Holg Lauriks

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Stat Block[edit]

10 14 11 12 13 15
+0 +2 +0 +1 +1 +2
  • Level: 2
  • Race: Half-orc
  • Class: Bard
    • Subclass:
  • Deity: Belshah, Ilatu
  • Background: Guild Artisan
  • Proficiency bonus: +2
  • Total Hit Points: 13
  • Hit Dice: 1d8
  • Passive Perception: 12
  • Armor Class: 13
  • Personality: Holg believes in hard work and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. He despises being condescended too or people who feel they are too good to do things themselves.
  • Ideal: Freedom. Everyone should be free to pursue his or her own livelihood.
  • Bond: The working class of any race or origin are Holg’s people.
  • Flaw: A problem with authority, particularly incompetent authority.

Proficiencies and Skills[edit]

  • Acrobatics (Dex) + 3
  • Animal Handling (Wis) + 2
  • Arcana (Int) + 2
  • Athletics (Str) + 2
  • Deception (Cha) + 4
  • History (Int) + 3
  • Insight (Wis) +3
  • Intimidation (Cha) +4
  • Investigation (Int) + 2
  • Medicine (Wis) + 2
  • Nature (Int) + 2
  • Perception (Wis) + 2
  • Performance (Cha) +4
  • Persuasion (Cha) +4
  • Religion (Int) + 2
  • Sleight of Hand (Dex) + 3
  • Stealth (Dex) + 3
  • Survival (Wis) + 2

  • Saving Throws: Dex (+4), Cha (+4)
  • Languages: Common, Orc, Gnomish
  • Tools: Fiddle (viol), Flute, Harp, Red Smithing.
  • Training: ---
  • Weapons and Armor: Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Long Swords, Rapiers, Shortswords, and Hand Crossbows

Spells and Features and Feats[edit]

  • 60ft dark vision
  • Relentless Endurance- When reduced to 0 hit points, instead is reduced 1 hit point, 1/long rest.
  • Savage Attacks- When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time.
  • Spells
    • Spell DC: 12
    • Spell Attack: +4
  • Cantrips
    • Prestidigitation
    • Minor Illusion
  • Level One (3 slots)
    • Dissonant Whispers
    • Thunder Wave
    • Heroism
    • Healing Word
    • Faerie Fire

Weapons and Armor[edit]

  • Rapier (+4)- 1d8+2 piercing
  • Dagger (+4)- 1d4+2 piercing
  • Leather Armor (AC 11)

Retainers, Familiars, and Mounts[edit]

Possessions, Mundane[edit]

Entertainer’s Pack (Backpack, Bedroll, 2 Costumes, 5 Candles, 5 Days Rations, Waterskin, Disguise Kit), Fiddle, Smith’s Tools, A letter from the Red Smith’s Guild, Traveler’s Clothes,3 Darts (A gaming set)

Possessions, Treasure[edit]

Gold: 55 gp 6 sp

Possessions, Party Loot[edit]

One art objects gifted to Commander Rael.

Possessions, Magical[edit]

Character Background[edit]

Holg Lauriks grew up in a factory town in an Orcish Ghetto. Like most of the orcs and Half-Orcs in the city, his grandparents headed into the city to find work and ended up being laborers in the air ship yards. Gnomes might design the darn things, but it's half-orc muscle that puts them together. Raised with seven siblings, it was assumed that he would go to work in one of the city's factories, marry a nice Orc lady or maybe a poor human girl and settle down to raise his own brood.

Holg had different ideas however. He was determined not to die in the same ghetto he was raised in. He knew the way out was to master the magic that the gnome factory owners knew or gain a craftsman's skills. Not one to leave things to fate, he tried to do both. He earned some extra money playing fiddle at weddings and taverns in the evening and saved up enough to pay for a Red Smithing Apprenticeship and buy the occasional simple arcane tome that he studied intensely even if it soon became clear he would never be a great wizard. The other apprentices had family members supporting them, but that wasn't an option for Holg so his side gig playing for money continued and he began to work some of the magic into his songs to better entertain the crowd. He passed his guild exams, but unfortunately found that the pay for an orcish smith was poor. Many established smiths had no interest in letting him join their smithies and finding work independently was difficult especially without the money to establish his own shop and produce examples of his wares to draw attention.

So he set out to make his way on his own. He traveled about some, smithing when he could and more often singing for his supper. About six months ago he settled in High Home. He likes it well enough and gets along well with the dwarven miners. They're happy to hear a tune or two when they get off their shifts in the mine and can be quite generous once they're in their cups. The dwarven smiths do a fair trade building and maintaining mining equipment, but mostly work in iron and tin, so they're happy to rent him space for occasional brass and copper work since he's not competing with them. He's even made a few friends that steer work to him and has managed to stay on at least neutral terms with the resident Red Smith. He has a bit less success with the humans, but they're coming around. He was invited to play at a local festival last week for the first time.

Holg worships Belshah publicly and offers prayers to her before each show and offers a song at her shrine once a week and a portion of his tips to the continued scholarship. Privately, he maintains his childhood faith in Ilatu and Holg credits Ilatu with his success in escaping the ghetto and the freedom to see the world and find his own place.

Spellcasting Descriptions[edit]

  • Prestidigitation
    • Sensory Effect- Blitz
    • Light torch, candle, campfire etc. - Feuer
    • Extinguish same - Feuer Loeschen!
    • Clean- Reinige
    • Warm/flavor- Wuerz
    • Make mark or symbol- Schreib
    • Trinket/little illusion- Blitz
  • Minor Illsuion (S, M)
    • Wiggle two pointer and middle finger and touch wool collar.
  • Dissonant Whispers (V)
    • Flieh!
  • Thunder Wave (V, S)
    • Holg smacks his chest with an open hand and shouts “Droehen!”
  • Heroism (V, S)
    • Holg drags his thumb and pointer finger in an L shape across the person and whispers, “Mut und Gesund”
  • Healing Word (V)
    • Gesund Sein!

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