Hulk PL16

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the Incredible HULK (PL16, 234pp) [WITH BOOST]

Size: Large (-1) Init +0; Defense 15/9; Spd 30’; Atk +6 melee, +6 ranged; SV Dmg +10, Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 8; Base Attack Bonus +7, Base Defense Bonus +6; (61)

SKILLS (16) Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3, Listen +4, Sense Motive +3, Spot +3;

FEATS (2 All-Out Attack, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Immunities x4 (Cold, Heat, Fire, Disease), Infamy, Iron Will, Power Attack, Rapid Takedown, Takedown Attack, Toughness, Detect (astral);

POWERS (159) Growth +4 (Flaws- Continuous, ); Immovability +4 (from growth); Leaping +5 (Power Stunt- Super Leaping: 800’);

  • Locate Home +10; Protection +10 (Flaw- provides only +7 vs. Energy attacks); Regeneration +5; Super Constitution +3;

Super Strength +9 (Power Stunt: Lethal); (Extra: Shockwave, Thunderclap); Boost (Adrenaline Surge): Super Strength +11 (Extras: Boost Regeneration +10, Boost Protection +7, Boost Leaping +4, Boost Immovability +4, Degrade [Normal Boost Degrade does not take effect until you are rendered disabled for more than 3 rounds]), (Flaws: Limited- the madder the better make a DC10 Will Save [-1 per round after attempting to activate], Limited - Slow Increase … the surge increase abilities by 1 per round [you may make a DC 15 Will Save to double this each round and/or make a “Heroic Effort” to gain larger Surges by spending 1 Hero Point per 5 Power Ranks]);

WEAKNESSES (-30) Berserk (Banner: Hulk will always revert into a Berserk rage when thinking about Banner); Disturbing: he’s the HULK!!; Transformation: Puny Banner … when the Hulk is rendered disabled for 3 or more rounds, he begins to revert into Bruce Banner. He can attempt to stave off the transformation with a DC 15 Will Save, but can only delay the inevitable (he forgets when he’s calm that he could revert). The Hulk must make an additional check for each additional disabled minute (+2 to DC per minute). The Hulk will never volunteerly revert to Banner.

Bruce Banner: PL2; Init +0; Defense 10; Spd 30’; Atk -1 melee, -1 ranged; SV Dmg +0, Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 9, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 13; Base Attack Bonus +0, Base Defense Bonus +0; ( SKILLS (25) Computers +4, Diplomacy +4, Profession (scientist) +4, Science (physics) +6, Science (Radiation/Gama) +7. FEATS (6) Connected, Infamy, Talented (Computers & Science); POWERS (4) Super Intelligence +2 (Banner was diagnosed as a Mutant from birth! His power was inhanced intelligence and then the accident unleashed the HULK) ALTERNATES Banner: FEAT- Identity Change. WEAKNESSES (-10) Transformation: HULK!! … when Bruce suffers at least two Stun/Lethal Hits, he transforms into the HULK. He can attempt to stave off the transformation with a DC 15 (minus Hits) Will Save, but can only delay the inevitable. Bruce must make an additional check for each additional Hit (damaged or not). He remains the HULK until rendered disabled for more than 3 rounds (see Hulk’s Weakness). Stress may also trigger his transformation as determined by the GM. Banner may also attempt to trigger the transformation by giving himself the stress needed, if he attempts this reduce the DC Will Save by –1 per round.


Locate Home; COST: 3 ACTION: Free RANGE: worldwide (range x3) DURATION: Sustaned You have the ability to locate a location and have complete direction sense to seek it out with a DC15 Will Save. You receive a +1 per power rank. You must choose this location when purchasing the power.