Godbound: Who Made Who?
Player Characters[edit]
Zhang "Elizabeth" Mei[edit]
- Description:
Elizabeth's intensity and drive belies her tiny frame. She is personable and attentive, but never idle.
- Height & Weight: 160cm/47kg
- Level 4
- XP: 12
- Spent Dominion: 11
- Available Dominion: 0
Effort: 6[edit]
- Free: 6
- Instant Commitment:
- Scene-Long Commitment:
- Day-Long Commitment:
Attribute | Score | Mod | Check |
Str | 19 | 4 | 2+ |
Dex | 18 | 3 | 3+ |
Con | 13 | 1 | 8+ |
Int | 14 | 1 | 7+ |
Wis | 13 | 1 | 8+ |
Cha | 18 | 3 | 2+ |
- AC: 2
- HP: 24
- Hardiness: 8+
- Evasion: 9+
- Spirit: 9+
- Movement:
- Attacks:
- Melee: +8
- Ranged: +7
- Lost cub of the Lion City
- Unrelenting Work Ethic
- None so Zealous a Patriot as the Immigrant
- Charismatic Figurehead
*You Shall Know Us by Our Deeds
- Apex Predator
- Adventuring Gear
- Moonlight Sword
- Luna's Cloak (Medium Regalia Armour)
- Translation Earring
- Laser Pistol
- Leather bag with multiple tightly rolled changes of clothes
- Home
Influence & Dominion[edit]
- Influence Commitments:
- Three Maidens of Praha
- Dominion Spent:
- The Sword of Liberty (8) (Impossible badasses x City scope)
- The Three Maidens of Praha (3 + 5 Influence) - Together they have HP13, 2x1D8 straight attacks, Effort 4, Nine Iron Walls, Thirsting Razor. Apart they are 4HD heroes.
Words & Gifts[edit]
- Might: Strength score of 19 and a +4 attribute modifier for Strength. This prowess allows them to lift or break anything that is humanly possible to so handle, though truly supernatural feats of strength require the use of a gift or miracle.
- Sword: Heroes with the Sword Word treat all their weapon or unarmed attacks as magical, cannot be disarmed, and can summon any melee weapon they’ve ever used immediately to hand as an Instant action.
- Thirsting Razor: While Effort is committed, you always hit lesser foes with your melee attacks. No attack roll is necessary, but this benefit applies only to actual melee weapon or unarmed attacks, and not to other effects that involve hitting a foe to inflict a hostile effect.
- Cutting the Crimson Road: Commit Effort. Against foes of half or fewer hit dice than you have levels, to a minimum of 1, your melee damage rolls are read straight and always maximized. The overflow can be applied against any other foes that fit the conditions and are within 10 feet. Against Mobs made up of applicable creatures, you instead simply roll your damage die straight without maximizing it. This gift does not affect Fray dice.
- Nine Iron Walls: Commit Effort for the scene. You have an invincible defense against all physical attacks until the start of your next round. This defense does not apply to environmental hazards, spells, or other non-attack forms of harm. As with all Instants, this can be used even after an assailant has rolled a successful hit.
- Shattering Hand: Your melee damage rolls and Fray dice are always the maximum possible. You can destroy barriers as thick as ve feet of stonework in front of you in one round’s action, smashing them with a blow or as part of your movement action. Magical substances may resist this power.
- Passion: Heroes with the Word of Passion are blessed with grace and an understanding of the heart. They may set either their Charisma or Wisdom attribute scores to 16, or 18 if the score is already that high.
- Heart of the Lion: You have an invincible defense against fear and all unwanted emotion-affecting effects. You may Commit Effort to share this immunity with all allies within 100 yards.
- Banner of Passion: Commit Effort. All NPCs who are lesser foes within earshot or sight are suffused with a powerful emotion of your choice, directed at the object of your choosing. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw each round to throw it off. This emotion will make them act to the limits of their character and will last at least a day after the effort is reclaimed.
