Hunting for the source part 1.
Michael James Watson
The morning dawned and the rangers started their day. It was a hunting camp collecting food for the ranges and their dependents but the discovery of the bugbear spike and the bands of bug bears in the region had changed the mood of the company. Alex walks in with Alro and sees so much that is familiar. The methods, the morning coffee smells. Alex figures in day light there are more then she thought here. Perhaps a hundred rangers and another hundred support personnel. An area for curing meat, drying leather, and other tasks are clearly laid out. Slider comes up, looking to Arlo in his famous armor. Arlo steps back behind Alex, making Slider turn to her. “We've 6 teams going out. I have a double group of 20 ready to follow your lead if you are still willing to track the spike back? The other teams are tracking a heard of moose for meat stores. I had to practically order the hunters to stick to their targets rather then following you. Keep in touch. I'll be sending two of the rangers with some magical skills. Tracking, communications. They have ranger trumps if you need to reach me.”
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex smiles at the memories which are brought back by the smells, the sounds and simply the ways and routine. Even if the mood is different. It is funny how at home you can feel with 3 years spending somewhere. When her mind travels to other good memories of her 3 years with the rangers she shakes her head to regain focus. None of that now, there is important things to be done. Her duty. Seeing Slider walk up she greets him. Having already half expect Arlo to take a step back. As he had done that in the command tent as well. Hearing people rather would want to go hunt the bugbears Alex chuckles. "I get it, the rest wants to get to the source of this as well. But 20 are good, and i will make sure to bring back regular reports on our progress. I just hope this spike can lead us back to its source. " She takes a step closer and lays a hand on Slider's shoulder. "Stay watchful, and good luck with your hunt." A soft smile on her face. Alex felt absolutely happy to be able to help the rangers. Though a tad nervous as she was taking lead. But she knew she has great backup. Turning to Arlo she nods with still that smile on her face. "Lets get our camp up and ready to leave but first... Coffee. "
Michael James Watson
As camp is struck and breakfast in made one ranger stands out. He sits away off and a dozen of the rangers wait near him. He has a large syphon coffee maker. Alex hasn't seen its type but Arlo walks over to watch. A few moments later the trooper has finished the brew, lets the ex-prince cut the line for two cups of the fine coffee. Walking back Arlo stops midway, walks back and refills his empty cup. Arlo sits next to Alex and hands her a cup. Arlo says, "You know i've been from Amber to Chaos, Azcala to Regor and back.. and it delights me that i can still be surprised. That ranger over there is Hiley Cal, a Tosian of all things, a Dolkian too, and he has a syphon coffee maker made of Rearden. Aparently it packs itself down flat, magically of course. It makes the best coffee I've ever tasted. Lets get him in our 20!"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex watches the ranger sitting away with the strange contraption. When Arlo comes back with a cup she sips it and looks surprised at her cup. A big smile on her face. "Hmmm that is some good coffee .. Though possible one issue with that request... Then the rest of the camp surely wants to join our hunt instead of their own." She takes another sip "But i can make the request. " A wink to Arlo. Alex lets the coffee warm her, wake her and calm her mind a bit. "Any advice before we move off into shadow? As this is my first time leading a group. " Another sip of her coffee she exhales long. "So Slider said something of Ranger trunps right? Would they be powered by something else than the pattern? I know that is possible Brand told me when talking about the Mark. "
Michael James Watson
"Attend to the spike. Feel its shadow path. Ignore everything else. Sense its power imprint and walk toward whee it got it.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex sips her coffee and nods "RIght got it, keep an eye on the spike and its power focus on the place where the spike got the power and not to where it leads. " She finnishes her mug coffee and then stands looking for Karieeena and Hannah. "Well if i keep my eye on the spike and where it got its power i do hope i can trust you all to have my back right and watch out for the 20 men we have with us. Although they are also with us for protection.. either wya. lets keep an eye out for each of us. " She nods to Arlo and the rest. "Lets get ready to move out. "
Michael James Watson
Arlo says, "Ranger trumps were made by Julian a millennia or 2 ago. He went through a mage phase. They are contact trumps. He made a few hundred decks and they have been replicating ever since. They reach out past Diaga into the Amber Sway on land. They get wonky over water but can reach anywhere on the planet of Amber, out to Begma and Thelusia and into the Rebman shadows. Not a bad effort for an amateur. Most officers have a deck" The company assembles and prepares to set out. Alex concentrates on the spike and finds it fairly easy to feel the tendrils leading out into shadow. Taking a few steps she feels it tingling. Leading the troop out for a few hours she feels the tendrils seeming to be loose. A few hours later it seems they are a pile, one her psyche can't untangle. Looking to Arlo he keeps a straight face. Something about it looks like he knows the answer.. but isn't saying what to do.
Amber Bronkhorst
Giving herself a moment to breath and think Alex then decides to go back a few steps in shadow where the tendrils were still loose, perhaps she made a wrong turn so to say. She back tracks her steps while moving forward. Hoping the tendrils will untangle again. If they do she will continue again but with a different oath than before. If it doesn't help Alex will stop for a moment to refocus on the spike. Perhaps it is a concentration issue.
Michael James Watson
Unskilled in sorcery, and inexperienced in using her psyche as amberites do she funbles with the emotions and emonations of the spike and its spell. Its like handfulls of spegetti in oil and she grabbing it with numb hands. She feels it fraying as she attempts to psychically follow new branches. She feels that it tangles elsewhere when she untangles a part. On some level she feels it doiing something almost like humming. Arlo whispers, "The spell isn't senient. It isn't fighting you. Its just reacting. Like gravity. So treat it that way. Don't untangle, tug. Put the old behind you. Feel the humming? That's the spell calling creatures to follow it. The more you handle it the stronger the hum, the siren call. The untangling made the hum sound like a whistle to the kind of creatures it was designed to attract. You are doing very well. I've tracked it and know where it leads and I am going to have to have a conversation with Julian about it but that's my trouble. Yours is to bring these people to its source. We have left Arden proper. We are in a shade of Amber now and the place we are going is a Shade of Amber. Tug, and pull yourself along the rope, shadowshifting more strongly. Another easy thing to do, is to cut the rope. You cut the rope by making a strong snap of your psychic attention through the abyyssal mark directed at a spot on the rope behind you. Leave everything behind to quiver and summon to this shade of Amber while you lead them to the shade of origin. Understand?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex slightly getting frustrated at the whole slippery tangled mess. Then recieving Arlo his instructions she nods slowly. Right same you do with a skein of yarn wich got tangled. Snip it off and work further from there. With a new focus and determined mind Alex tugs the part she is confident that will lead to its source. Then calling up that feeling in her chest, the burning she had felt before she tries to reach the mark to work for her. Snap that tendril and leave the mess behind her. With her psyche she holds a firm grasp on the part she still wants to follow. As if holding a rope in a tug-of-war though she will be pulling herself and the rangers towards the other end of it. With eyes closed she envisions what Arlo described to her. Tug, cut behind us and pull the group through shadow towardssl the source. As she is calling upon her abyssal mark anyway she figures it can only strengthen her grasp on it all and tries to keep hold on the feeling of it. And didn't her father also said using it more will give only more control eventually.
