Incarnation of the Black Goat: Jack Blanche

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Jack Blanche

  • Personal Timeline: Future
  • High Concept: Former Cultist With Occult Expertise
  • Trouble: That Which Should Not Be Calls To Me
  • Relationship: Blank Is A Familiar Face
  • Free: Handy With My Crowbar
  • Corrupted: Adrift In Strange Geometries

Great [+4] Lore
Good [+3] Will, Notice
Fair [+2] Physique, Fight, Athletics
Average [+1] Burglary, Stealth, Drive, Rapport

Panic Response: Crowbar. Because I've gotten used to swinging my crowbar in panic, I get +2 when using Fight to Attack with my crowbar.
Experienced Ritualist. Because I know how to compensate for eldritch pressure, I have two extra stress boxes for absorbing backlash from occult phenomena.
Corrupted: Geometric Translocation. Because I know occult focusing mantras, I can mark Corruption to move from my current zone to any other zone that you can perceive, bypassing any obstacles along the way.

Jack had a pretty normal life. On track to possibly be a mathematician despite some academic difficulties for his career, his college life started to go a bit haywire when suddenly a mountain in Germany exploded bringing about the end times. While he did live in one of the exclusion zones, he lived... near the edge. So close to the edge, he could see the horrors lurking outside with nothing more than a long walk. And then the walk got shorter and shorter as time went on. It was terrifying, and people turn to strange solutions to fear and terror.

The Chromatic Path was one of these strange solutions. It wasn't really meant to be a cult. It started out as a guy with a book and his buddies. Then they invited more people, and then them and those people latched onto it as a source of hope as the monsters drew nearer and nearer. Jack Blanche was one of those people. Channeling what could have been a talent for mathematics into a... somewhat different talent for arcane lore. They tried more and more spells from the book to block the monsters and it became unclear what was actually in the book and what was just a figment of the cult leader, Leonard Smith's, increasingly fractured mind. They tried more magic that was supposedly from the book but was never mentioned before. The final ritual they did resulted in Leonard's corruption finally overtaking him completely resulting in a horrible killing machine that started ripping apart members of the cult. What Jack did, picking up a nearby crowbar that had been used to open boxes of ritual components and using it to fend off the monstrosity, wounded it enough to let him and some of the other cultists escape. That act of courage and his useful occult lore were what resulted in him being chosen for the time travel mission.