*BitterRival: A Strife
- Name Their Doom: On Turn. Commit Effort. Choose a single individual within sight as a rival. Until the rival is defeated, flees, or the scene ends, a new rival cannot be chosen, nor can the technique be ended. All hit rolls the adept makes against the rival may be rolled twice, and the better taken. All hit rolls the adept makes against anyone else are rolled twice, and the worst taken. Mobs cannot be selected as rivals.
- Excel Their Strokes: On Turn. Commit Effort. While committed, if the rival misses an attack roll in a turn against any target, the adept’s next hit roll against them is automatically successful. Attack rolls that are blocked or negated by a gift don’t count as misses, nor do resisted supernatural powers.
- When they Hide: The adept is always aware of their rival’s exact location and general activities while the scene is still underway, and may ght them without penalty even while unable to see or detect the rival otherwise.
- Description:
Nicole Daily is a reasonably athletic-looking woman in her early 20s. Her ethnicity is three-fourths Anglo-American, one-eighth Mexican-American, and one-eighth African-American, and she'd probably put white or white/Hispanic on a census form. She's usually clad in loose, plain clothes that she's modified herself, but she's starting to outgrow her favorite outfits.
- Height & Weight: 165+10 cm / Athletic
- Level 4
- XP: 14
- Spent Dominion: 11
- Unspent Dominion: 3
Effort: 5[edit]
- Free: 2
- Instant Commitment: 1
- Scene-Long Commitment: 1
- Day-Long Commitment: 1
Attribute | Score | Mod | Check |
Str | 18 | 3 | 3+ |
Dex | 16 | 2 | 5+ |
Con | 16 | 2 | 5+ |
Int | 16 | 2 | 5+ |
Wis | 8 | -1 | 13+ |
Cha | 14 | 1 | 7+ |
- AC: 1
- HP: 3/33
- Hardiness: 8+
- Evasion: 9+
- Spirit: 10+
- Movement: Standard
- Attacks: Khatar
- Melee: Khatar +7 (1d10+3)
- Ranged: Burning Light +7 (1d10+3)
- Runner: Nicole spent her youth as a messenger with quite a few physical hobbies. She's an amateur traceur and loves urban exploration.
- Active Academic: Nicole spent her entire life wanting a good education, and she spends her spare time reading fiction and nonfiction. She's a graduate student in the humanities, with a general focus on history and social sciences. She feels a bit insecure and inadequate compared to most other students, so she studies harder.
- University Loyalist: Nicole has spent her entire life in the university district and cultivated a large number of friends and contacts among the students and academics there.
- Friend of Medicine: Nicole has heavily researched the medical profession and established a network of doctor and caretaker contacts and friends.
- Solar Mystic: Nicole is exploring her semi-divine status and becoming more adept at projecting the impression of divinity with her voice and mannerisms.
- Divine Compassion: Nicole has established that her cult even accepts her enemies as far as salvation goes, and she comes across as approachable and understanding.
- Adventuring Gear
- Heavy Katars (treat as a single heavy weapon; usually left at home if she's not expecting trouble)
- Sap Gloves (treat as a single light weapon; usually carried in case of an emergency)
- Basic Clothing
- Small Backpack
- Miscellaneous cheap nonfiction and fiction books
- Home
- Small book collection
- Homemade maps from urban exploration
- Wardrobe of miscellaneous clothing, hand-me-downs, and spare cloth
- Old sewing machine
Influence & Dominion[edit]
- Influence Commitments: 3/3
- Spreading the word about the hospital and reminding people to go there when needed. (1 influence)
- Advising Type Twos to head to Baton Rouge for improved safety. (2 influence)
- Dominion Spent: 7
- Improving doctors and caretakers in the New Orleans hospital and surrounding areas, giving them plausibly-deniable subtle supernatural ability to heal people when the sun is shining. (4 dominion, Improbable City-Sized Area)
- Establishing Type Two Humans as a stable demihuman species. (2 dominion, Improbable Village-Sized Population)
- Establishing and maintaining tolerance for Type Twos in Baton Rouge and coexistence with Type Ones. (1 dominion, Plausible Village-Sized Area)
Words & Gifts[edit]
- Alacrity: Heroes with the Alacrity Word cannot be surprised. They may increase their Dexterity to 16, or to 18 if it’s already 16 or higher.