Michael James Watson
The mark burns the tangle lump behind cutting the rope. She has a sense like the fire is burning the rope till it hit the starting spike. THe spike flares, psychicly, then becomes non-magical. Arlo smiles, "Good. Good! The mark really wants to be useful. It can be. But remember it wants to be useful in destroying things. If you wanted you could burn the rope ahead too but that wouldn't be helpful." The burning spelling is consumed but she heard the humming loudly on that level of sensation. Arlo whispers in her mind, "Family members like Fiona, Bleys, me, Brand, Caine, now a days Random, and surprisingly Vialle, rarely enter a room without casting a detection for tugs and spells. It identifies tags, magical items, glamours being worn. Its how Vialle sees, psychically. She however, is masterful at it and the Queen's Crown helps with that. Never think her blind. Her vision is differant, but very clear. She dislikes me. Opps.. We have company." A cry from a ranger brings everything to attention. Charging the group is a force of nearly 100 war stags. Wide horned, bloody with scraps of meat and clothes hanging from their horns like decorations. One of the rangers yells, "Venison for dinner, boys! Big friken 2" deer steaks coming up! " While they look to Alex for orders, their own talents have them already stringing bows and spreading out fo a skirmish line
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex focusses on her abyssal mark keeping thatbunder control to indeed keep it away from the part they still need to follow. This felt so powerful but then again also scary in a way. But she'll learn to work with it. Alex is nothing if not determined. The call makes her looks up but keeps her psyche on the spike its source and the rope she holds. Seeing the warstags and seeing the reaction of the rangers Alex merely nods and gives a few signs to the rangers to continue in a skirmish line. She herself takes her bow and calls to Hannah Karieeena Arlo and Darcy to follow suit and enforce the skirmish line by assisting in flanking the warstag herd. Maybe out of curiosity if it could help firther she keeps the burning sensation of the Abyssal mark present. If it wants to destroy and burn lets see what it can do.
Michael James Watson
The rangers start laying down fire as the warstags charge. Big beasts, at first each takes 3 or 4 well placed arrows to fall. Karieeena and Hannah are skilled archers of course and join in with the rangers well. Arlo draws Galis and shifts it to javelin form. Throwing it fiercely with a laugh the javelin flies through one midchest and it falls dead. As Alex fires her first arrow she sees a tiny speck of fire on the tip of the arrow. When the arrow strikes the stag it pieces deepe then expected and a strong smell of cooked meat fills the air. As she fires again she notes in passing that all the ranger's arrows seem to have a fire tip on them and she feels the Abyssal Mark warm in her chest. The ranger's fire tipped arrows take a stag down in one shot. The enraged deer are massacred as they reach sword range. Half their numbers are down when they reach. a third of the rangers backl away from sword range, leaving that to others, and keep firing the fire tipped arrows
Amber Bronkhorst
Feeling the abyssal mark and what it does a slight smile on her face appears, she is not one for massacres, but when attacked an being capable of a swift counterattack, especially so successful, it does give that extra satisfying feeling. Though, Alex is not as arrogant to think she controls this fully. Keeping her concentration she might shoot at a slower pace, although the firing rate has been very much drilled into her system. But these fire tipped arrows should not become more than that. She orders Hannah and Karieeena to the sword range knowing that with their armor and with their skills they can easily assist in a very strong manner with the sword ranged battle. Alex herself to maintain her concentration keeps shooting her bow and that is where her strenght lies as well of course. Amazing such power... what else coudl it do she wonders.
Michael James Watson
Hannah draws her blade and engages when it comes. The horn bounces on her armor pushing her about but not harming her. Karieena pulls her rasak knife and a long curved knife and moves forward. She dodges under the sweeping great horns, stepping low and drives the Rasak knife into its heart. The beast falls and she leaps to Hannah yelling. She steps under the horns of the one battering the Hannah and sinks her knife skillfully again. Over the boddy she puts her face near Hannah and says something. Hannah nods, raises her sword and it shrinks the a short, heavy Scramasax. Hannah listens to Karieeena tell something, then make a mock strike with her rasak blade, clearly explaining a technique. a second later the two have a stag each. It takes Hannah a few strikes to get the move right but it drops the beast. Alex's slower fire makes precise shots. Spread among the rangers the 100 are all slain in short order with little serious injury. The rangers are delighted and start sort out the beast. Callsal comes up, "This is quite a haul but its not our mission is it? It will take a week to dress them all, maybe more. Shall we call in a crew to take care of that or so it ourselves?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks impressed at Karieeena and Hannah a smile as they seem to work together well. Good it might help Hannah her position as well. Seeing the beasts now slain, Alex takes a few deep breaths trying to get that burning toned down again but enough there to help later on with finding the path of the source. Hearing Callsal, Alex nods "Lets call in others to take care of these, I want to follow the source of the spike as best as we can. Now i have a firm grip on it. " Slowly looking around if there are serious wounded she asks Callsal, "Anyone wounded to a point that riding would be dangerous to them? they could stay with the group to tend to the stags here. Else i want to move out as soon as we have others here and the wounded are cared for." Alex then takes an arrow and studies it if the tip which had been lit with a spark of fire if it is damaged at all or traces can be found.
Michael James Watson
Callsal says, "We've a couple trophy wounds but nothing bad. Ah.. though...there are 100 fine war stag antler sets and 20 rangers, your two guards, Prince Arlo, and you. Nice and convenient. Tradition is a set for each ranger. The rest to Castle Arden. But in this case, the Castle could take 3 or 4 and you spread out the rest. 4 sets to each sword would be generous of a commander. 2 would be well recieved and for all practical purposes is more horn then any one ranger needs for carving. Thats a lot of carving! There is going to be some stories told. I've not heard of more then a couple dozen of the War Stags in one raid.. A hundred? Yep, songs will be sung and every ranger here will want a couple good horn tokens so they can show them off when the tale is told in the future. "
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks at the stags and nods "ah yes of course the antlers. well you are absolutely right they need to be divided evenly. What you say sounds good, and the castle of Arden doesn't need that many indeed. " A chuckle "Well we might need to set up camp then for a bit to make sure things are going to be arranged here. and ideas for song can already be made. " Alex looks at Arlo "I can pick itu p later again right? the trail? or is it better for me to keep going as long as i have the grip on it. We can't deny the trophy antlesr laying about now. " She adds with a wink. THe arrow she was studying she puts back in her quiver again.
