Gwyn Harlech

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Human F Bard 4 CG(N)[edit]

6’7” 265 lbs Waist length white-blonde hair Pale grey eyes

S 10 (+0) D 14 (+2) Co 13 (+1) I 10 (+0) W 12 (+1) Ch 20 (+5)


HP: 27

AC: 13 (Leather Armour/Dex Mod)

Initiative +2

Weapons / Attacks

Rapier +4 (Finesse) 1d8+2 P

Shortbow +4 1d6 P

Proficiency Bonus +2

Saving Throws Str +0 Dex +4 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +7

Languages Common, Celestial

Skills Tools Weapons / Armour[edit]

Acrobatics +4 Disguise Kit Light Armour

Deception (Exp) +9 Flute Simple Weapons

Insight +3 Herbalism Kit Hand Crossbows

Perception +5 Playing Cards Long Swords

Performance +7 Shawm Rapiers

Persuasion +9 Short Swords

Survival +3


Actor; Skill Expert

Features & Traits[edit]


Cantrips: Light, Mending, Prestidigitation

Spells Known:

1st Level: Cure Wounds, Disguise Self, Identify, Sleep

2nd Level: Cloud of Daggers, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration

Spell Slots: 1st Level OOOO 2nd Level OOO

Bardic Inspiration d6 OOOOO / Long Rest

Jack of All Trades: ½ PB (+1) added to all ability checks not already affected by Proficiency Bonus.

Song of Rest: Performing during Short Rest grants +1d6 healing

Bard College (Creation)

Mote of Potential: When BI is given, mote (Musical note) orbits recipient. (Allows re-roll of Bardic Inspiration Die with choice of result for an Ability Check; Does Bardic Inspiration Thunder Damage within 5’ (on failed save) when used for attack roll; Provides Temporary HPs of Bardic Inspiration Die + 5 when used for Save)

Performance of Creation: Create one Item at a time with GP Value up to 160 GP (Mundane Only) Medium or smaller.


By Popular Demand – You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern, but possibly with a circus, at a theatre, or even in a noble’s court. At that place, you receive free room and board at a modest or comfortable standard, as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognise you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.



Entertainer’s Pack



2 Costumes (TBD, TBD)

5 Candles

5 days of rations


Disguise Kit


Leather Armour



The favour of an admirer (A small silver ring)

Sorceress’ Outfit from The Madness of Empress Elinil

Herbalism Kit


Quiver w/20 arrows

Trinket: A small packet filled with pink dust


Hat of Disguise (Uncommon, Attuned) Disguise Self at will

Moon-Touched Rapier (Common) Glows when unsheathed

Belt Pouch with 15 GP


Gwyn often appears to be distracted but can be counted upon to know what’s going on despite that. She enjoys getting into insult duels with her friends, and the harder hitting the insult is, the more she enjoys it – even, or especially, if it’s directed at her.

Her performances are as much a matter of her trying to bring the song she hears into reality for everyone as they are for more mundane concerns such as eating.

She is, however, well-known for speaking truth as she sees it to anyone, regardless of relative social standing.