- All Directions As One: You can navigate vertical or overhanging surfaces as if they were flat ground. You can pass through rough terrain effortlessly. You have an invulnerable defence against being pushed or made to fall.
- Flickering Advance: Commit Effort to scene end. Instantly reach any location you can see with your unaided sight out to the horizon, which is usually about three miles away for a character standing on flat terrain. From a high elevation, the maximum range is ten times as far.
- Walk Between The Rain: Your natural AC is 3. You cannot be hit by anything not driven by a purpose unless you allow it; random debris, raindrops, or falling objects will never strike you unless some will to harm you set them in motion. Traps meant to hit an intruder have a chance to hit you.
- Health: Heroes with the Health Word have an invincible defense against diseases and poisons of all kinds. They may set their Constitution to 16, or to 18 if it’s already 16 or higher.
- Ender of Plagues: Commit Effort for the scene. Cure all diseases and poisonings with-in sight. If the Effort is expended for the day, the range of the cure extends to a half-mile around the hero, penetrates walls and other barriers, and you become immediately aware of any disease-inducing curses or sources of pestilence within that area.
- Excellence of the Word (Strength): Choose one attribute score and raise it to 18. This excellence is usually colored by the Word that grants it; Fire that grants Dexterity might cause sparks to be left behind swift motion, while Earth that grants Wisdom might lend a ponderous and steady tint to your thoughts. This gift may only be taken once, regardless of how many Words your hero has bound. Nicole's excellence conveys a sense of hidden power, and she's permanently taller, sturdier, more perfected, and somewhat imposing.
- Flesh Made True: You are able to cure maimings, blindings, poisons, mutilations, and birth defects by sight, once per round. This does not heal hit point damage directly, but it can restore lost limbs and crippled functionality.
- Merciful Gaze: By your gaze and a moment’s concentration, you can heal 2d6 hit points or hit dice of damage, plus your level. The target must Commit Effort for the day in order to benefit from the healing, however. NPCs and other ordinary mortals normally can benefit but once per day from this gift.
- Intrinsic Health: Your maximum hit points increase by 2 extra points per level, including levels gained before you took this gift. This gift can’t be suppressed.
- Sun: Heroes with the Sun Word may shed daylight at will up to 200 feet, cannot be blinded or their vision impaired by darkness or mists, and have an invincible defense against fire damage. Their vision is sufficiently powerful to pierce blindfolds or survive even the physical removal of their eyes.
- Body of Burning Light: Commit Effort. Your brilliance makes you almost impossible to tar-get, by creatures who operate by means of vision. While you shine,
your natural AC is 3 against creatures with sight. Your weapons or unarmed attacks count as a magical weapon with a range of 200 feet, and do a minimum of 1d10 damage. Your corona counts as natural sunlight for susceptible creatures. Armor and shields don't aid this AC.
- Sunlit Sight: Commit Effort. Choose a place you’ve been that is currently lit directly by the sun. See and hear everything in that place as if present. Your voice can be heard there by those present.
- Sunstrike: Commit Effort for the scene. If the sun is in the sky, its radiance strikes a desired visible foe for 1d10 fire damage per level of the Godbound. This blaze will penetrate any roof or ceiling not proof against divine gifts in order to strike the target. If the sun is not in the sky the bolt does 1d6 damage per level. Creatures not of this world, such as sum-moned entities, angels or Uncreated, always take 1d10 damage per level and roll the damage twice to take the harshest result.
