Gunstar Victory Roar

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A character in Gunstar Autochthonia: Raiton Wing

Victory's Roar in the Void[edit]

Callsign: Tigress
Theme Songs:
['Heroes of Our Time' by Dragonforce]
['You're Gonna Go Far Kid' by The Offspring]
['Dragon Rider (Long Version)' by Two Steps From Hell]


Rank: Junior Lieutenant
Caste: Full Moon (Spend 1E to step up the lowest die in any Strength or Dexterity-based actions that aren't attack actions)
Anima Banner: A silver tigress
Spirit Shape: White tiger
Tell: Black Stripes


The girl who would be known as Victory's Roar in the Void was a bold, adventurous sort who had the misfortune to be born to the class of Autocthonia that was not really considered a class at all. She frequently set off by herself to explore the tunnels surrounding her clan's camp, that being one of the few perks of her existence, and her clan were pleased as they didn't have to feed her when she was gone. While still a teenager, it was this habit of exploring that saved her life, as a much larger, more vicious band of Lumpen set upon her home group while she was gone and slaughtered them all for their meager resources. Filled with rage, the girl set about the admirable, if all-advised, attempt at engaging in a one-woman guerilla war. Knowing the tunnels helped at first, letting her pick off scouts, but eventually the girl's luck ran out... at least from a certain point of view. As fate would have it, she'd drawn the interest of a being beyond anything she could have possibly imagined.

Cornered, wounded and outnumbered twenty to one (her being the one), the girl knew this was it. So did the Silver Lady, Luna herself, only 'it' meant an entirely different thing. The girl felt her body infused with Essence, and watched herself flow and reform into a hybrid of woman and a creature she'd only dimly heard of - a white tiger. Now, the Lumpen that set about her were no match for her. The larger Lumpen warband was no match for her. When the last of her enemies fell, she let out a roar of triumph that echoed down the tunnels for miles. Suddenly exhausted as the Essence-fueled rage left her, the girl was startled by the appearance of the most attractive woman she had ever seen. Too much so to be human, and in this, she was correct. She wielded an ornate, archaic weapon the girl had never seen and looked... well, divine in her silver armor. The huntress smiled down at her. "Well done, my beautiful new daughter. For your howl of triumph, I name you know Victory's Roar in the Void." She placed a gentle kiss on the newly-christened Roar's lips and vanished. Roar remembers it as if it happened just moments ago.

Victory's Roar in the Void made her way to the nearest City-State, the Pillar of Untrammeled Brilliance, head swimming with the lives her Exaltation had led. One of them, in particular, was the leader of a warband, and they all operated some sort of amazing craft that walked on two legs or flied like a... like something that flew. More importantly, they rained down death on their foes. It was almost as amazing as meeting Luna herself. As a newly-minted Lunar Exalt, her first order of business was to find somebody in charge and see to it she got to fly one of those things herself. As it happened, her gift for unorthodox tactics, self-determination and talent for the Voidfighters quickly earned her a spot on Raiton Wing. There's been some unexpected things in the life of a Voidfighter pilot, but everything's just so cool and so much fun compared to her old life she's quite enthusiastic about pretty much everything she's encountered thus far. Really, the Lunar sees the whole thing as some unbelievably good reward.


Since making herself known to the Pillar of Untrammeled Brilliance and joining Raiton Flight, Roar looks on the brighter side of life in ways that those from more genteel origins don't, or possibly can't. The food's good, the sex is great, and they have the best job in the Void - to fight all the time. What's there to ever be upset about? The Flight has also been adopted as her new family, whether they want it or not. The Alchemicals in fascinate Roar ("So, can you guys... you know? Really? You CAN? So... do you wanna?"), as she'd never even heard about such a thing until joining Autocthonian society. The contact high from the moonsilver reasonance effect off Quicksilver Huntress is an added bonus. A very tactile Lunar, the group can find their hair mussed with, hugged or punched in the arm as the spirit moves Victory's Roar. She's extraordinarily fond of Pup, and some have a sneaking suspicion Roar doesn't actually know the Terrestial's real name. As for the command staff, Roar reveres General Narikon ("Yes sir!"), is a terrible influence on Rita ("Bored? Me, too. Let's find some fun!"), is more bemused by Dasha than is good for her ("All Terrestials are so cute!") and will engage Lily for hours in conversation if the chance comes up ("Well, it's not like I'VE heard it before.") Roar is a terror in battle and a great source of morale, constantly trying to organize parties for the flight, and if she wasn't so open, earnest and loyal it would probably be a touch irritating instead of kind of exhausting.


