Hungry stirges

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Something is happening in the sky. A confusion of wings. A large flying creature attacked by several distinctly smaller ones. Pretty soon the larger creature stops moving. The smaller beasts carry it for a time then release it crashing into the water in front of you.

Wisdom (perception) check DC(10) - You see that all of the creatures have leathery wings and long beaks. The larger creature has a crest on the back of it's head almost as long as it's beak.

Wisdom (perception) check DC(15) - The smaller flyers look like a combination of a bat and mosquito. Parts of their body are covered in tufts of ratty fur. Their beaks are actually stingers as large as knitting needles.

Intelligence (Nature) check DC(10) - The larger flyers is a fisher king. Also named Pteranodon.

Intelligence (Nature) check DC(10) - The smaller flyers are stirges, banes of the swamp. Hungry blood eaters that swarm their pray and suck them dry. They hibernate during the winter, and they wake up hungry.

As soon as the fisher king falls, the stirges swarm towards the barge, sensing more blood.

The stingers are surprisingly painless when entering flesh. The pain is replaced by the feeling of warmth and uncomfortable pressure.


1-2: 6 stirges

3-4: 7 stirges

5-6: 8 stirges

hp: 3,4,3,4,1,3,1,4