Thomas Daniels[edit]
- Description: Brown eyes, brown hair, tanned skin and stocky.
- Height: 180cm
- Level 4
- XP: 6 (correct later)
- Spent Dominion: 4 (correct later)
- Unspent Dominion: 2 (correct later)
Effort: 5[edit]
- Free: 5
- Instant Commitment:
- Scene-Long Commitment:
- Day-Long Commitment:
Attribute | Score | Mod | Check |
Str | 18 | 3 | 3+ |
Dex | 10 | 0 | 11+ |
Con | 18 | 3 | 3+ |
Int | 13 | 1 | 8+ |
Wis | 14 | 1 | 7+ |
Cha | 13 | 1 | 8+ |
- AC: 3
- HP: 29
- Hardiness: 9+
- Evasion: 11+
- Spirit: 11+
- Movement:
- Attacks:
- Melee: Staff +6, 1d8+3.
- Ranged: The World Against You +6, 1d10+3.
- Used to hard living. The place he grew up in doesn't have much in the way of "modern" conveniences even by the standards of these times. Wood doesn't chop itself. Life since then hasn't exactly been rosy either.
- Survivor. Young men who are "encouraged" to leave the settlement frequently don't manage to make it to outside civilization. Those who do, usually don't make it past the "just off the turnip truck" phase without getting in serious trouble. Thomas somehow managed to do both.
- Likes people, distrusts authorities.
- Fluent speaker of church-person-ese.
- People have heard about the roads
- Adventuring Gear
- Staff
- Home
Influence & Dominion[edit]
- Influence Commitments:
- Dominion Spent:
- Improved roads in the New Orleans shard. 4 spent.
Words & Gifts[edit]
- Endurance: Heroes with the Endurance Word need not eat, sleep, drink, or breathe, and may set their Constitution score to 16, or 18 if it’s already 16 or higher.
- Body of Iron Will (lesser): Your natural armor class is 3. You are impervious to any natural environmental damage, such as that caused by extreme heat, cold, pressure, radiation, or vacuum. Such forces used as a weapon or hazard against you function normally, however, so spells of flame and frost or gifts that use such energies will still injure you.
- Harder Than This (lesser, on turn): Commit Effort. Become immune to one environmental peril or special attack as long as the effort remains committed. You can’t adapt to weapons or spells, but you can adjust to become immune to a dragon’s breath, a basilisk’s gaze, a serpent’s poison, or a volcano’s caldera.
- Fear No Steel (greater, on turn): Commit Effort. Your determination or supernatural hardiness allows you to shrug off the lesser harms of the world. You take 1 fewer point of damage from all incoming sources of damage, whether physical or magical. Optionally, Commit Effort for the day to become immune for a scene to attacks from lesser foes without magical weapons.
- Journeying: Heroes with the Word of Journeying always know exactly where they are, never lose their way to a known destination, and may treat travel as if it were as restful and nourishing to them as sound sleep and a good meal.
- Excellence of the Word: Strength
- The Path of Racing Dawn (Greater): Commit Effort. You and those with you can fly or otherwise ignore terrain, moving at a rate of 100 miles an hour while journeying. You can cross shorter distances through the air, though the flight is not precise enough to serve in combat or other cramped interior spaces.
- Opening The Way (lesser): Commit Effort for the scene to create a hole in security, whether it’s a guard suddenly wandering away from his post or a rift appearing in a magical barrier. The hole will allow you and your allies a clear path into or past a place and will last as long as is practical, no less than five minutes. This security hole is not usually large enough to
allow unhindered movement within the location, only entry into it.
- Luck: Heroes gifted in the Luck Word may roll 1d20 once a day. At any time during that day, they may replace their own or someone else’s 1d20 roll with the one in reserve. They can only replace a roll once per day.
- The World Against You (lesser): Commit Effort. The hero becomes able to use luck as a weapon with a range of 100 feet, inflicting sudden and wildly-improbable calamities on a foe with normal attack rolls. When used to attack, damage is 1d10 and treated as a magic weapon. The source of this incredible bad luck is not perceptible to mortal onlookers or non-supernatural beings.
