Gleeville:Lauren Gray
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- Player: Dolnikan
- Actor: [1]
- Campaign: Gleeville
- System: Smallville
- Birthday 09-14
- Duty: d12 I should be the girl that my parents want me to be.
- Fame: d8 I’m simply the best, better than all the rest.
- Fairness: d6 High and dry, out of the rain It's so easy to hurt others when you can't feel pain [/i])
- Love: d4([i] I really shouldn’t feel like this
- Popularity: d4Everyone is just jealous of me.
- Truth: d4 La la la la la la lies
- Leads
- Warren Whitcomb D8: At least he has a proper family
- Adam Chamberlain D6: Just a farmer boy
- Fiona Maxwell D6: Just another wannabe dancer
- Ashley Brown D6: '
- Amethyst Fitch D8: "I absolutely hate her"
- Nellie Paparteys D6: "She makes me feel strange"
- Features
- Larry "Del" DelMasto D6:
Musical Range: Rock
- Specialties: Rock D8, Hard Rock D8, Pop D8
- Stage Trick: Angry Singing - Lauren somehow knows quite well to sound angry when she sings, even though there is nothing to be angry about. When singing a song that involves anger, pay a plot point to step up or double a Speciality rock or hard rock when it calls for angry emotions.
- Limit: Insecure about love - Lauren is deeply troubled by her feelings, and when she sings about things that have to do with them it takes her great efford to keep singing normally. Increase the opposing pool when singing about feelings of love.
Poor improviser - Lauren finds it hard to improvise, she feels much better with a chance to practise first.
- Rotten Spoiled - Lauren is a horribly spoiled girl, she has everything that she could ever want, and should she not yet have it, she will just get it. She does not understand that other people might not have everything, and if they do not have it, she will look down on them.
- Wealth D12 Lauren's parents are immensely rich, and there is hardly anything that she can't afford.
- Clever D6 Lauren doesn't just work hard, she also is very intelligent.
- Connections d4 Lauren's parents are important people, and through them Lauren knows other important people.
- Phylis and Dorian Gray 2D12
- Nenita 2D6
- Principal Arndt 2D4
- Irenio 2d4
- Country Club 2D6
- The Choir Room 2D4
- Origins: Uptown Girl Lauren is the child of two very wealthy people, who so far managed to completely spoil her and to keep her away from mundane life (step up Dutyx2).
- Upbringing: Get it right - Lauren was raised with a strong belief in hard work, and she wants to get the approval of her parents. She tries to be a good daughter to them. (step up Duty x2).
- Attitude: Poker Face - Lauren has learned to hide her real feelings, they make her seem inadequate and could garner disapproval.
- Ambition: Express Yoursel - Deep down Lauren wants to be free to be herself, but she would never admit this.
- Life-Changing Event: A Change Would Do You Good - Lauren was educated at an expensive boarding school, but just before she would return there was a scandal and now she has to go to the local High School.(Step of Famex2, fairness.