Hearth magic
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Hearth magic
...is the more peaceful side of battle magic. It still takes up space in your free Int as battle magic does. Almost all hearth magic requires focus, which means any wound or shock will throw the spell. Normal things like walking and talking will not. Thus, it is rarely used by the more active adventurers and cultists of Glorantha.
Unlike battle magic, hearth magic tends to lesser effects, with increased levels of a spell increasing the duration of magics. All variable [v] spells start with a duration of 1-5 minutes [a short task], but extra levels of the spell make its effects last longer.
- +1 pt 5-15 min [ a normal task]
- +2 15min-hour [a long task]
- +3 an hour-six hours[ half a days work]
- +4 six hours-12 hours [a days work]
- +5 12-24 hours [all the time].
No Hearth magic can be higher than 6 pts.
Hearth magic 1 pt
- Tools [v] – adds +5% to the use of a tool based skill. It also reduces wear and negates broken tool results for fumbles.
- Helper [v] adds +5% to any one skill, as long as the skill does not require vigourous action. A passive spell.
- Focus;[v] Allows +5% on an increasing range of skills if used at the same time. For instance craft: cooking and craft: butchering used to dress game would both receive +5% from focus 2.
- Restore: [v] restores one thing to the height of its usefulness, condition, etc. The object may be damaged but not completely destroyed (burned to ash, ground to dust, etc). Not useful for weapons or armour.
- Note: [spirits, magics, strangers, valuables, vermin, danger, mothers, unsafe food, sick stock, many, many others. ] one of the few passive spells in hearth magic. The effecting thing will trigger int or pow rolls to be noticed att x 3 required. Continued presence will trigger another roll at each point on the duration scale.
- Hearthfire. Can light/snuff small fires in appropriate material. Only candle strength.
- Do work .The user starts a common task, then casts the spell. The task will continue for the duration of the spell, as long as the caster keeps focus. They may perform another common task while this spell is in use.
- Clean. This spell substitutes areas for duration. Level 1 is a small room, level 2 three small or one large room, 3 pts a cottage, etc. It cleans away dust and refuse, though cannot shift anything weighing more than 1 enc.
- Rid. As Clean, but removes pests [smaller than siz 1].
- Commune with Spirits: Allows, through some simple form of communicative system [a series of knocks, writing in the sand, a spirit board…] the ability to negotiate with house spirits and other, non spirit combat types. Immediately ruined by spirit spells or combat.
- Canny: All Int/Idea rolls are considered one roll better [an Int x 3 is an Int x 2 roll].
- Stamina: All Con rolls not related to combat or damage are considered one roll better.
- Grace: All Dex rolls as per Stamina.
- Labour: All Str rolls
- Charm: all Cha rolls.
- Will: all Pow rolls.
- Here and now: A spell to reduce ill will in a room , home or meeting. Reduces the emotional impact of memory, allowing a neutral reaction at minimum to most common disagreements. Cannot effect cult related feelings.
- Sway: Makes a listener more likely to share opinions and find common ground. +5% on reactions, with increased levels adding another person per 15 mins of duration [ so duration 2 means you can sway up to 3 people.
3pt spells
- Agility: +5% with all agility based skills for the duration.
- Athletics: +5% with all body manipulation skills.
- Nimble: +5% with all fine manipulation.
- Recall; +5% with all knowledges.
- Aware: +5% perception skills.
- Charming: +5% all communication skills.
- Skill focus [varies]: Choose one noncombat, nonmagic skill. You may add +15% to this skill as long as you maintain focus.