God Game Lite:Third epoch

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The rules for population growth were still unfinished as of this epoch.


The previous session ended in the middle of this epoch, so Chaos hasn't had a chance to act.

The pixies lost in the desert were fortunate and managed to adapt quickly. They've learned to hollow out chambers in the local cacti and how to use local insects.


During this epoch, the elves had been sending out exploratory expeditions looking for good places for new farms. One relatively large expedition crossed through a mountain pass that closed off behind them. The harsh conditions and lack of support meant that quite a few died, but the remaining elves have settled down, though they still have no contact with their home.

During this epoch, Sun spent a great deal of effort to magically imbue the blood of the elves. This means that all elves carry a sorcerous bloodline and need no further justification for taking sorcerer levels.

At the end of the third epoch, the elves numbered 9011.


Early in this epoch, a large group of mercatfolk whalers managed to chase a pod of orca out too far and became lost at sea. Moon made sure that there were plenty of fish near them as they sailed on, eventually reaching the other side of the elves' continent.

Back at the southern archipelago, Moon created an orca hero for the mercatfolk to fight. A few years later, she sired a god-blooded hero. At his 16th birthday she sent him a harpoon as a falling star. He successfully used it to slay the dire orca and became a great hero of his people.

Between the dire orca and the lost whalers there were over 100 more deaths than average this epoch.

At the end of the third epoch, the mercatfolk numbered 8811.


Order spent this epoch directing his tengu to build a second city further west. He also spent a good bit of energy making sure the road between the two could be straight, lowering part of a mountain in the process. He also taught the tengu how to build good roads to make use of this new route. The new city has its own high priest.

During this time, some tengu began to realize that the pixies were intelligent and could speak, and began to try and learn their language.

At the end of the third epoch, the tengu numbered 9051.