Heritage Table by Moto Nhoj

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Heritage Table[edit]

by Moto Nhoj

Roll Percentile Die and see what you get. Use and modify as you see fit, and feel free to post anything else you can think of. It is in alphabetical order and does contain items from the 3Ed Heritage Table.

1 Air Nexxus The kami talk to you all the time, this works like a Commune Spell inate ablity for the element specified
2 Army Commander Honor +2, Battle +2 Skill Ranks
3 Artistic Touch Add +2 to Acting or Storytelling, or +1 to Both
4 Ashlan Artifact Your family possesses an ancient artifact of this race. (Gain Lore:Ashlan)
5 Astute Gain +1 Awareness
6 Bastard Sibling Status -0.3
7 Be the Bastard Status -0.5
8 Beautiful, but Dumb Gain +5 on all Rolls for Seduction, Lose -5 on all rolls needing Intelligence
9 Beiden Pass - Batle of Battle Skill +2, +0.3 Honor
10 Betrayal Driven (Find Traitor and Bring to Justice)
11 Blackmail Your family possesses a secret about another family. Roll d10 / 2 that is the point value of the obligation owed to you.
12 Born under a Bad Star Gain 3pt Disadvantage - GM Choice
13 Carried the Clan Standard Roll d10 and Gain that many points of Glory
14 Clan IdealGain +1 Rank of Other Attribute in Same Ring as Family Advantage (ex Hida = +1 Strength Gain +1 Perception Also)
15 Clan Magistrate Honor + 0.2, Glory +1.0 in Clan Province
16 Clumsy Lose 1 Rank of Agility
17 Combating in Shadowlands Any Bugei Skill +1 Rank, +10 on all Resist Fear Rolls
18 Confused Lose 1 Rank of Awareness
19 Conscious Gain +1 Perception
20 Corrupted Driven (Kill Ancestor)
21 Coward Driven (Prove Yourself), -0.5 Glory, -0.5 Status
22 Cresting Wave - Battle of Gain +2 Ranks in Crab School Skills
23 Cursed Unlucky, -0.5 Honor
24 Damned Gain 5+ pt Disadvantage - GM Choice
25 Debt Obligation (4pt)
26 'Died Protecting the General Gain +0.5 Honor
27 Diplomat to Great Clan Ally (2pt) from that Clan
28 Duel Add +2 to Kenjitsu or iaijutsu, or +1 to Both
29 Dutiful Vengeance Glory +1 Rank, Free Raise on Social Rolls with Clan Members
30 Earth Nexxus The kami talk to you all the time, this works like a Commune Spell inate ablity for the element specified
31 Englightened Book +0.3 Honor, Free Raise on Social within Clan
32 Excellent Service Your family has provided Excellent service to the clan for generations; Gain +2.0 Status, +1.0 Honor
33 Eyes like your Grandfather Gain Fine Quality item in Starting Outfit (Gift)
34 Family Heirloom: Minor Nemurani You have to have it with you at all times
35 Family Magistrate Honor & Glory + 1 Rank in Family Province
36 Famous Sensei Glory +3.0 with Members of Sensei's Clan
37 Fire Nexxus The kami talk to you all the time, this works like a Commune Spell inate ablity for the element specified
38 Fortunate Gain a 2pt Advantage (or 2 Points towards an Advantage)
39 Fought Bravely Roll one die and Gain that many points of Glory
40 Gifted Buy Any Advantage for 1/2 Cost
41 Good Stock Gain 1 Rank of Strength of the Earth
42 Great Lover Gain +5 on all Social Skill Rolls with the opposite Sex
43 Guardian Way of the Land & +2.0 Glory in Area guarded
44 Hand of the Fates You have the attention of the Fates, they watch over you and protect you (You may reroll any failed roll once per session)
45 Honored Cousin You get +3 to all Social Challenges with members of your own clan
46 Horrible Fate Gain 4pt Disadvantage - GM Choice
47 Imperial Courtier Honor +0.3, Glory +0.5, and Voice
48 Imperial Magistrate Honor +0.3, Glory +0.5
49 Imperial Scrutiny Your family is under imperial scrutiny for some past action. -2.0 Status, -1.0 Honor
50 Inept You are responsible for the Maintenance of a public good site.
51 Infamous Cousin You get -3 to all Social Challenges with members of your own clan
52 Je ne ce Qua Gain +1 Void
53 Killed an Important Foe Gain 2pt Sworn Enemy from another Clan
54 Killed While Charging the Lines 3pt Minor Ally from your clan
55 Kolat Ties One of your family is a member of the Kolat (Gain Lore: Kolat +1, Dark Secret 3pts)
56 Less Fortunate Gain 2pt Disadvantage - your Choice
57 Lethargic Lose 1 Rank of Reflexes
58 Like your Mother Take the Family Advantage of your mothers clan instead of your Fathers clan
59 Lithe Gain +1 Agility
60 Lost Fortune Phobia (Water) (2 pt), Start with no Money
61 Lucky Gain 1pt Advantage (or 1 pt towards and Advantage)
62 Maho-Tsukai Dark Secret (8pts) for no points
63 Ninja Ties One of your family is a member of the Ninja (Gain Lore: Ninja +1, Dark Secret 3pts)
64 Oblivious Lose 1 Rank of Perception
65 Out of Shape Lose 1 Rank of Stamina
66 Pick your Relatives Roll d10, Even, +3.0 Status and all Outfit items Fine Quality, Odd, -3.0 Status and all outfit items Poor Quality
67 Powerfull Gain +1 Strength
68 Prodigy Buy Any One Advantage for 1/4 Cost
69 Prophet Gain Disadvantage - Prophecy (Epileptic Seizures of Prophecy is unavailable)
70 Puny Lose 1 Rank of Strength
71 Quick Gain +1 Reflexes
72 'Saved a Wounded Samurai Gain 5pt Minor Ally
73 Saved the Day Gain 6pt Major Ally for another clan
74 Second Day of Thunder Lore (Shadowlands) +2. Glory +1 Rank
75 Secret You know a secret, it could be anything from the location of a Jade Mine, to the true identiy of Master Tiger, etc...
76 Secret Love You have a secret love, gain True Love for no points and you must make a Willpower roll TN10 to not do as they request
77 Honorable Seppuku 1 Starting Outfit item is Fine Quality
78 Skilled Buy Any One Advantage for 2/3 Cost
79 Sleeping River - Battle of Lore (Shadowlands) +1
80 Smart Gain +1 Intelligence
81 Spirit ChildGain Lore: Spirit 1, and +2.0 Status
82 Stuff Legends are made of Gain +1 to any ring value.
83 Stupid Lose 1 Rank of intelligence
84 Successful Marrige Minor Ally (3pt)
85 That Child's not Right Lose 1 Rank of Other Attribute in Same Ring as Family Advantage (ex Hida = +1 Strength Gain -1 Perception Also)
86 The Duel Status +0.5, Sworn Enemy (2pt), Know the School + 2 Ranks
87 This is the Way Gain Absolute Direction
88 Tireless Gain +1 Stamina
89 Truth in Legends +5 on Social Skills with Samurai who Believe, -5 on Social with Samurai who don’t
90 Unlucky Gain 1 pt Disadvantage - your Choice
91 Unremarkable Bland, Glory no higher than status
92 Unwavering Gain +1 Willpower
93 Void Nexxus The kami talk to you all the time, this works like a Commune Spell innate ablity for the element specified
94 Warrior Born Gain +1 Rank on any Bugei school skill
95 Water Nexxus The kami talk to you all the time, this works like a Commune Spell inate ablity for the element specified
96 Weak Willed Lose 1 Rank of Willpower
97 Well Schooled Gain +1 Rank on any Non-Bugei school Skill
98 White Stag - Battle of Athletics +2 Ranks
99 Yakuza Ties One of your family is a member of the Yakusa (Gain Lore: Underworld +2, Dark Secret 2pts)
100 Yojimbo Defense +2 Ranks, +3.0 Honor