Michael James Watson
He asks for the spike and looks it over. Handing it back he says, "The spike is reconnected to the trail. Pick it up in a day or 3. Its not terribly important. Following the trail has importance beyond what you find at the end. I'll leave you to it." He walks over to a stags, looks to the rangers watching him. He picks up a stag that was clearly killed by Alex, throwing it over his shoulder. "Rangers of Arden, the King of Amber will eat this evening of the meat taken this day and I will regale him with your valor. Your prowess will be sung in the Halls of the King this night." The rangers cheer. Arlo steps left and fades away.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex nods hearing the explanation of Arlo. "Very well, Callsal, three days then we move again. Lets get peopel here to help with the stags and lets divide the trophies fair. " Seeing Arlo walk off with a stag she nods shortly to him. And a short "Thank you." She then steps off of Scully and walks to the rest putting the spike under her belt. "Alright lets set up camp and get things going. Callsal can you call in people? I trust the rest knows perfectly well what to do. " She winks knowing that rangers have their way in doing things and little order has to be given. Turning to Scully again Alex holds her hand against the spot that burned when she focussed on the mark. She knows nothing is there, but still with a quick glance she checks. So odd and yet so powerful. Wlkaing up to Hannah and Karieeena she nods "are you both okey? i saw you being pushed by antlers Hannah, did your armor take the full blow?"
Michael James Watson
Karieeen says, "Her armor held against the blows well but its the wrong style of armor for this kind of battle. " Hannah says, "I'm quite comfortable in my armor, thank you. You wear full plate as well" Kari says,"I do, but i wear field plate, not tourney plate. You wear armor for display and chivalric combat. And wear it well. But ion the field you need to face many challanges. Lady Hannah, i do not mean to lay insult, but if you intend to travel with Lady Alexandra I would be happy to speak to the armorers for the Elites to get you fitted field plate." Calsall steps over, "Lady Hannah, what this knight of the Elite says is well spoken but misplaced. Will you allow me to make a suggestion before I contact Castle Arden for drovers for our haul?" Hannah nods, "Ah... ah..ok?" Calsall says, "I have to contact Ranger Hall anyway. I know a ranger of your size and shape. Let me get you a suit of ranger brigantine. It will be far more comfortable. Helm, legs,Clamshell greeves, but designed to ride days, weeks, even months in the field. Its what we wear. You won't regret it." Karieeena agrees, "Yes, that would probably be best for this journey."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alexandra stands back but with a big smile on her face seeing the interaction. At the end she nods to Callsal, "That does sound best yes, bo clue how far we still have to ride and what we will encounter along the way. " Alex nods with a smile then goes to take some things to start building their temporary camp.
Michael James Watson
As the camp is set up the rangers eagerly get to work. After about an hour Alex feels a trump contact.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex excuses herself from what she is doing, probably helping clean the stags, and steps aside for a moment. Then she accepts the trump contact. While she is cleaning her hands still with a rag. "Hello?"
Michael James Watson
"Hello Alex. Its Duncan. I am told your squad has an abundance of venison. A Sgt of mine was organizing a cleaning crew. I'd like to send them by trump otherwise it will take them a day to reach you. Can I start sending them?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Half expecting Arlo to contact her she looks surprised seeing Duncan. Taking a moment to gain her composure again she nods. She scolds her self to next time check who is calling... "Ah yes venison, warstags. And plenty of them. Of course send them through i am at camp. " Alex finnishes cleaning her hands and holds out the cleanest of her hands out.
Michael James Watson
They start coming through the trump. Including mules and wagons. When the trump closes Duncan steps across. He watches the rangers move to work expected to efficiently. "When they are done we'll send them the Castle Arden over the place trumps. Rangers come to Duncan but A!ex sees the ranger hand sign for deferring leadership. They then turn to Alex asking questions on where and what and follow her orders. Duncan smiles when they are alone again. " You've grown into quite an impressive woman. I'm not surprised of course. Beautiful and strong."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex her eyes grow a tad wider seeing Duncan step through. But again a moment breath and regaining composure. She clearly has not given seeing Duncan again enough thought. When the rangers turn to her for orders Alex immediately shifts to the leadership position she is starting to get comfortable at. Plusside of the rangers they are well trained and know basically ehat is needed to be done and how. When Duncan speaks at the point they are alone, a blush comes over Alex her face. "Ah uhm well thank you. " An awkward glance. "Well the strength is now explained right? Though i heard you were told earlier. I mean. I get it... " Alex sighs as she starts to fumble with words. "Thank you, how are you doing? It has been a while."
Michael James Watson
"My father is many things. Hypocrite being among them. But he had reasons for not wanting us to knock boots. He fled Amber for the crazy with Nina with hardly a thought. Didn't even give commands for his replacement. Just left. I'm more open minded. However, now there are new complications. 100 big rack war status operating in unison?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex calms down a bit more and her familiar smile returns. "Well whatever reasoning he might have had on the not knocking boots part, perhaps a different approach would have been better." A slight worried look comes over Alex as she hears about new complications. A quick nod "Yes we had paused a moment for me to find the right way again in shadow. And as i had sorted the route out with some manipulation we got a call from the back of the group that an attack was happening, a herd of a 100 warstags. Antlers dressed in bits and pieces of torn clothing and meat. And yes they attacked in unison. A skirmish line was made, we were able to down about half before they entered sword range. From that point the skirmish line split archers to the back swords to the front and the rest was downed pretty quick. One warstag took about 3 to 4 arrows.... Well in general. " She looks at where the rest is dealing with the warstags. Then to Duncan if he has more questions about the attack or report she just made.
Michael James Watson
Duncan listens fully. Frowning he says," In a thousand years I've never seen more then a few dozen in any band. Where are the females? The does? A band like this might happen close to their home world..I've brought a couple broken pattern holders to shadow walk from here. Maybe we........" He stops when an angry scream pierces the air. Followed by a rage more. Looking west everyone sees a orc clan of thousands boiling at full charge doing out of shadow.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex started to shrug to answer Duncan his question. Then interupted by the angry scream she looks up. "The fuck is going on here.... And pardon my wording but this is getting very odd. " Alex calls out further as a reaction for everyone to drop what they are doing and get ready. Due to previous succes Alex starts to call upon the eager feeling of the abyssal mark. It wants to destroy well an clan of thousands if Orcs need at least to be slowed down preferably stopped. She grabs her bow and looks at Duncan. "Care to take command?"
Michael James Watson
Duncan yells, "Your command, your call." Pulls his blade, a shimmering green pattern blade, tossing it in the air in front of himself. Raising his hands a bow appears and arrows unseen come to him. He starts firing rapidly. Alex sees her rangers as well as the hundred or so meat workers all rush to their bows. Unbiden, well trained they fire and wait for other orders.
