Impossibility PC7
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Name: Eliza Hilshire
Age: 27
Soft-spoken sharpshooter
Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness 5
Agility: d8 Smarts: d6 Spirit: d6 Strength: d4 Vigour: d6
Athletics* d6 Battle d4 Common Knowledge* d4 Driving d6 Electronics d4 Fighting d4 Hacking d6 Notice* d6 Persuasion d4 Repair d6 Science d6 Shooting d8 Stealth* d4
Hindrances: Minor Habit (Gum), Mild Mannered (-2 to Intimidation rolls)
Edges: Steady Hands (ignore Unstable Platform penalty, -1 instead of -2 on movement)
Money $55/$500
Government ID
Mobile Phone
M1911A1 12/24/48 2d6+1 AP 1 ROF 1 Mag: 7 Min Str d4 Wg 4 Cost 200
Spare Magazines x 3 Wg 3 Cost 60
Laser Sight (+1 to shooting at short/mid range) Cost Wg 1 Cost 150
Flashlight Wg 3 Cost 20
Handcuffs Wg 2 Cost 15[/SPOILER]