Hunters: C4
Fenn Pysgotwr/Llywelyn Llyn[edit]
"I'm uh, that is... um... I'll be here, for you... if you need me..."[edit]
Birthright Distinction - Knight of the Lake
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
- Lineage: Half-Fae
- Affinity: Water
Cliquebait Distinction - Awkward Backup
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Custom SFX: You Can Do This! When you're supporting an ally and they Push their Stress, they may choose not to Step Up their Stress. If they do, Step Up your Social Stress.
Secret Distinction - Twice-Lived Sleeper Agent
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Custom SFX: Glamour Split: When your Glamour splits from you create a d8 Asset for the Scene. After the Scene the Asset becomes a Compilation based on the split.
Strange Magics[edit]
Step up 1 stress track to activate a strange magic for the scene.
Fenn Pysgotwr
Named twice, once for home and once for destiny, Fenn Pysgotwr knew from before he could speak that life was fish, and fish life. No sooner could he toddle than he was being taught to swim, to tie a net, and to cast an hook in Old Glyn's Bath. The marsh had a proper name, no one doubted, but the locals only ever called it Old Glyn's Bath, on account of Old Glyn, a body that'd once been pulled up from the bog. Clever sages had come down from Ruthsborough to see the dead man. They'd talked and argued about it for ages, before declaring the corpse was older than history, and carting him off for further study or to sell tickets or somesuch. Old Glyn was near a claim to fame as any local had. At least, that couldn't be measured by holding out your hands and saying, 'he were this big if he were an inch!'
The only remarkable thing about young Fenn was the slight point of his ears, despite neither his mother nor father being able to speak of any fae ancestry in their prospective trees. Nor could anyone in living memory claim to have seen a fae sober, not in Old Glyn's Bath. Even Fenn's ears were only remarked upon because there was really nothing else to say about Fenn. He was quiet, attentive when others spoke, and dedicated to helping everyone around him.
When he was old enough, young Fenn went fishing on his own, and more often than not came back with fish bigger and finer than anyone thought were round the Bath. The kind of fish that gave you something other than the weather to talk about.
So, it was a surprise to everyone when one fine Summer's eve, Fenn came back without a fish to speak of. The surprise was greatly enhanced by him returning sopping wet and bluer than any water the Bath ever had. His skin was bright and blue as the sky above, and always was there after. Fenn's family ran out to him, and threw blankets round him. They sat him by the fire, and listened to what happened. Sooner or later the whole village listened.
Fenn told them how he had been attacked from beneath the waves. How two strange and terribly strong fae had sprung up from the water and dragged him down. He spoke of how he'd fought desperately, but was still half certain he'd drowned. He'd seen terrible things after he blacked out. Visions of the Bath besieged, of the land flooded and the people slaughtered by the fae. He spoke of a sudden need to do something more with his life. To stop this fate.
More than his words, though, he showed them something they had never seen before. He drew from the Bath a rod of water, tall as he was, and brown and murky as the depths. The rod held just long enough for everyone to gasp, before it fell away to shapeless water once more.
"I need to learn magic."
The next day, young Fenn left his home, just like that. Turned his back on everything he knew, and went out into the big, wide world.
He must have learnt a thing or two on the road, because by the time he arrived at Wildwood, he seemed well versed in the arts of fighting, and showed great aptitude with magic. It was a change none from home would have credited.
This story is not true, even though it is not a lie.
Llywelyn Llyn
Named twice, once for his destiny and once for his home, Llywelyn Llyn knew from the time he could stand that he would live, and die, by the sword. Snatched form an unsuspecting and distant home in some literal backwater, the babe knew nothing of his human origins. He was just one of many children, raised beneath the waters of Lake Odette.
Lady Odette herself, a fierce tactician and ruthless member of the Summer Court, saw great value in her human agents to be. They were trained from birth in the varied and delicate arts of war. Not just the rigorous steps of fighting, but the subtle arts of spycraft, so that when loosed above they would serve as diverse sleeper agents across human lands. Those who were malleable were taught magic, too. Llywelyn proved malleable.
There is little light to be found beneath the depths of Lake Odette. In the mortal world its sister lake is not so deep as to blot out the Sun, but in the Feywild it did. Llywelyn made what friends he could amongst his peers, and tried desperately to prove himself to them, and to Lady Odette. He did not excel in many of the subtler arts, but he proved a determination on the training yard that was seldom surpassed. And his gift for magic made him ever more a subject of Lady Odette's interest. In time, he became one of her favorites, and she gave him personal attention and lessons to assist him further.
But, the young warrior showed magics that Lady Odette could not teach. Gifts that few possessed, and only one place could teach properly.
Lady Odette took a gamble, believing her favoritism had put love in the boy's heart, and her strictness had put fear in his spine. She loosed him out in the world younger than she would have preferred, with a mission: infiltrate the school in the Wildwood. Master your magic, and report everything back again.
Llywelyn, ever eager to please, accepted. By magic he was whisked away to a strange Fenn. There he found his glamour, a false copy of himself that had waited long years, living his life. The two stepped together, and became one, with all the memories of two lives and two purposes.
Llywelyn fed the family that was and was not his own a fitting lie, and made his way to the Wildwood.
He must have learnt much on his journey, for by the time he reached the school he was no longer so eager to serve Lady Odette, no longer so eager to help wage war on the land of humans. It was a change his mistress would never credit.