Incarnate (Funkadelic)
Personal Information[edit]
Name: Irma Immerman
Age: 36
Occupation: None
Identity: Secret
Strength 0, Stamina 10/0, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 12, Intellect 3, Awareness 5, Presence 3
Deception 4 (+7), Expertise: Magic 12 (+15), Insight 8 (+13), Intimidation 4 (+7), Perception 4 (+9), Persuasion 5 (+8), Stealth 11 (+13), Treatment 10 (+13)
Artificer, Power Attack, Ritualist
Initiative +2
Grab, +12 (DC Spec 10)
Soul Blade: Damage 12, +12 (DC Will 27)
Throw, +0 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +12 (DC 15)
Dodge 12, Parry 12, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10, Will 14
Celestial Lineage: Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support)
Celestial Stamina: Enhanced Trait 20 (Traits: Stamina +10 (+10))
Detect Magic: Senses 1 (Awareness: Magic)
Flight: Flight 3 (Speed: 16 miles/hour, 250 feet/round)
Shadow Shroud: Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses; Passive)
Soul Gate: Teleport 5 (900 feet in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate, Extended: 30 miles in 2 move actions, Portal)
. . Soul Barrier: Create 12 (Alternate; Volume: 4000 cft., DC 22; Movable, Stationary; Feedback)
. . Soul Blade: Damage 12 (Alternate; DC 27; Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Alternate Resistance: Will, Penetrating 4)
. . Soul Jump: Teleport 10 (Alternate; 4 miles in a move action, carrying 3 tons; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Increased Mass 7, Turnabout)
True Speech: Comprehend 2 (Languages - Understand All, Languages - You're Understood)
Incarnate spent her youth living an ascetic existence in a secret monastery. The monks there taught her many things: that her father had given her a great destiny to save all humanity, the great power was contained within not just her soul but that of all humans, that the body was weak and the temptations of the world would lead her astray. She was kept safe, isolated and trained in the mystic arts she would use to save humanity. She saw her father, a celestial being of great wisdom and power, rarely until the day he invited her to his sanctum to show Incarnate her destiny. For the first time she saw Earth. He showed her weak people given into to greed enriching themselves at the expense of others. He showed her people trying to fill their empty lives with things and sex and fleeting entertainments. He showed her humanity. Incarnate saw people. Countless people living lives she never knew could be lived, trying to find meaning and friendship where they could. She saw a world of wonder and beauty and life.
He wanted her to cleanse it. She left the next day. Incarnate (taking the name Irma Immerman) she joined a local high school to learn about life on Earth, find a place for herself in it and to protect it from those who would harm it. She spent a few years as a teenage hero before everything spiraled past the point of no return.
Enemy: Incarnate has enemies both Celestial and Infernal. The latter trying to get her to cleanse the Earth and the latter trying to get her corrupt her into destroying it. Unfortunately they all have various cults and worshipers who are willing to act as proxies to control her.
Motivation: Acceptance: Incarnate was created to purge the Earth of it's wicked flesh and free the souls trapped within. She finds this...problematic...and works to create a place where she can live as herself and do some good.
Quirk: Incarnate never really got the hang of living a normal. She was raised in a monastery until she was a teenager and then the world came to it's end. Because of this she lacks a lot of pop culture and general everyday knowledge.
Power Points[edit]
Abilities 50 + Powers 79 + Advantages 3 + Skills 29 (58 ranks) + Defenses 19 = 180