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Hindrance Type Effects

  • Allergy (Minor/Major) –2 or –4 to Trait rolls when exposed to allergen
  • All Thumbs (Minor) –2 Repair; Roll of 1 on a mechanical or electronic device causes malfunction
  • Anemic (Minor) –2 Vigor to resist sickness, disease, poison or environment
  • Arrogant (Major) Must humiliate opponent, always look to challenge the ‘leader’
  • Bad Eyes (Minor) –2 to attack or notice something more than 5” distant
  • Bad Luck (Major) One less benny per session
  • Big Mouth (Minor) Unable to keep a secret, blabs at the worst time
  • Blind (Major) –6 to all actions that rely on vision, –2 on social rolls, gain additional Edge
  • Branded (Minor) –2 Charisma among non-pirates; –2 Fame
  • Cautious (Minor) Character is over-cautious
  • Clueless (Major) –2 to most Common Knowledge rolls
  • Cocky (Minor) The character must spend his first action bragging or lose a benny
  • Code of Honor (Major) The character keeps his word and acts like a gentleman
  • Curious (Major) Character wants to know about everything
  • Death Wish (Minor) Hero wants to die after completing some task
  • Delusional (Minor/Major) Character suffers from grave delusions
  • Dependent (Major) See text
  • Elderly (Major) Pace –1, –1 to Strength & Vigor die types; +5 skill points for Smarts skills.
  • Enemy (Minor/Major) The character has a recurring nemesis of some sort
  • Garrulous (Minor) Carousing costs are doubled
  • Glass Jaw (Minor) –2 to Soak rolls
  • Greedy (Minor) The character is obsessed with wealth
  • Habit (Minor) A Minor Habit is simply annoying (Charisma –1)
  • Hard of Hearing (Minor/Major) –2 to Notice sounds; automatic failure if completely deaf
  • Heroic (Major) The character is a true hero and always helps those in need; +2 Fame
  • Illiterate (Minor) The character cannot read or write
  • Jingoistic (Minor/Major) –2 or –4 to Charisma when dealing with other races and cultures
  • Lame (Major) –2 Pace and running die is a d4
  • Landlubber (Minor) Cannot buy Boating with starting skills; –2 to all Boating rolls
  • Loyal (Minor) The hero tries to never betray or disappoint his friends
  • Mean (Minor) The character suffers –2 to his Charisma for his ill-temper and surliness
  • Obese (Minor) +1 Toughness, –1 Pace, d4 running die
  • One Arm (Major) –4 to tasks requiring two arms
  • One Eye (Major) –1 Charisma, –2 to rolls requiring depth perception
  • One Leg (Major) Pace –2, d4 running die, –2 to rolls requiring mobility, –2 to Swimming skill
  • Outsider (Minor) –2 Charisma, treated badly by those of the more dominant society
  • Overconfident (Major) The hero believes he can do anything
  • Pacifist (Minor/Major) The character fights only in self-defense as a Minor Hindrance, and won’t fight living creatures under any circumstance as a major Hindrance
  • Phobia (Minor/Major) –2 or –4 to Trait tests when near the phobia
  • Poverty (Minor) Half starting funds, general inability to hang onto future income
  • Quirk (Minor) The character has some minor but persistent foible, such as bragging, elitism,or the pursuit of fame
  • Seasick (Major) Hero makes a Vigor roll each time he boards a ship or suffer a –2 penalty Small Major –1 Toughness
  • Stubborn (Minor) Hero always wants his way
  • Trouble Magnet (Minor/Major) Nothing goes right for the hero
  • Ugly (Minor) –2 Charisma due to the character’s less-than-average appearance
  • Vengeful (Minor/Major) Character holds a grudge, will kill to settle the score as a Major Hindrance
  • Vow (Minor/Major) The hero has a pledge to himself, a group, a deity, or a religion
  • Wanted (Minor/Major) The character is a criminal of some sort
  • Yellow (Major) The character is cowardly and suffers –2 to his Guts rolls
  • Young (Major) 3 points for Attributes (instead of 5); 10 skill points (instead of 15), +1 benny per sessionHindrances