Amber Bronkhorst
Looking to her side Alex looks impressed at the weaponry of Duncan. Then she snaps to attention as it is her command then. At first Alex has the feeling that it is better to attack these orcs then let them roam free. As it is clear something is up and seems to be drawing them here... But if the numbers of orcs will become to overwhelming Alex is of mind to a tactical retreat. Could it be the spike and what Alex did to it? First things first a proper defensive line and get a tactic going on. With a sharp whistle Alex calls Scully in the meantime orders are called out to form a solid line of archers. She calls Callsal to take a group and start hitting the flanks and keep moving. When Scully arrives Alex jumps up holding herself in place with her legs and all the while shooting. Nearing the archer line Alex starts to focus more on her mark like she did with the attack of the warstags. Speaking to the mark or just to herself. ~come on you want to be use and join in on destruction and fights. Show me that we xan work together. ~ Whatever destructive sensations it gives Alex focusses that feeling to the frontline of the orc horde. All the while shooting at an automatic rate.
Michael James Watson
The diffused scattered troops firing arrows starts moving to a defensive line for concentrated volley fire, with Alex mounted behind it firing over their head. Calsall runs out left, calling individuals he knows are more sword oriented the bow oriented to follow him. Duncan goes the other way to holds the other flank on his own. Once clear of the archery line, seeing he has a a short time till they get into sword range he calls his defender blade to his hand and pulls a trump from his sleeve. Two people step through looking like they had just been on a ship. Light clothes, barefoot. Alex casts a glance at the three person right flank and recognizes Gerard and Dalt. In a moment both shift clothes. Gerard in Gray and blue scale armor drawing a massive two handed sword. Dalt in black and green shits into a set of formidable field plate with two sturdy looking broad swords. The three speak for a second and Duncan points to Alex on the horse. Gerard salutes. Dalt yells behind her. Looking behind, in the confusion Hannah looks shocked and uncertain what to do, scared to be in her first real melee. Karieeen grabs her by the arm and pulls her toward Dalt. The two reach them, Karieeena kneels before Dalt who swats her playfully. Karieeen leaps up into a familair hug with him, then moves her and hannah to the interior of the 5 person formation. Gerard on the outside end howls and moves to contact. On Alex's call to it the mark firetips all the archery in the line she is part of providing the same deadly damage it had before. SHe thinks there must be a thousand orcs. As they come to make contact Rangers in the archey line begin pulling blades. Alex sees a dim tiny flame on the blade edges as the ORcs make contact
Amber Bronkhorst
A wide grin as Gerard and Dalt appear. She salutes back. Happy to have backup. When she sees Hannah a frown quickly followed by a realization thath Hannah must not have seen that much big combat. She calls out to her as Karieeena drags her along. "Just imagine them to be me and bash their skulls in woman! Be that fierce fighter i know you to be!" Alex quickly turns her attention back to the fight in front she knows Hannah is in good hands with Karieeena and the other big guys. Alex stays for now on the back of Scully overseeing most of the battle this way. She does move side to side on the line. To keep an eye on the flanks of the orc horde and if the left or right need help. Shooting arrows all the while and keeping that mark active and present. If she feels that she can she will push the feeling of the mark. Adding that strong feeling of eagerness to fight being only strengthened by the actual fighting around her. Encouraging words and orders she calls out where needed but as the rangers are so well trained she probably doesn't need to order much. Other then giving information where the bigger forces are or where to focus arrow folleys. Alex stays on Scully having the overview and seeing the reach of the mark to the fighters she stays in a most advantageous position so as many are carrying the firetip or fire edge effect. She keeps shooting herself. Until it would become impossible then she will jump off of Scully order him to go behind and join herself into the big melee.
Michael James Watson
She joins in the melee around the time the Orcs decide its hopeless, which is a big leap for them intellectually. She spent much of the battle on the Calsall side since he didn't really have that many fighters. The archery line held very well until contact and the added fire tip made them extra deadly. The battle is fierce but the ending is forgone. In the round up Duncan, Gerard, and Dalt, with Karieeena and Hannah in toe come to Alex as she sorts out survivors and commands wrap up. Gerard says, "Well that was an expected diversion in a day of fishing! As nice and tidy a battle as I've had the please to join. Well run, Niece Alexandra! " Dalt steps ups with his hand on Karieeena's shoulder. "Its been awhile since I've been ass deep in Orcs. Are they part of some invasion?" Duncan says, "No, Lady Alexandra was leading a hunting mission and had run into force of over 100 war stags. They were cleaning them and i had transferred a dressing crew and decided to come and chat with her. Then these orcs came out of no where" Hannah is standing back, looking freaked and embarrassed.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks up from talking to some rangers about the battle. A big smile on her face. Alex is not one to seek out battle but if it storms her way she is not shy of fighting in one of course especially with such a well trained army. She beams at the compliment of Gerard "Why thank you, uhm Uncle. " She nods to Karieeena "Thank you for guiding Hannah. " Alex then looks at Hannah. "Hey you fought well i am sorry, this is far from what i had hoped would be your first battle encounters. But you held yourself well " With a more serious look she turns to Duncan. "If we will be attacked soon again on this position my suspicions might be right. I hope not though. And then it will not so much an invasion as a call to attack. " Alex inspects her bow and arrows as she talks. As well as her blade. Making sure the fire didn't damage it. "But thank you for the backup, Gerard, Dalt." She inclines politely her head to them. Still not sure how to adress all of the family. Her eyes move back to Hannah again hoping she finds her calm again.
Michael James Watson
Alex notices Hannah shaking slightly. And that besides being covered in blood, she has urine dripping out her armor onto her feet. Gerard listening to Duncan and Dalt and Karieeena discuss the battle as professionals do. Dalt pulls a flask and after sipping passes it around. Gerard steps over and puts a hand on Hannah's shoulder. A clean spell activating before others notice. "ITs a lot differant then melee at Brightedge, isn't it?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex smiles at the rest of the people. "Well I don't know about you but i am parched... " Alex walks to Hannah "Come shall we get a drink?" Seeing Dalt taking out a flask she nods and waits her turn to take a big swig.
Michael James Watson
She nods and lets you lead her away. "The stags were a hard battle but it didn't seem....military... but the orcs.... that was differant from anything i ever experienced before...I...I ..soiled myself....."
Amber Bronkhorst
When a bit further away she smiles at Hannah. "You did well, it was absolutely frightening seeing that horde comming our way. " Taking a flask from the saddle of Scully as they reach him she passes it to Hannah. "It is easier to at first follow instructions in battle. You were smart following Karieeena, she is experienced and can show you the ropes. " She does look intently to Hannah "But know this is what you cab expect in any force. And know as an elite you are bound to run into big battles as well. And not always prepared like now. Hang out with Karieeena and me we'll help." She then lets a silence fall hopefully she gave Hannah enough time to gather her thoughts and composure urging her to speak. Hearing about soiling herself Alex shrugs "Oh that is a thing after a battle you barely notice all the new recruites, the young troops at one point or another soil themselves, faint or start to fumble. To be trained is different then the actual combat."
