Giganta PL12

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Power Level: 12 Concept: Brogangian bombshell Dual Identity: none Base of Operations: mobile Group affiliation: the Secret Society Nationality: gorilla city occupation: supervillain height: 7'2" weight: 280 lbs eyes: blue hair: red

Str 20, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 17 (13 total, see below)

Init +2 ; Defense 16 (+4 base, +2 dex); Spd 30/110 ft; Base Attack +3; Atk +8 melee (+9s,'5 reach / +17s, 45' reach ), Atk +5

ranged (+); SV Dmg +2 (protection: 4/12), Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1;

Skills: ( 31 total) climb +7, listen +4, spot +4, drive +3, survival +3, Intimidate +5

Feats: ( 10 total) dodge, attractive, toughness, endurance, scent

Powers & Equipment: ( 118 total) Growth +8 (source: mutation, 64 pp) extras: Shockwave, thunderclap super Charisma (source: mutation, 30 pp) extra: super intelligence superstrength +4 (source: natural, 20 pp) extra: protection