Gates to the Garden:Sister Adelia
Sister Adelia Hamilton[edit]
Second daughter of Virgil Hamilton, the well-known and well-respected travelling physician. Unlike her sister Hester, Adelia wasn't bothered by the sight of blood or injury, and so necessity quickly pressed her into the role of assistant to her father.
Strong History
Acuity 3 Body 3 Heart 2 Will 5
I'm not terribly strong, but I know how to hit where it hurts 2d6
I don't flinch from anyone or anything. 1d10
I can handle a rifle 1d6
I'm a Dog 1d10
Field surgeon 1d10
There's nothing I hate more than drunkards 1d8
Death doesn't bother me. The King giveth, the King taketh away. 1d8
I'm good with numbers and figures 1d8
I'm very good at hiding when the situation calls for it. 1d8
Criticism gets me all riled up 1d6
I didn't cry over the death of a friend 1d6
I learned mountaineering the hard way 1d4
Blood 1d6
My father taught me how to save peoples' lives. He's also a drunk and a hypocrite, and I resent spending my childhood being his orderly. 1d4
My older sister was always there to listen to my outbursts. 1d8
Father Abraham, who gave me the notion to join the Dogs. 1d6
Christopher Malachi, town doctor's son from a few towns down the road; we were about the same age growing up 1d6
Brother Eli, a failed Dog trainee with connections to the Mountain Folk around the town of Two Mile Cut 1d6
Unassigned Relationship Dice: 1d8
Flask of whiskey (painkillers?) 1d4
Haversack full of bandages 1d6
A small rifle 1d6
My Dog's Coat - full-length, dark brown (so bloodstains don't stand out) with a blue hem and an elaborate white Tree of Life stitched on the back 1d8
My copy of the book of life and some consecrated earth 1d6