In the Halls of Undermountain: Kirichi

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Kirichi is a player character in In The Halls of Undermountain, played by Theliel

Character Summary[edit]

Name: Kirichi or "Uncle" as he prefers. That is not his real name. No he is not telling you it. Would you like some tea?
Quote: Sick of tea? That’s like being sick of breathing!
Age: Old.
Sex: Male
Race: Genasi (Firesoul)
Class: Artificer
Character Tags: Firebender, wise old man, kind old man, otaku, ersatz

Description: Kirichi is 5' 5" tall and broad as a barn. In his younger days he most likely cut a most intimidating figure. Now he's just large. Typically dressed however the locals are, his only hints of home are an improbable beard and peculiar open toed sandals.

Personality: Uncle is orderly, affable, diligent and caring. He's is clearly a soldier and anyone with half clue can clearly see 'officer' written into his movements. Everything is squared away no matter how meager. Anything of value is stowed properly and kept in good shape. Anything that won't be hurt by a little wear and tear - It can probably wait until later assuming you don't need to use it right away in which case why are you thinking about putting it away? The man's most recent profession before 'tourist of insanely dangerous attractions' was as a tea house keeper. Tea is his life and it is almost as much of an obsession as the strange game he plays - he'll teach anyone and ensures that he always has a board around, just in case. Uncle is happy to offer advice (asked for or otherwise) to those who have issues and has been known to be actually quite insightful and wise. This advice tends to be given in the forms of 'When I was a young man...' stories and many are left with the impression that in his native land he'd be quite the people person.

Kirichi is a serious, determined and ruthless opponent that shows up when there's legitimate danger. The stories change to clear warnings or simple and direct statements assuming there's a potential to 'talk down' the situation.

Bio: Kirichi's done a lot. Father, husband, officer, tinker, tailor, soldier. Never got around to the "spy" bit. Then he retired for the first time.....then there was some..unpleasantness and he popped out of retirement and took care of some business. Then he went back to being retired and ran a tea house. Then this "Mad Mage" guy comes around and steals tea trees. WHO DOES THAT!

Grudge: Kirichi had a long and storied carrier before he set off with is nephew on a journey of redemption, discovery and adventure. After doing lots of stuff that isn't really important now he retired to run a tea house with his more earthy cousins. He developed a tea tree that was already scented with jasmine and who's leaves will wilt and dry within minutes of picking them. To make the most perfect cub of jasmine tea one would only need to reach out and pluck a few leaves. His entire grove ws stolen by Halaster. In addition to the terrific loss of face for having one's property stolen by non-people Kirichi will not stop until he has his perfect cup of tea again.

Character Sheet[edit]

Kirichi, Level 2
Medium Elemental Leader (Arcane)
Alignment: Good

Race: Genasi Firesoul

  • +2 Int, +2 Con
  • Speed 6
  • Languages: Common, Primordial, Deep Speech
  • Skill Bonus: +2 Endurance, +2 Nature
  • Elemental Origins: Genasi are considered Elementals for the purposes of effects that relate to * creature origin.
  • Manifestation: Every Genasi has an elemental manifestation of their elemental origins.
    • Fire Soul You gain +1 Reflex defense and resist fire 5/10/15 and the firepulse power.
    • Fire Pulse Gensai Racial Encounter Power (Fire). Immediate Reaction, melee 1, target: the triggering enemy, Attack: Con + 2 vs. Reflex, Trigger: An enemy hits you with a melee attack, Hit 1d6+Con modifier fire damage.

Class: Artificer

Arcane Empowerment You begin each day with one empowerment and gain one more for every milestone reached.

  • Impart Energy - Recharge the daily power of a magic item. An item can only recharged once per day.
  • Augment Energy - The wielder of an augmented item can expend the empowerment of an implement or weapon to gain a +2 bonus on an attack roll. An implement or weapon can only be empowered once per day in this way.

Arcane Rejuvenation Whenever one of your allies uses a magic item daily power the ally gains Temporary Hit Points equal to 1/2 your level + 4. Currently 5.

Healing Infusion - At the start of each day you create two infusions. You may have two created at any time. To create a replacement requires a short rest and a healing surge from you or an ally. Healing infusions may be expended as a minor action for one of the the two mixtures.

  • Resistive Formula - Close Burst 5, Arcane, You or One Ally, Target gains +1 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter and you expend an infusion. The target can end the bonus as a free actino to gain temporary hit points equal to its healing surge value +4. For the duration of this effect the target gains Resistance to Fire 5.
  • Curative Admixture - Close Burst 5, Arcane, Healing, You or one ally in burst, Target regains hit points equal to its healing surge value +1 and you expend an infusion.

