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Game Way of the Wicked


  • Name: Hiliol
  • Race: Gray Elf
  • Class: Druid
  • Level/XP: 1/0



  • Str 8 (-1)
  • Dex 13 (+1)
  • Con 10
  • Int 14 (+2)
  • Wis 18 (+4)
  • Cha 12 (+1)


  • Fort +2
  • Ref +1
  • Will +6
  • BAB 0
  • AC 11
  • HP 8
  • Perception 6


  • Bluff 6, Concentration 3, Diplomacy 1, Handle Animal 1, Heal 1, Knowledge Nature 4, Spellcraft 3, Survival 5, Swim 1


  • nature sense: A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
  • wild empathy (diplomacy for animals, d20+druid lvl+cha)
  • Spells/day: 3 0th, 2 1st
  • Immune to sleep effects
  • +2 save vs. enchantment
  • Low-light vision
  • Secret door detection
  • Languages: Common, Elvish, Druidic, +2
  • Feats (1 unchosen)

Spells prepared[edit]

0th: detect magic, create water, cure minor wounds

1st: longstrider, obscuring mist


Elves are the superior humanoid race, and gray elves are best of the elves -- smarter, more graceful, longer lived. It is only natural for the greater to exploit the weaker, as predators eat prey. And, in the long term, it would be a kindness to eliminate the inferior races, so that their souls could incarnate in superior vessels. (Hiliol's ideas may not be entirely consistent.)

Hiliol found it profitable and amusing to scam the rich, and foolish, convincing marks that they could obtain elven longevity via blood sacrifice and obscure rituals -- for a suitable price, of course. Victims weren't just the old and desperate: the druid 'taught' some parents how to link their children to a tree, to live as long as the tree. Profitable, that is, until caught by Talingarde's law enforcement. (Fraud).

The elf will feel contempt for the mortals they're forced to work with, but can now appreciate the utility of having a pack. And can afford to be patient.

  • Might does make right.
  • Being fooled is the price of being foolish and greedy.
  • What's it matter if some mortal dies a few decades early? They've barely lost anything.
  • Elves are to humans as humans are to animals.