HawkGirl / Shayera Hol

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Shayera Hol, formerly known as "HawkGirl"; PL 14 (210)

Init +4; Defense 19 (+5 base, +4 dex); Spd 30 ft, 70 ft Fly; Base Attack +13; Atk +18 melee (+18S Mace, +14S Electricity Energy Field), +17 ranged (18S Mace, +14S Electricity Energy Field); SV Dmg +6, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12 (95 total)

Skills: Spot 8/+13, Search 8/+11, Taunt 5/+6, Survival 7/+10, Sense Motive 10/+13, Computers 5/+7, Disguise 5/+6, Move Silently 6/+10, Listen 8/+11 (31 total)

Feats: Infamy, Attack Focus: Armed Melee, Aerial Combat, Power Attack, Dodge, All-Out-Attack, Move-By Attack, Quick-Draw, Takedown Attack, Toughness, Talented (Search & Spot) (22 total)

Powers & Equipment: JL Communicator (1 ppr, Source: Super-Science), Flight +14 (Flaws: Winged, 1 ppr, 14 total, Source: Alien), Weapon: Nth Metal Mace +14 (Power Stunts: Throwable, Dual Damage, Effective vs Magic (+2 damage), Extras: Energy Field, Mighty Ranged Weapon, Absorption (Electricty only, no Benifit), 4 ppr+6, 62 total)