Michael James Watson
SHe drinks from the flask, twice. "I grew up in the CCC, just like you. Now.. it seems like all of it was just play acting. Not even training...But yes, its what i should have expected. Karieenea didn't give me much choice.. I was angry at her but couldn't really pull away from her.. Then there was Prince Gerard and Prince Dalt.. and failing in front of them... was worse then fighting..."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex laughs. "Well anger and embarrassment are good motivators for fighting. We all have to start somrwhere. Well those that choose to fight of course. " A serious look over her normal friendly face. "The CCC is fantastic and in times of need thabks to the existence of it, will ready people to take up arms or tasks when a war close to home happens. And i absolutely will keep praising Deirdre for having initially started it. But it is not like being in an army. It is not looking your enemy in the eye while shooting an arrow through their heart. It is not like a pack of wild ravenous animals. At times i have heard my fellow soldiers crumbling down because they saw a resemblance of someone they knew on the other side and could not force themselves to attack or defend. " Alex studies Hannah. "After CCC and Bright Edge and after my three year run with the Rangers under Julian and Duncan. I have been send to so many wars. To so many fights in so many shadows. And in some i couldn't bare to fight. In some i stood against the line of command in some i actually walked away from the battle. Every war, every battle is different and do not expect to feel nothing. Because if you feel nothing you have nothing left to fight and survive for." She lays a hand on Hannah her shoulder "For your first big fight with thousands of orcs. You held yourself well. Now i am sure it will do you some good if you go back with me in a bit and join the after battle talk with Gerard, Dalt, Duncan and Karieeena. They might have advice. And it is an important part after battle. Laugh, feel alive! Mourn the dead but also celebrate life and the ones who survived." A slight grin and wink "Perhaps Callsal is up for a roll in they proverbial hay."
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"Hard to believe people get aroused by battle. Real battle. CCC parties were practically orgies. Right now I am just trying not to throw up. " Duncan walks up. "Good fight. Odd though. This is Hannah Hale? Colfi's daughter? " She nods, "Yes, Lord. " Duncan nods, "Well, I am not sure of your position in this. But would you go join Callsal in stripping the orcs and stacking them for the pyre. I need to talk the the Field Commander here." Hanna pales and looks to Alex.
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Alex smiles at Hannah and gives a shrug "Being surrounded by death makes you yearn for feeling alive even more. And sex is a part of feeling alive." She quickly stops talking as Duncan walks up Alex only confirms his question about Hannah with a nod as Hannah can very well answer herself. Alex then adds. "Hannah Callsal will show you how it is done. And if you need to barf do so near the pyre so it saves cleaning up. But it is a sad and sometimes disgusting part of battle, the cleaning up." Alex gives a reassuring nod and hands Hannah her flask. "Some liquid courage for along the way." A friendly wink. She then looks at Duncan not saying anything yet till Hannah left hearingrange. "What can i do for you Commander?" She says in a friendly but serious tone. She doesn't know fully yet how to compose herself near Duncan it has been a while since they had seen eachother and the last time was just awkward.
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He watches Hannah walk over to Callsal. "Well, as I was coming over I heard you say something like sex is a part of feeling alive. So..." He chuckles, "I wasn't certain you would send the Hale girl over to do clean up. She needs to see what she is in for up close. The CCC plays at fighting. They paint it in glory without accepting the gore. I am glad you didn't excuse her from the duty. A commander can't show favorites, even with those he is familiar with. Have you ever met her father? What a piece of work he is. The Fire Service is like a Hale cult. Anyway...Two unusual battles as you pull on the spike. Not a surprise. Julian always thought the spikes good for training. He said if you tease them too much they cause more trouble then leaving them alone. What is your experience with them so far?"
Amber Bronkhorst
"I was giving Hannah some time to get to her senses but yes i agree she needs to experience all parts of a battle even the cleanup. It is the concequences of having killed your enemy." With a studying look she watches Hannah. "No never met her father. And trust me i am not going to play favorites, she and i have been at it against eacother the moment she joined the group i was in at Bright Edge. We were never friends in youth but being adult now and her needig helo i figure we can bury the hatchet." Alex takes the spike from her belt not focusing on it with her psyche but just holding it. Studying the outside. Would she be able with some effort to stop the outgoing signal to them. Eh she wasn't smart enough in these things yet. "Yeah it is clear that it or the source does not like it to be traced back or manipulated. I had the feeling these attacks were because of that. But even though attacks can be expected now, perhaps it is time to press on and find the source. And to be honest if i do not do it. Arlo probably will pick it up after me. Since he has another spike. It is feeling like a threat to Arden which should not be ignored much longer. But that is merely my opinion." Alex takes out a piece of dried meat and her handy small boartusk knife and cuts a piece off. "I can ride off alone with Hannah and Karieeena. With three of us we are faster and can possibly dodge the attacks following the spike. When i am at the source of it. I can contact you." She chews slowly on the meat and after swallowing she adds "I do not know how close or far the source of this is. But it feels like it is starting to become a bigger problem at least more than merely training targets. The bugbears in Arden were only a small part of the attack. " A soft chuckle "And i came to Arden to just say hi to some folk. Share a drink, a smoke and the campfire. " She adds soft "And hoping to run into you."
