Gustav - Notes and Story Record
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School: Herzogbrunn University
People: Stadter
Expectations: Masculine, hard-working, dedicated, hands stained from chalk and ink, lab coat under his flying leathers.
Character History[edit]
I was taught to fly by the University militia team - I scored just high enough on the aptitude tests to make the cutoff, and didn't significantly damage my plane during training, which was enough to certify me into the rotation. I love my school because it's so orderly and advanced I'm pursuing my thesis so I can pursue important research and be remembered forever
Did you seek out your school and education, or were you born there? - I was born at the University (technically within the outer-town, but it's really the same thing), and was enrolled in youth classes since I could walk. How do the professors abuse their power? - Note: Gustav does not know any of this -> The department heads and senior professors conduct no actual work on their own, but instead both claim the work of their underlings and dispatch 'researchers' to 'discover' advancements from elsewhere and bring them back to the University. It is one such mission that Gustav has been sent on, with the added indignity that the reason he was selected was that the Unterdekan der Naturwissenschaften lost 2 graduate students and a postdoc in a game of baccarat. To whom are you deep in debt for your education? - Herzogbrunn has raised and provided for me my whole life, and equipped me with the means to be part of the vanguard leading Himmergard to a brighter future, I owe them more than I could ever repay.