Hawksmoor PL13

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Alternate Identity: Jack HAWKSMOOR AKA THE GOD OF THE CITIES Group Affiliation: The AUTHORITY First Appearance: STORMWATCH Vol1 #37 Power Level: 13 (205pp)

Str: 17 (+7, super strenght+4) Dex: 15 (+6, super dexterity+4) Con: 17 (+7, super constitution+4) Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 14 (+6, super wisdom+4) He become smart in cities. Cha: 15 (+2) Total: 30pp

Base Attack Bonus: 7 Melee: 11 Ranged: 9 cost: 21

Base Defense Bonus: 7 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +14 cost: 14 Initiative: +6

SAVES Damage: +7 Fort: +7 Ref: +6 Will: +6


City simbiotic link +12 [element control (cities) (extra: animation, extra: transmutation, flaw: in cities only); extra: leaping; extra: ESP (extra: postcognition, power stunt: alertness*, flaw: cities only); extra: incorporeal (flaw: in cities only); extra: teleportation (extra: extended, flaw: extended only, flaw: between cities only**; source: alien; cost: 66pp]

  • Alertness: While he's in a city, HAWKSMOOR is linked to it and he's aware of every menace in the city. The stronger is the menace ( a car accident to a natural disaster or an alien attack ) the stronger is the signal. This could harms him if the city is about to be destroyed.
    • Between cities: he only can teleport from a city to another city. If the city is a small town, it takes much time.

Super Strenght+4 [extra: super dexterity, extra: super constitution, extra: super wisdom; flaw: in cities only; source: alien; cost: 40pp]

Total: 110pp


Radio-telepathy [mental link x 5 (other members of the Authority), flaw: device; source: science (Engineer); cost: 5pp]


Attack Focus (unarmed), Power Attack, Fame, Connected (he knoxs many secret services agents, cops or people he saved during his solo adventures), Dodge, Headquarter (the carrier)

Total: 12pp


Acrobatics +8, Computers +3 ("I'm addict to boards"), Diplomacy +9/3 (fame), Gather Information +10/4 (fame), Jump + 8, Knowledge (secret world)+5, Total: 18


Unusual metabolism (linked to cities): HAWKSMOOR doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep. He's fed by cities pollution. But if he stays more than one hour outside a city, he become exhausted and sick. He dies if he stays too much longer. The carrier is as big as a city so he don't have any problem

Grand Total: 205pp