Guardians PL24
PL: 24; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 17/15 (+5 Base, +1 Dex, +1 Size); Atk +9 Melee (+8 Base, +0 Str, +1 Size), +10 Ranged (+1 Dex, +1 Size); SV Dmg +5, Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +17 (+2 Iron Will, +10 Super-Wis); Str 10, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 15.
Skills: Computers +23, Concentration +23, Craft (Electronics) +23, Diplomacy +12, Gather Information +17, Knowledge (*) +23, Repair +23, Science (*) +23.
(*)The Guardians are almost as old as the cosmos itself and have dedicated thier lives to the study of all its' secrets. The GM should allow them to make any skill roll involving Knowledge or Science, deemed resonable.
Feats: Assessment, Durability, Immunity(*) (Aging, Cold, Disease, Heat, Poison, Pressure, Radiation, Starvation, Suffocation), Indomitable Will, Iron Will, Leadership, Photographic Memory, Psychic Awareness.
(*)Cost already factored in with Cosmic Power.
Powers: Cosmic Power +16 [Extra: Telepathy (Group Link); Source: Alien, Cost: 10pp], Shrinking +3 [Flaw: Permanent; Source: Alien, Cost: 1pp], Super-Intelligence +10 [Extra: Super-Wisdom; Source: Alien, Cost: 4pp].