Theme: Order Adept

  • Level 1 Feature: Argent Rain, Encounter Standard Action Attack, Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone, Area Burst 1 within 10 squares, each creature in burst, primary ability vs. Reflex (+6). Hit: 1d10+Primary Ability fire damage(+4). Effect: Creates a zone that lasts until the start of your next turn. Any creature that enters the zone or ends its turn there takes 5 fire damage. A creature can only take this damage once per turn.

Background - Noble of Wa (Reskinned High Imaskar) - May re-roll Arcane checks but must take the second result.

Ability Scores
Str 12(+1), Dex 10 (+0), Con 18 (+4), Int 18(+4), Wis 12(+1), Cha 8(-1)

Maximum Hit Points: 35, Bloddied value 17, Surge value 8. Surges/day: 10
AC 17, Fort 17, Ref 17, Will, 14, Init +3

Trained Skills:
Arcana +10, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +7, History +10, Perception +9

Untrained Skills:
Acrobatics +1, Athletics +2, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Endurance +6, Insight +1, Intimidate +0, Nature +6, Religion +5, Stealth +1, Streetwise +0, Thievery +1

Basic Calculations: Int Arcane attack, Weapon: +4 (Int),+1 (White Lotus) +2 Spear/+3 Dagger + 1 1/2 Level=+9/+10
Melee Basic Attack: +5 Spear/+6 Dagger vs. AC: 1d6+1/1d4+1
Ranged Attack: +4 Spear/+5 Dagger vs. AC: 1d6/1d4


  • Magic Weapon

Standard, Acrane, Weapon, melee or ranaged, One Creature, +9/+10 vs. AC, Hit: 1d6/1d4 + 4 damage and each adjacent ally gains +1 power bonus to attack rolls and +4 power bonus to damage until the end of your next turn.

  • Thundering Armor

Standard, Arcane Implement, Thunder, Close burst 10, You or one ally in burst, +6 vs. Fort, The primary target gains +1 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn. Make an attack. Secondary Target(One Creature Adjacent to Target): +6 vs. Fort, Hit: 1d8+4 thunder damage and you push the secondary target 1 square away from primary target.


  • Burning Weapons

Standard Arcane Fire Weapons Melee or Ranged, One creature, +8/+9 vs. AC,Hit: 1d6/4 +4 fire. Until the end of your next turn, you and any ally within 2 squares of you deals extra +4 fire damage with weapon and fire attacks.

  • Arcane Mutterings

Free Action. Trigger - You would make a Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate check. You may make an Arcana check in place of the check.


  • Punishing Eye

Standard Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Psychic Ranged 5, Effect: An eye is conjured in a squared within range which lasts until the end of the encounter. Enemies within 3 squares of the eye do not benefit from concealment and when an ally attacks an enemy within 3 squares of the eye and hits that enemy takes 4 points of psychic damage. You can move the eye 3 squares as a move action.


  • Level 1 - White Lotus Dueling Expertise - +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with any weapon or implement that you are proficient with. Gain proficiency with orbs.
  • (Bonus) Improved Defenses - +1 to NADs.
  • (Bonus) Wasteland Wanderer - +2 to Nature, Perception and Initiative.
  • Level 2 - Elemental Infusion - Resistive Formula grants Resist: Fire(5) for the duration of the effect.

Rituals: Brew Potion, Make Whole, Disenchant Magic Item (Requires no components), Enchant Magic Item.

Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Primodial.

Kit: Adventurer's Kit, Backpack, Bedroll, Bell and Whistle, Belt Pouch, Bottle of Wine, Candle (3), Chalk and Slate, Climber's Kit, Fire Kit, Flask (3), Flint and Steel, Gambler's Gear (Go/Pao Shou), Bull's-Eye Lantern (2 pints oil), Sunrod (2), Torch (2), Leather Armor, Widow's Knife (Light Blade, +3 prof, 1d4 damage, Light Thrown (5/10), Off-hand), Short Spear (2)(Spear, +2 prof, 1d6, Small, Off-Hand, Light Thrown (5/10))

Cash: 105 gp

Character Songs[edit]

General Themes:

Battle Themes:

  • Mars, the Bringer of War, Gustav Holst - The Planets, OP 32 First Movement. Performance by James Levine and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra