Gudfru Gathering Gloom

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Name: Gudfru Nidfrykt Culture: Woodman of Wilderland Standard of Living: Frugal

Background: Wizard's Pupil

Cultural Blessing: Woodcrafty - When the Woodmen fight in the woods, they use their favoured Wits score as their basic Parry rating.

Calling: Warden Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power


Body: 3 (4 Favoured) Heart: 5 (7 Favoured) Wits: 6 (9 Favoured)


Specialities: Herb-lore, Leechcraft.

Distinctive Features: Cunning, Shadow-Lore, Swift.

Common Skills: Awe 0 Inspire 1 Persuade 0 Athletics 2 Travel 2 Stealth 3 Awareness 2 Insight 0 Search 0 Explore 3 Healing 4 Hunting 2 Song 1 Courtesy 0 Riddle 1 Craft 1 Battle 1 Lore 0

Weapons Skills: (Bows) 2, Long-Hafted Axe 1, Dagger 1

Endurance: 25 (Fatigue 14) Hope: 15 (Shadow 0)

Valour: 1 Wisdom: 2

Damage: 3 Parry: 6 (shield +1) Armour: 2d (headgear +1)


Herbal Remedies (Fragrant Weeds)


Weapons: Great Bow - Damage 7, Edge 10, Injury 16, Encumbrance 3, Ranged weapon. Dagger - Damage 3, Edge Gandalf rune*, Injury 12, Encumbrance 0.


Leather corslet - Protection 2d, Encumbrance 8 Cap of iron and leather - Protection +1, Encumbrance 2 Buckler - Parry +1, Encumbrance 1