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Symbol: Black Heart

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Portfolio: Sin, damnation, hopelessness, hedonism

Worshipers: Irredeemable sinners, failed clerics, career criminals

Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE

Domains: Darkness, Evil, Liberation

Favored Weapon: Heavy Flail


Almost to a one, the evil gods of Dungeonpalooza either trick their worshipers into service or don't care for worshipers at all. Girek, Lord of the Damned, is the exception. Unlike other evil gods, Girek makes no effort to hide or mitigate his evil, nor does he deceive his followers that they will receive some great reward in the afterlife. He tells them truthfully that they will know only torment in the afterlife. What he offers is power and pleasure until that inevitable end.

Girek is the patron of those too evil and incorrigible to be pardoned by any righteous god. Rather than offering pointless prayers to the gods of light, some few villains decide to turn to the Lord of the Damned for some perks on the way to eternal agony. This is quite the bargain for both parties; Girek needn't bother with the deception and secrecy that his fellow archvillains do, and his supplicants get something in exchange for souls that they would normally have difficulty getting hauled away, let alone selling.

Girek asks only open worship from his followers; they already commit evil acts, and that's enough for him. Many, however, gleefully commit atrocities for no particular reason simply because they have nothing to lose. These are not the dark clerics who try to raise dead gods or bring eternal darkness on the world; they are the ones who pee in wells and use kittens for archery practice. Girek's temples are likewise showcases for over-the-top sinfulness. This, combined with the expensive luxuries the hedonist clerics prefer, make temples of Girek ideal destinations for guilt-free looting. Just don't get caught....