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"All things considered I'd rather the company follow you. I have an errand to run involving Arlo. I can tell you this. The Spikes lead to a Shade of Amber. One Julian has had trouble with for centuries but its trouble he liked. Somehow I am blocked from getting there because i have tried. If Arlo knows why, fine. IF you can reach there call me." "As for that drink, I'd like that. There is much to talk about"
Amber Bronkhorst
Cutting off another piece of meat she listens to Duncan she theb offers some meat to him with the knife. "Very well, you are the commander here and i will listen to your wishes to have the company follow me. I offered it more to not have more casualties. But there is strength in well trained numbers." Alex smiles up with a wink. "Your father is an interesting one. And i mean this not insulting just interesting. And as for Arlo, he took one of the warstags to offer it to the King as gift. So i guess he is back in Amber. But a shade of Amber which is blocked for you. Curious. I'll be careful moving forward though, not that i wasn't careful before. Just knowing the place is as powerful, i don't want to get stuck with the troops there. " At the drink Alex smiles and a short nod. "Yes, yes there is alot to talk about. Tell me when and where and preferred drink " She adds a wink
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He frowns, "I don't know what the problem with the Shade is. I think they have a problem with Julian but I can't be sure. But creatures have been bleeding into Amber for centuries and he wasn't concerned. Said it was easier to hunt the invading animals and monsters then to go to the source and pick a fight. No need for you to pick a fight there. Just find out whats there. You can handle invading the Shade and handling the mess there later. The troop we have here is by no means ready to fight even a small war. But..." He withdraws his flask, takes a tug and hands it over, "Thats Oh Be Joyful. High octane camp moonshine. Puts hair on a person's chest. Not that I want hair on your..." He smiles and goes on . I have a reinforced company being transferred from the 8th legion, 5th Cohort. 300 soldier from a shadow called Belseriand. Itsa shadow in Marke's Beleriand Sway. Forest warriors. He's been helping develop a full cohort of 2000 warriors for direct inclusion with the Rangers. They will start a bit more military then the Rangers but with the right commander for them and a collection of junior officers, the cohort will be full rangers in a year. They will of course be missing on thing. A good commander"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex nods thoughtfully. "With the shade, i will see that step by step how things go and assess out position from there. I do not plan a fullout invasion or starting a war. I would like to get enough intel to work from and to relay to you. So decisions can be made about it. " With a smile she takes the flask and takes a good swig of it. Exhaling the alcohol breath after. "Right good stuff... No worries nothing wi happen to my chest." Alex nods with an impressed look. "Sounds good. Happy to hear the Rangers do get reinforcements, and i think you are doing well for having them start at different points. Like some start more military and some as original ranger. It will work. A good commander? Will you not be their commander as well? I couldn't hope for a better Command." She says smiling but with a serious and meaningful tone.
Michael James Watson
"I'm the Warden of Arden, yes, and their Commander. Its still strange holding the title my father held for centuries. I was his senior second, the Second Warden, for several hundred years. I have a dozen second in commands but none of them is my senior second, in my saddle under Julian. Though I have decided who i want as the Second Warden." He takes another pull and hands the flask over. "I just haven't gotten the chance to talk it over with her."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex shows a soft smile she couldn't possibly know what it was like for Duncan, as it was a huge change in his life. The dissapointment that he never comtacted fades as well, realizing he had more to worry about then to contact her. "It must have been rough and quite the change for you. And a big change for the Rangers. " She takes the flask and takes another sip this time a bit more moderate as she has to get used to this strong type of moonshine. She then hands the flask back to Duncan. "Well you need a solid second. Someone you can rely on, someone you can work well with. And who can earn the trust of the troops. So who do you have in mind? Or do you first wish to talk to her about it? Either way i am happy there are good prospects for the Rangers and Arden."
Michael James Watson
"I want someone of royal blood. A graduate of Rasak. Someone who has completed their Ranger initiation tour but who isn't hide bound to ranger traditoons. Familiar with them, has lived under them, but does not have a century living under Julian's rule. Someone who can say' Thats how things were done under Julian but not under Duncan, or me. These Belseriand come from a realm with military traditions but not military indoctrination. They want to prove themselves but would not fit under Benedict." He takes another tug and passes it back. "My first choice would have been my brother Donovan. But he has too many connections with the Fey and the status of the Fey is going to come under question in the next few years. Besides, he has fallen for our cousin Desri and she has a head full of rabid cats"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex listens to the list of wishes Duncan has about his second with a slight growing concern. Taking the flask back she takes a bigger sip again. "Right Donovan.... That would have been my next question. But i see why you rather not have him at this point. And lets not talk about Desri that woman is.... Well your description is perfect. She is exactly that. With the as little as i've seen of her. " Handing the flask back Alex looks at Duncan with a studying look. "Your list of prerequisites for your second is quite specific and i do not think many can fill all of them." With a slight smile she adds. "So since we are sharing a drink already is there something we should talk about?"
Michael James Watson
"Yes there is. Are we smart enough, trained enough, and respect our duty to Amber enough that we can carry on a personal involvement while serving as Warden and Second of Arden? As long as we maintain it as a Priority Arrangement where we are each others main public and private connection, we can allow for minor occurrences if they happen. Not that I would seek them out. I've no standing arrangements in shadow at the moment. My last one aged out a few years ago. A pity, but she would naever have made the transition to Amber. The Die without Grace thing would have applied. So..."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex takes the flask again takes a sip and then hands it back. She thinks Duncan his words over. A deeper frown on her face and a wrinkle of her nose which she does when thinking hard. After a bit Alex speaks up. "Smart enough, on occasion, yes, we have shown during my first tour with the Rangers we could be personal and not neglect our duties. Now being in full command is different of course as more responsibilities rest on our shoulders. " A few moments pass thinking. "I have nothing in Shadow either, i got in closer contact with Donovan but as you said he is head over heels with Desri. Sorry to hear, but yeah it is also our responsibility to make sure those we engage in Shadow will not be harmed in that way. " Alex looks intensely at Duncan making direct eye contact she just stares a moment, a smile eventually forms again her eyes as always friendly. She nods "I think we are trained well enough, smart enough and have strong enough loyalty to Amber to keep our duty to Arden and Amber as priority." "But Duncan are you certain you want me at that spot? I am only new in the position in the family. Sure i have experience beyond that. Will the troops accept me? "
Michael James Watson
"You are of royal blood. We all know that now. These troopers coming in respect royalty and know little of Amber's history. You will grow with them. I am not asking for a thousand year term. Just a couple years to break them in, get the cohort up to strength. They will arrive well trained in everything except Amber. Teach them that. You'll have all the leeway you need to make it work. Pick your staff. Calsall wants to come with you and he is a good junior officer ready for a promotion."
Amber Bronkhorst
"Of royal blood i seem to be yes, and i won't say this doesn't peek my interest. " Then a short strong nod "My answer is yes, after these troops are broken in and ready we can always see what would be next. And Calsall would be a great officer to rely on. Step by step then, but.. i AM of Royal blood. So...." A little awkward shuffle "You do not mind that fact about the personal part? I do not, but i want to make sure you are okey with it. " More quietly she adds as she reaches in her pocket to touch the card of him he had given along with Scully. "I did miss you."
Michael James Watson
"Father told me you were the daughter of Brand. He forbade me continue with you.. and...he has the powers to enforce it. Did anyway. Now though, I am Warden. And Random has repealed the Consanguity Laws and given Brand a conditional release. Besides, there is that curly thing you do when... so, you accept the office?"
