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Garlossh (gar-LOSH’) is a goblin of the Burnt Finger tribe. He stole Hyno once, hoping to give the dog to his chief to curry favor. Kaylob not only got Hyno back, but reduced Garlossh and stuck him in a gourd, filled the gourd with oil, and rolled the gourd back into his chief’s tent with a flaming rag on the end. It was all pretty funny.

Kaylob ran into Garlossh a couple years later, when he was passing through the lands of the Burnt Finger tribe. Garlossh vowed revenge, and set a cunning trap. He got some fellow goblins together and cooked this big deer haunches, set it on a plate with some garnish, and put it in a clearing on a hookline. When Kaylob grabbed up the meat, the line would trip, springing a nasty hook up out of the ground to catch Kaylob! But, Kaylob saw it, took a piece of garnish, and left the meat alone because he’s a vegan. So the goblins just jumped him instead.

Later on, Hyno and Zipponra got to have a nice little snack.

Midnight: the SCROLL BEARERS