Roar stands about 5'9, all lean muscle and sinew. She has light blonde hair that's cut short, mostly so she doesn't have to fool with it, and long hair as a Lumpen meant there was more of it to get filthy. Pretty in an athletic way, she's proud of her appearance and wears clothing to show her physique off during times not on-duty, but she even makes the regulation Voidfighter jumpsuit look good. It's rare time that Roar doesn't have some variation of a smile on her face - grim, feral or goofy as the circumstances dictate.

Character Sheet[edit]

Essence: 2[edit]

Exaltation Die: d8[edit]


Compassion: d8
Conviction: d6
Temperance: d6
Valor: d10 (Curse of the Raging Bull)
[suppress for d4 + 1E + 1 Limit]


Go For The Throat (Full Moon Caste)
I Got Your Back
Party Girl
[d8 or d4+1E]



Athletics d8, Gunnery d8, Martial Arts d8, Presence d6, Sail d8


Class d8, Heart's Blood d6, Solar Bond d10



Appearance d6, Dexterity d10, Strength d6, Wits d8


Devil-Tiger's Wrath: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die.
Luna's Unnatural Grace: Replace highest pool involving Dexterity excellency with 2d at -1 step, or 3d at -2 steps.
Relentless Lunar Fury [Fury]: Spend 1E to step back your highest stress by -1 and gain a d6 Fury asset for your next two actions.

Lunar Shapeshifting[edit]

Deadly Beastman Transformation: When in your War Form step up the lowest die in all physical action pools and you may use your War Form's mutations as assets.
Hybrid Body Rearrangement: May spend 1E to use a War Form mutation as an asset when not transformed.


Agile Frame d6, Razor Claws d8

Razorclaw, Voidfighter Power Set[edit]

Ship Sensors d6, Vector-thrust Reflexes d8, Essence Cannons d8, Speed d10

Nova Warhead: Spend two Essence. Step up Essence Cannons to d12 for one attack, and make it an Area attack: Add one d6 to the dice pool per ally or opponent in area and apply an additional effect die to each target in the area. Then shutdown Nova Warhead power until the next transitional scene.
Charged Power: Shutdown the highest rated Voidfighter power and gain one Essence. Recover power by activating opportunity or during next transitional scene.
Body Reweaving Matrix: Spend 1 Essence to recover the craft's physical stress and step back its physical stress by -1.
Limit: [Transform] Shut down the Gunstrider power set to activate the Voidfighter Power set. Also shutdown all charms, excellencies, and other panoplies whose use would be inapplicable

Razorclaw, Beaststrider Power Set[edit]

Armored Durability d8, Colossal Strength d12, Manufactured Stamina d6

SFX: Collateral damage. Any successful physical attack or reaction effect may incidentally also affect a nearby mook or piece of scenery for free.
Body Reweaving Matrix: Spend 1 Essence to recover the craft's physical stress and step back its physical stress by -1.
Charged Power: Shutdown the highest rated Gunstrider power and gain one Essence. Recover power by activating opportunity or during next transitional scene.
Limit: [Transform] Shut down the Voidfighter power set to use the Gunstrider power set. Panopoly dice and effects may be used with the Gunfighter power set. (You are assumed to have a Warstrider sized versions of any artifacts purchased during character creation)



Curse of the Raging Bull[edit]

1XP when accused of cowardice or told to retreat
3XP +1 when your desire to get into combat puts you at odds with the plans of others
10XP +1 when you surrender totally to your bloodlust, despite the consequences

One For All[edit]

1XP when you cheer up a member of your squad, a friend or a lover
3XP when you aid a member of your squad, a friend or a lover from a serious situation
10XP when you rescue a member of your squad, a friend or a lover from something truly life-threatening




Islesi "Scarlet" Dovruna: Roar WUVs the Fire Aspect Terrestrial and treats Scarlet like she was the younger sister Roar always wanted. While Roar genuinely respects and admires Scarlet's talent the way she acts toward Pup might seem patronizing if you didn't know Victory's Roar very well (or even if you did). To the best of anybody's knowledge, Roar has never called her anything but Pup.

Kaja Samri: Samri is everything a cool Lunar should be. Funny, composed, awesome pilot and knows all sorts of tricks. Roar has a huge crush on her, and would probably try to act on it if not for...

Ghost of Heaven: Ghost of Heaven terrifies Roar, being so quiet and lethal (as opposed to Roar's loud and lethal - it still creeps her out). Still she wants to like Ghost, figuring if Samri does then she's got something going for her, but it's not the easiest thing ever.