Amber Bronkhorst
Stroking a few strands of flyaway hair behind her ear she responds with a certain and happy tone. "I do, I accept the office." Looking at the area where the Orcs are being stripped and piled for the pyre a short nod. "I'll keep Hannah with me of she wants, it might help her grow and learn as well, and shake maybe that stain off herself from her family. " Alex steps closer to Duncan and with a more cheeky smile "And i accept you in my personal live again. Though in my opinion you never really left. " She takes out the picture out of her pocket and with a slight embarrassed look she shows it. "Kind of always had this with me. "
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He with fishes out a ranger cord and passes it over. Its a horsehail twist a little bigger then a man's wrist. Each Ranger has one and uses it in many ways but the most common is a bracelet or attached to a mug. This one is red and green, the Second's cord he wore a version of for centuries. "Some of the rangers will haze you a bit. You've done your initiation but promotion to Second will be a shock. Don't let them annoy you too much. You're family and they know it. Not just Amber family, but Arden Family. They understand that your role is to help develop the new forces coming in. I don't expect them to be the Rangers under Julian. Arden is going to develop its own army. It will have a nature connection but it won't be as elven as they used to be."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex takes the ranger cord and traces the the twist with her finger she nods and beams happily "Thank you, and no worries, i understand a bit of hazing is part of the process. We all need to test boundaries and the way we work and think. " Alex places the cord around her wrist and wraps it twice if needed. "Well it is good, things need to be fluent go along with the changes. As is nature as should the rangers be, so yes it is time for a different approach. And having its own army is not a bad thing. " She looks at the troops working along with the orcs and cleaning the battlefield still. Wondering if Gerard and Dalt had already left or not. "i will do all i can to make this new group work well with the others. " Then reminding herself of something she laughs "oh damn i have to contact Zachary... he had asked me if i could tag along with him with his circus. But seeing i can help closer to home seems better. " Alex looks up at Duncan with a meaningful glance that she enjoys working with him again as well. but she does not say those words out loud.
Michael James Watson
"Maybe Zachary would be interested in your circus." He leans in, "As for the rest, we can talk later. I am going to go talk to the king, maybe to Arlo. Frankly I am tempted to go yell at my father while I am at it. Don't get in too deep a water out there." Gerard and Dalt walk up as Duncan straightens up. Gerard looks at Duncan then to the twist of horsehair in Alex's hand. He says, "Really? Alexandra Daughter of Brand as Second Warden? Don't you think you should get Random's approval before giving that kind of a commission to someone that young?" Duncan nods, "Normally, yes. In this case, he suggested it." Dalt laughs, "Of course he did. So are you in charge of this mess, Duncan?" Duncan pulls out a deck, thumping the card for the courtyard of Amber. "Nope, she is. " Gerard nods, :"Mind if we step over with you?" Duncan shakes his head but Dalt adds, "I'm staying Gerard. Karieeena and I have some catching up to do and being something of a Minister without Portfolio when it comes to the military, I'm happy taking orders from someone with a mission."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex laughs at the Zachary remark and adds a shrug. "Who knows" At the part he leans in for she shows a small nod that she understands. "I'll keep an eye on the depth of the water..." with a wink "don't like the water that much anyway." Alex listens then and looks surprised at what she hears of Random suggesting her commission. A short "Be well" to Duncan and Gerard as they leave she then inclines her head to Dalt. "Seems Karieeena was very happy seeing you. " Looking over the field she ties her horsehair cord around her wrist. "I think we can make this work. I am lucky with Karieeena as my elite." Looking at Dalt she nods "Do you need anything while staying here? "
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Dalt shakes his head, "Not really. I have a small cadre of troops coming across shadow at the moment. A dozen of us. Mounted Lance and Nail Guns. We can hold a flank for you. Frankly I am just happy to get off the boat. Gerard is a nice guy but I can only take so much of his attempts to educate me in the value of a sail navy. As for Kari, she does have a bit of hero worship going on and I like to stop by and spit and fart around her to see if she can be weened from it. She was Macsen's first Elite and we sort of dragged her out of the world of her original destiny, so I feel a bit protective of her." He looks Alex over, "In the mean time, we haven't met i don't think, in a family way. Dalt of Eregenor, Son of Oberon and Delee." He extends his hand.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex makes a grimace hearing of being happy being off the boat she nods agreeing wholeheartedly "yes i bet. i just can't get the love for open water and sailing." "The extra troops are veyr welcome so far we are getting sudden attacks probably because the source of this spike just really doesn't like to be traced back. So someone watching and protecting our flanks i won't say no. Because i doubt it will stay with warstags and a horde of Orcs. Being an elite can make you worship certain people. They are a level you know you can never reach. Or so i thought. SO yeah there is some hero worship going around." She says with a big smile. She then takes his hand in a firm grip "Alexandra Mira, Daughter of Fres Mira and Brand. it is a pleasure to officially meet you."
Michael James Watson
"The pleasure is mine. Hmmm Fres Mira. Ive met her a few times. Around the castle. Never attended the CCC events myself. A little too on the nose. Besides, if I want to joust i can go to Camelot. As for Karieeena, Macsen and I stumbled into her world when I was taking my son to Amber. I thought taking him to a Camelot sway world i knew would be fun. Jousting, melees, the like. I was certain we were being folowed by a brute squad out of Trasidy. I had just finished a 20 year term as Ambasaador to Trasidy from Amber, had married and fathered Macsen there. So we dragged the brute squad into Camolin. Interesting shadow. About 1 in 20 of the warriros who take the Knight Errant's path are woman. A high average really. Well, the local knight Errants sort of lost their shit dealing with thugs from Trasidy, but she did well. Sort of soured the local boys to her so we brought her along. Here she is. An Elite, and many times the warrior any of the Knight Errants will ever be."
Amber Bronkhorst
ALex nods "yeah Fres Mira. eh well i love the CCC still even if i won't really participate in it anymore probably it does serve its purpose. " A soft laugh "Well yeah if you know a shadow where it is done as well and in particular styles or traditions you should of course follow that. But for the locals and surrounding places in and around Amber its a good thing. " A smile appears haering about where Karieeena comes from she nods "hmm she is a force to be reckoned with, i am happy she took Hannah along in the fights. I had not guessed that Hannah would freeze like that. Karieeena is a good motivator and instructor. " As they talk Alex slips her bow of her shoulder and starts to inspect the body of the bow and the string. waxing the string a bit more where there has been traces of use. She then follows with her arrows as they talk. "I do find it slightly worrysome though that i just heard that KIng Random has suggested Duncan to put me in this commision. For i am very young compared to... well anyone in the family basically "
Michael James Watson
He nods, looks around at the work being done. "Young... So am I by their standards. Young to be sure but well trained and without the kinds of biases and prejudices that someone like Gerard might have. You don't have thousands of years of doing things the way they have always been done. Duncan is a bit hidebound too but he stepped into a situation where he had to adapt. One of the main lines of defense for Amber lost half its forces in a month,. A third left Amber for a foreign nation if not a foriegn prince. A sixth left Amber to explore and sellsword across shadow. Its quite a blow. And fixing it means making bold moves in new ways"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks sideways to Dalt observing him a moment she figures practically anyone would be young by the elders their standards "NO i didn't grow up with the biases and the prejudices, i think mom really wanted to protect me from that. and besides if it was public konwledge early on i was a child of Brand... my life would probably been different. I find it very Valuable that i grew up in service to Amber and having to work my way up to a title i could only dream off. Though it seems at times Brand finds my vision to limited." A serious look and agreeing nodding " Duncan has alot to do, and it was all of a sudden. i can get why he is not to pleased with his father. Thankfully he has people he can rely on to help him build up again to have a Amber worthy defense line in Arden. And i am very happy i can help him with that. He is a great commander and doesn't feel to important to learn. He found his style and the forces of Arden will be filled again." As she speaks of Duncan she speaks with a clear sense of pride in her voice. "So the plan is in three days we should be done with cleaning this up here. the warstags and the orcs. At that point i will start backtracing the source of the spike again. i half expect within the first day another attack. So if you could have your troops watching our flanks we sould be able to deal swiftly with what comes against us."
