The small town of Greymere, located in southern Ancalia near the border of the Oasis States, is a bastion to protect the remaining peoples of the area from the horrors of Ancalia as well as the Warlords who would ransack the town and take its resources (and its people possibly). The town is overseen by Lordess Amala Dega whom it is told is a previous Pavian knight. Why she is not claiming her title as a knight it is uncertain but she has done her best to keep Greymere safe and, thus far, has had some success though at a terrible cost of loss of life. It is said that Greymere is in a spiraling death throw and will be overthrown either by the monstrosities that plague it or by the Warlords that attack it. In particular, Warlord Zuruk has been her biggest challenge and most pressing foe in the attacks on Greymere.