- Blighted Luck (lesser): Commit Effort. A target is cursed with misfortune. They’ll always lose games of chance, bad things will always happen to them, and they always roll twice on hit rolls and saves and take the worse result. Worthy foes can make a Spirit save to resist. This effect lasts until you choose to lift it, a particular event of your choice happens, or a
sufficient power dispels it.
- Unfailing Fortune (greater): The hero may always reroll a natural 1 on any die they roll. They can dictate the outcome of any element of chance in gambling or gaming.
Important NPCs[edit]
Lady Moonlight / Luna[edit]
An exceptionally powerful sorceress and possible divinity who acts as the Pantheon's patron and mentor. She claims to be centuries old, and to have (with unnamed associates) directed the mantle of Godbound to our heroes. Moonlight travels not via Night Road but via a very large disc-shaped craft staffed with Nightgaunt servants, very much the classical image of a UFO; this gives her the ability to visit Realms much as she pleases, including those far from Earth. Her initial encounter with the Pantheon indicates an ability to summon people into a dream realm.
Moonlight is extremely tall; this alone may imply great power if she has gone through the same growth process that our heroes are experiencing. She dresses formally, with a very fine artifact gauntlet of some kind on her left hand. While her mannerisms are odd, her beauty and charisma quickly persuaded Elizabeth to trust her, while her generous gifts and offers of information seem to be winning over Nicole and to some extent Thomas. Moonlight seems particularly invested in elegance and appearance; while she wants the Pantheon to do work of substance, how they comport themselves and promote the elegance of the areas in which they operate seems to be a concern.
In particular, when asked if she had specific instructions, she replied "Destroy monsters. Bring hope to the people. Explore and make maps. Promote beauty, art, and scholarship. Oh, and be certain to maintain or even expand on the signature architectural styles of everywhere you go." A later encounter saw her ask the Pantheon to destroy a vampire plague and to cultivate religions in order to save souls from plummeting directly to hell given the broken divine apparatus of the universe.
Belinda Morton, Esquire[edit]
A lawyer for a prestigious firm with very powerful clients, now including the Pantheon. Belinda grew up poor, and while she improved her situation by reconnecting with her father, he was a powerful criminal figure and that change had problems of its own. She managed to disentangle herself from that life and succeed in law by dint of talent and extreme hard work (she now owns at least 1% of her company for having taken the risk of meeting with unpredictable demigods personally). Belinda (and as far as we know, her firm) seems motivated mostly by the hope of stability, that if the Pantheon can be persuaded to put down roots and get into the habit of discussing their plans with outsiders, less unexpected and drastic changes to an already fragile world will occur. She is middle aged, but has almost certainly just entered the most interesting and busy part of her career by dint of encountering three wilful young divinities.
Belinda is currently managing a large sum of gold given to the Pantheon by Lady Moonlight.
Clovis Fold[edit]
A private investigator and friend of Thomas. He is very skilled at his trade, and once operated a large business with multiple agents, but has fallen on harder times. Getting into his later years, while he could be a very useful asset to the Pantheon he is also reluctant to involve himself in risky pursuits. Doubly so after being killed by the mysterious assassin, getting a first-hand glimpse of the plunge to hell, and being resurrected by Nicole (all in the aftermath of the Aurelia/Varnado incident).
Clovis was last seen heading away from New Orleans in the opposite direction to Baton Rogue and its plague. It is unlikely he will be using the name Clovis when he pops up again, as that man is known to be dead and he'd rather be counted among the living, having intimate knowledge of the alternative.
Other NPCs[edit]
Dr. Julius Fuchs[edit]
(should probably be promoted to important given time for a full writeup)
The heroes' main contact in Prague, a follower of Lady Moonlight and hub of our network of new contacts. Has an estate and an excellent butler.