Michael James Watson
"Can do. Though...One of the things Random wants is new techniques and this is your command. If we are interested in finding the source of the Spike's magic is time important? If the the spike is summoning troops to people following the path, it stands to reason that it takes time to bring forces here. Perhaps we should take the warrior forces on the road and leave the support people here to tend to the dead. Or perhaps we contact external forces to come deal with the dead. Hell, Dame Margot and her staff of butchers could render the stags down as fast as the rangers. Tell whoever is on duty for the elites that you need a 1000 orcs burned and lets get on the road.
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex looks at Dalt pondering. She then realizes that is what the elites are for as well, didn't she serve as an elite and be ordered to do these kind of things. "Hm yes, i do feel time is a factor. Like you said who ever is sending these troops seems to have to at least coordinate them. Warstags to slaughter and delay is the horde of orcs to wipe us out. " Alex takes calls for Calsall. When he arrives Alex quickly explains. "Have those that want trophies of the stags take them. I will ask for help from the elites to clean this up. I want our company be ready as soon as the help is here to move out. Do you think that is manageable? " She turns to Dalt "How far are your troops away? How much time would they need?"
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Calsall Nods, "I'll let them know. Should take too long. A smaller company shouldn't take too long to get ready. Its the support troops that'll slow us down with all the curing and drying.>" Dalt nods, "I called them when the battle was over. Whichever way we go they will be shadowpathing to find me.."
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex thinks. Then looks at Calsall "okey what is your advice? The reason i want to call in assistance from the elites is so the curing and drying can be done by them. We can continue with our original troop let the extra men Commander Duncan brought with him work with the elites and we can continue with the smaller company we originally left with. " Alex gestures to Dalt "We now have an armed company protecting our flanks. Will that work for the rangers who are called to help with the warstags?" After a brief pause "I just want to leave as soon as we can. If these are the troops that the source can muster in a short time i hate to see what they'll come up with given days."
Michael James Watson
Calsall looks between Dalt and Alex. Having met Alex in the woods with 2 other young ladies, his first thought was that he and his two rangers would have a jolly warm night or two and he might have a taste of royalty. For a newly promoted fireteam leader that was quite a coup. Now he is being asked by the Second Warden and a royal prince for military advice. HE had better rise to the occasion, perhaps royal attention mean another promotion. "You ask a couple things.. First off, the Commander brought camp crew. Rangers, but new ones. They have done their initiation tour and a few years more but they are all joined raw after Prince Julian abandoned the...ah... ah..Sorry Prince Dalt, I know you were close with him but.ah.." Dalt nods, "We are close. He did abandon his post. Go on." Calsall bows his head in acknowledgement. "Most are from Triga, or Dalin, or even Arden and Amber communities. Few are skilled warriors. If you are going to call help from the Elites they would serve us better traveling with us rather then staying behind to gut stags. Whatever group Prince Dalt is calling is certainly as good as our original 20. If you can get 3 or 4 elites with a fireteam each, say 4 or 5, for another body of 15 to 18 seasoned warriors, we should be able to meet most dangers. In our recent fight, Prince Gerard and Prince Dalt were the most fell of warriors and worth well over the 100 scutpuppies the Commander brought for what he thought was a hunting camp"
Amber Bronkhorst
Alex concideres Calsall his words and nods thoughtfully "right but the last thing i want is to leave the scutpuppies as you so lovingly call them, behind to their own devices. Chances are the attacks are going to follow us and not reach here again. I do not want to see them harmed while they clean this mess up and we go on our way. " She turns to Dalt "am i wrong in to understand that if i call in help of more elites, that it would become a bigger Amber related issue instead of purely an Arden/ranger expedition? Though what i picked up in conversation by now is that Duncan does wish to have less seperation and more working together." Turning to Calsall again "Does the cleaning crew have a way back, fast? in case of trouble rushing their way?"
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Dalt says, "You are of the blood. You can call an Elite in to help you anytime. Most of us do. It hardly makes Benedict's daily watch list. As Second of Arden you could request a the whole force of Arden here, easily enough a full Hose of a thousand. " Calsall, "THe Horse are a bit depleted but These troops only got here because the Warden could trump Warden Alex. However, they all can shadowtrail back to Adren" He taps his ranger cord.
Amber Bronkhorst
A half smiling half awkward grimace on Alex her face shows she is still not that used to being of the blood "Yes of the blood, going from elite to this is still quite getting used to." After a bit of considering and tracing her fingers over the cord around her wrist she nods. "Alright then that is what we do, I"ll request a couple elites, fireteams. Since it is clear what Duncan said we can expect heavier trouble along the way. I want one fireteam to stay here with the cleanup crew. just to have a backup. Like you said Calsall they are not yet that experienced fighters and elites can be a great help then." She looks at both "Lets be ready to move out once the elites are here. "
Michael James Watson
Not yet having thought about it before from the Amberite side she remembers that the Elites that do Castle Court yard duty on the 2nd card in the Amber deck, Castle Amber, are waiting mostly for Trump calls. The duty is called "Waiting on the Call of the Blood". This is because an army coming any other way would have bumped in to, oh, I don't know, Everyone in the fucking Army, before getting to the Courtyard, so why arm it? Lunatic tourists? She laughs at the old Elite joke. She knows the policy is that a royal opens the Place Trump, speaks to the Officer on Duty, and selects troops out of the Waiting force. This isn't mentioned on the Card's explanation in the pamphlete called Diners of Amber, but its the real purpose of having so many troops just sitting around all day. She realizes she is about to make a Call of the Blood for troops she might have been one of in the past.
Amber Bronkhorst
Realizing how weird this must seem on either side, also from the Officer on Duty. She tries to wipe the smile from her face. Though a small amused smile stays. She makes contact with the trump. Waiting to receive an answer from the other side of the trump.