Incredible, Mister PL12
Mr. Incredible (Bob Parr): PL 12 Hero (190 pp)
Init +3; Spd 60 ft, leap 60 ft; Defense 21 (+8 base, +3 Dex), flat-footed 18; BAB +12; Grap +29; Atk +17 melee (+17S punch), +17 ranged (improvised weapon); SV Dmg +17, Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +6; Str 20, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18. (90 pp)
Skills: Bluff +4, Climb +17, Diplomacy +8, Drive +7, Intimidate +17, Profession (insurance claims adjustor) +4,Swim +17 (8 pp)
Feats: Connected (government), Fame, Heroic Surge, Power Attack, Takedown Attack (10 pp)
Powers: Amazing Save +12 [Dmg] (Extras: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6; Cost: 1+18; Total: 30 pp), Super-Strength +12 (Extras: Leaping, Running +6; Cost: 4 1/2+6; Total: 60 pp) (90 pp)
Equipment: Supersuit (Stunts: Durability, Homing Beacon; Flaws: Device; Cost: 0+2; Total: 2 pp)
Notes: Mr. Incredible’s “Homing Beacon” supersuit Power Stunt allows anyone with the hardware and knowledge of the proper frequency to zero in on his location. It can be considered a limited variant of Radio Transmit, and is shared by all the Incredibles.