Childhood
  • 7 - Greater Creation of Childhood (a nation of Childhood, maybe I can pull that off)
  • 8 - Greater Destruction of Childhood (likewise, a nation without childhood, possibly, but it will hurt, and why the heck would I do that anyway!)
  • 9 - Greater Motion of Childhood

Secondary Domain Imagination: 1[edit]

Persona: 1[edit]

  • Bless or Curse a person's Childhood (or make children a curse or blessing to someone perhaps)

Treasure: 0[edit]

  • I got some remarkable, though ultimately mundane anchors. There is an elementary school that is the best of the best, and a Kindergarten Likewise, and that old man who plays Santa all Year Round (and who is, amazingly enough, not a molester of some sort), as well as that nice med student who is working to become a pediatrician. She's top of her class now!


  • Eternal: 3CP
  • Lucky: 1CP
  • Elusive: 1CP

Bonds and Afflictions[edit]

  • Bond: I hate to see Children Hurt (3)
  • Bond: I want everyone to realize how wonderful and magical Childhood is (3)
  • Bond: I really Like Candy (1)
  • Affliction: I am always a Child (3)
  • Affliction: My clothing and Possessions are always appropriate to my age (1)
  • Affliction: I cannot Talk to Strangers (1)
  • Affliciton: My Imagination can get away from me and is Dangerous when it does so (1)

Hi, I hear that you you have been using child soldiers. I could make every child hate you, and so ensure that you were killed by the very children that you so abused, which is poetic, but they really don't need that one more stain on their souls, so I am just going to pull all your limbs off and then kill you. From the Thought Record of Galia Dark

As I understand it the former Power of Childhood was a wonderful woman, a Mary Poppins like woman who worked to protect children and Childhood. A no nonsense sort of lady who was a rock on which Childhood was supported. I can’t find anyone who will say anything bad about her (well, the Power of Hurtful Gossip, but what would you expect).

That woman died in the act of helping to destroy an Execrutian, so it was a pyrrhic victory for one or both of them.

That is where I enter this story.

Galia Dark.

I sprung fully formed and adult from the slain Execrutian, a spoilsport weapon to wrought its vengeance. I don’t know if it was a good thing, but, well, being born knowing your purpose in life is nice. Everything is simple. You don’t have to ask yourself if you want to go to Art School or Med School, you just have to destroy everything around you.

But, that was not to be, for good or ill.

I had only been in existence for seconds when I was made the new Power of Childhood. I suppose Imperitors have an odd sense of humour.

One moment I was, I must say, a Sexy Beast, the next I was a three or four year old girl in a party dress and training pants. Fortunately having to be a three or four year old girl does not happen often, but even so, it was something of a shock at the time.

I suppose everyone chosen to be a Power of something feels the same way. I’m not going to complain about it. I am no longer an Engine of Destruction. Fine, I can live with that.

I don’t seem to be as well regarded as my predecessor. The people of the Chancel do not have much time for me. I don’t think they like me, I suppose some of them blame me, wrongly I assure you, for the death of the Previous Power of Childhood. It would be lonely, but for the Clockwork Army and the Ghost of the Execrutian.

The Clockwork Army has a marvelous toy vibe to them.

The Ghost is a jerk who criticizes me most of the time.

I think the Dark, or Hell, are trying to corrupt me. I think they have come to the conclusion that my original purpose might be reawakened in some way. Perhaps that I will have a world destroying temper tantrum. I could be wrong, so I don’t really talk about it.

Under the Light of the Noonday Sun I am at my oldest, the prepubescent state, where hints of your adult nature are visible, where people almost take you serious. Call it eleven or twelve (side note, I have declared war on the concept of the Tween. If I lose those three or four years I am going to be pissed!) On nights where there is no moon I am at my youngest, three, maybe four.

Otherwise my age seems to be directly correlated to how happy I am, which is good, cause usually being angry or sad is the best time for me to be at my oldest. Let me tell you, when you really want to pound someone’s face, that extra height, mass and arm length is wonderful. The bad part of that is that after achieving victory I am usually pretty happy...

Lucifer said to me, ‘Children are not evil, sadly, they are just selfish in their ignorance.’

I would have argued the point, but he had given me a lolipop and I had no intention of taking it from my mouth in case he tried to take it back.

From the Thought Record of Galia Dark