The Assassin[edit]
An unknown professional, killer of Clovis Fold, also suspected of murdering Lady Aurelia and possibly the relative of Duke Quick's who sparked the near riot at Shell Place. Clovis has seen his face: "Tall white guy, skinny face and long nose, wore a wide fedora. Smiled but didn't laugh; not sure what he thought was funny anyway. He did the work with the razor. Rolled his sleeves up first, too. That's a man that thinks ahead". Clovis also named an accomplice, "Monkey Mike", a redheaded man formerly in the employ of Theodore Stone (deceased)
Aurelia Chatelain[edit]
In line to be Duchess Dagobert, had she not been murdered in Varnado.
The Rest of the Chatelain Family[edit]
Rulers of Dagobert. The Pantheon delivered the body of their daughter to them, and then flew away without really talking to them much because that whole "you're in a time of grief but we will probably lead a rebellion later to destroy your power" thing was super awkward.
Captain Waters (Royal Guard)[edit]
A blunt but sensible man, who holds the lives of the people and his soldiers in esteem.
Mr Grey, Royal Seneschal[edit]
First up against the wall when the revolution comes.
King William Lafayette[edit]
Second up against the wall when the revolution comes.
Doubly so for calling himself King with that name.
Jessica Morrows, Kaori Umeda, Jasmine Williams, Prisha Kulkarni, Manuel Garcia[edit]
Heroes of the Sword of Liberty
Doctor Harris[edit]
One of Nicole's followers; she's the one we're most likely to speak to when in need of a named doctor.
Martin Hernandez[edit]
"Chaplain" of the Baton Rogue infected. Now under the authority of Nicole
Anna and Andrew[edit]
Siblings of Thomas the Wanderer, the members of his very large extended family that he actually misses. Anna his older sister and the third wife of a prosperous, largely indifferent man about ten years her senior, and was last seen pregnant. Andrew is three years Thomas' junior, and had not yet reached the crux of pressure on a younger son that caused Thomas to leave. But he will.
Pastor Durand[edit]
Quaker confidant of Thomas the Wanderer
Varnado gangster, was probably stalking Aurelia but probably didn't kill her. First NPC on the Pantheon's "we're going to kill this guy" list, but also the least important.
The Three Maidens of Praha: Hillevi, Walentyna, Iminathi[edit]
Three casual acquaintances of Elizabeth, whom she blessed with a measure of her own power after becoming convinced the vampire plague in Prague was a significant danger. While individually skilled and strong, the full measure of Elizabeth's blessing only activates when they fight together. Hillevi is a scion of Prague's noble families who does mercenary work for her own amusement; Walentyna is an ethnically Chinese daughter of immigrants who burns with patriotism for the city, and Iminathi is a South African mercenary who is in town looking for work to pay for her unfortunate katana habit.
Together they have HP13, 2x1D8 straight attacks, Effort 4, Nine Iron Walls, Thirsting Razor. Apart they are 4HD heroes.
Realms Visited[edit]
The Free City of New Orleans[edit]
New Orleans is warm and humid at the best of times. The port is mostly full of smaller sailing vessels, the larger ships having long been broken down for scrap. The city and surrounding territory is broken up into twelve Parishes (which do not correspond particularly to pre-Darkness parishes), each one ruled by a Duke. The dukes form a council which elects a King. There is theoretically only one law under the king, but in practice individual dukes are incredibly powerful within their own parishes. There are less than a million people in the realm. New Orleans is ludicrously gifted in the number of Night Roads connecting it to other cities, but access to them is restricted.
- Problems:
- The Dukes charge ruinous taxes, rendering many destitute, as part of their jockeying for position.
- The city's leadership is split up into factions, which do not cooperate.
- A terrible, unseen monster ranges around the outer borders of the land, and the armed forces are helpless to stop it.
