Golle the Gregarious
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A character in Dwimmermount: If Trouble Was Money
- Golle the Gregarious
- Elven Spellsword 4
- 22,775/32,000
- Neutral
- PC
- Arcanist-Guardian
- STR 14 (+1 attack/damage melee)
- INT 14 (+1 language, bonus spell to repetoire
- WIS 8
- DEX 9
- CON 11
- CHA 18 (+3 reaction roll, max. 7 henchmen, +3 morale core)
- Languages
- Common
- Elf
- Bestial
- Ancient Thulian
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring The character is well-equipped for a life of adventure. He knows how to clean and sharpen weapons, saddle and ride a horse, set up a camp, and search for a secret door. He has a rough idea of the value of common coins, trade goods, gems, and jewelry. All player characters are assumed to have Adventuring for purposes of the proficiency throws of standard adventuring tasks.
- Healing The character is especially skilled at treating wounds and diagnosing illnesses among humans and demi-humans. A proficiency throw of 11+ enables the character to identify whether a disease is magical or mundane, and if mundane, diagnose it. A patient under treatment of Healing naturally heals an extra 1d3 hit points each day. If the character selects Healing twice, he can neutralize poison, cure disease, or cure light wounds with a proficiency throw of 18+, once per day per patient. If the character selects Healing three times, he can neutralize poison, cure disease, or cure serious wounds with a proficiency throw of 14+, once per day per patient. A character with Healing proficiency can use the healing herbs listed in the Equipment chapter (e.g. blackwort, comfrey, goldenrod, and woundwort) to heal additional damage or gain a bonus on his proficiency throws. In any one day, a character can supervise three different patients, plus an additional one each time Healing is selected.
- DiplomacyThe character is smooth tongued and familiar with protocol. He receives a +2 bonus on all reaction rolls when he attempts to parley.
- BargainingThe character gets the best deals available for goods, services, and information. Any items the character purchases costs 10% less than the listed price and any items he sells go for 10% more than the listed price. If both the buyer and seller have the Bargaining proficiency, the opposed Bargainers should make reaction rolls. Whichever character scores the higher result gets the discount. A character may select Bargaining multiple times if desired. Each time the proficiency is selected, the character receives a +2 bonus on his reaction roll when negotiating with other bargainers.
- Alchemy:The character can identify common alchemical substances, potions, and poisons with a proficiency throw of 11+. If the character takes this proficiency twice, he can work as an apothecary or alchemical assistant. If the character takes this proficiency three times, he is an alchemist himself, as described under Hiring Specialists.
- Class Proficiencies
- FamiliarThe character gains a familiar, a magical animal companion. The familiar will be a creature appropriate to the character’s alignment and other powers (as determined by the Judge). The familiar always has a number of Hit Dice and maximum hit points equal to ½ its master’s own; Intelligence equal to its master’s Intelligence; and a number of general and class proficiencies equal to its masters, selected from its master’s class list. The familiar can always understand any languages spoken by its master, and the character will be able to understand the familiar’s speech, though no one else will without resorting to speak with animals. The familiar is utterly loyal to its master and will fight for him, perform services, and generally obey his commands. While the familiar is within 30', the character receives +1 on saving throws, but if the familiar is ever killed, the character must save versus Death or instantly take damage equal to the familiar’s maximum total hit points. A character does not gain a new familiar if it is slain until he has gained a level of experience.
- Magical EngineeringThe character has specialized knowledge of magical items. He gains a +1 to magical research throws. He can recognize most common magical items after careful investigation with a proficiency throw of 11+, but is unable to recognize uncommon or unique magical items, to divine command words, to distinguish trapped or cursed items from safe ones, or to assess the specific bonus or number of charges remaining in an item. This proficiency can be selected multiple times, each time adding an additional +1 bonus to magical research throws and reducing the proficiency throw required to recognize common items by 4.
- Racial Abilities
- +1 damage missile/melee
- +1 bonus to surprise while in wilderness
- Detect hidden/secret doors on 8+ when actively searching, or 14+ on casual inspection
- Unaffected by ghoul paralysis
- -1 Bonus to all saves v. Petrification/Paralysis and Spells are reduced by 1 (already included)
- Speak Common, Elven, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, Orc plus Ancient Thulian. Note that Gnoll, Hobgoblin and Orc are rolled up under Bestial.
- AC 6
- HP 9
- Movement Rate 60/20/60
- Initiative Modifier
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword 9+, 1d6+2/1d8+2 (one-handed/two-handed)
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack: Longbow 10+, 1d6+1
- Saves (note that as long as Casper is within 20' Golle gains a +1 to all saves)
- Petrification & Paralysis 13+
- Poison & Death 13+
- Blast & Breath 15+
- Staves & Wands 15+
- Spells 16+ (due to low Wisdom)
- First Level: 2
- Detect Magic
- Read Magic
- Sleep
- Second Level: 2
- Web
- Wealth (in coin purse): 25 pp, nine 100 gp gem. one 50 gp gem, 7 gp
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. 7 stones
- Dwimmerchain (AC 5, 3 stones)
- Sword (10 gp) 1 item
- Rod of Opening 1 item
- Backpack (2 gp, holds 4 stone) 1 items
- Purse (5 sp, holds 1/2 stone)
- Comfrey (10 gp, 1 pound) 1 item
- One week standard rations (1 gp) 1 item
- Waterskin (1 gp) 1 item
- Three flasks of common oil (2 gp) 3 items
- Three flasks of military oil
- Ink (1 oz.) (8 gp)
- Tinderbox (1 gp)
- Boots, leather (high) 3 gp)
- Tunic and pants (freeholder)(4 gp)
- Hat (armiger) (1 gp)
- Spellbook 1 item
- Sacks (2, small)
- Scrollcase with seven notes worth 1000 gp. (1 item)
- A dozen candles (1 item)
- Rod of Opening (6 charges remaining)
- 1,000 gp down payment on sword +1
- Magic 'straight-bladed Thulian sword of adamantine steel'