- Tags et cetera
- The King is a Figurehead
- Court Mood: Decadent & Obsessed with exotic pleasures
- Major Actor: Bishop Hoggatt is the ultimate patriarch of the Catholic church in this Realm, since no one has heard from Rome, and is also the Duke of Parish Cathedral. He has a network of spies and criminals at his beck and call.
- Major Actor: Duke Quick, of the Parish Carolla, was previously the young lover of the Duchess Renoux. Spurned, he managed to worm his way into adoption by the elderly former Duke Quick, and now sits on the council across from her. He's charming, well-loved, and is related to members of a surprising number of other prominent families.
- Major Actor: Duchess Renoux, of the Parish Grand Facile, is the general to the King's Army. She is thus highly influential in the military, although her civilian influence is weaker.
- Night Roads:
- Venice: The largest night road, an aquatic one, can take up to a longship. Must be traveled in silence, though, as the sound of engines or loud speech may attract the attention of abominations.
- Prague: Access is via a crypt in Lafayette Cemetary No. 1. Descending some rather cramped stairs leads to an impossibly long, tall, and narrow stone bridge supported by arches. The support pillars descend into endless darkness. There's no native light. Not many monsters here, but it's considered the most psychologically stressful to travel.
- Rio and Buenos Aires: These two Night Roads are very similar. Originating in plantation mansions near the borders of the Darkness (although a hundred miles away from each other), they're both heavily guarded. They lead to narrow glass-and-steel bridges that span a windswept void. Monster probability is moderate, creatures emerge into the real world at least once a week.
- Cape Town: The Lake Ponchartrain Causeway now disappears into a black void, thus entering into this Night Road. The road itself is actually a two-lane blacktop through a wasteland, and the trip rarely takes less than a week. Unfortunately, technological devices do not function on this Road. Purely mechanical pocketwatches will work, but electronics and internal combustion engines typically fail. There is a Way Station about halfway to Cape Town, a peculiar pocket in the Night Road that is half fortress and half truck stop. Bright sodium-arc lights make it visible from miles away, and the technology at the Way Station functions so long as it is native to the location. Travelers are advised to be prepared to pay the toll.
- Dresden: Access is via a dark stone archway in the city's botanical gardens. The archway is capable of relocating if too much of its surroundings are changed, so there are no longer efforts made to create a clearing around it. The Night Road is a path through a forest, and travelers are strongly advised not to stray off the path. This route is heavy on misbegotten monsters.
House Rules[edit]
- PCs don't automatically go first if they're facing an opponent that I reasonably consider to be on equal footing with them. That's likely to be fairly rare.
Style Guide[edit]
- IC posts should be present tense and third person, but I'm not going to flip my lid about it.
- The PCs should be at least minimally decent people, although like most things I'm more flexible if the roleplay is really good.
- I prefer that preteens not show up on screen. That's not because children literally don't exist or whatever, it's because often bad things happen in my games and for reasons of good taste I prefer that kids not be a part of it. However, slasher movies have taught us that teenagers are sufficiently hateable to make good victims.
- Other things that are at least semi-verboten include real-world types of bigotry, sexual violence, etc. I feel sorta weird writing this one out, because I don't expect you guys to go out of your way to introduce anything like that, but I might as well make it explicit.
- This game will be way less Vancian in tone than my normal campaigns, but it's definitely not Blue Rose, either. So, NPCs might screw you, but you don't need to assume they're already planning to leg it with the goods.
- People aren't necessarily dead at 0HP. This includes the PCs. As a last-ditch defense, consider being a person your enemies would have an interest in capturing alive.
- I love cleverly written posts, but brevity is also your friend. Ideally, every post you make should include at least one action or statement that other characters in the same area could react to. "Jack Bastard sits and considers what fools his companions are" is a bad post for several reasons, which I will leave as an exercise for the reader.
- If you disagree or object to a proposed course of action, you should suggest an alternative at the same time.
- Don't post about what other characters think, feel, or do, basic PBP shit, blah blah blah.