Infection Vector: Lucinda Thorne

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Lucinda Thorne (Lucy)
The Antichrist 2 | Heiress 2


Black Magic Adaptation
Attention 0/3 Fade 0/3
Dark Sorcery B: Bend the Will of the Weak H: Minor Demonic Servants
Holy Ground is Anathema to Me Can I master myself as well as I master the world around me?
Queen of Hellfire Expression
Attention 0/3 Fade 0/3
Gaze of Fire I: Terrifying demeanor J: Immune to Flames
C: Uncontrolled Firestorm Does my soul deserve to burn, or can I be redeemed?
Inherited Fortune Possession
Attention 0/3 Crack 0/3
My dead parents' fortune C: My Gothic Mansion E: Throw Money at the Problem
B: I demand the best of everything There's no problem money can't solve.
The Life of Every Party Routine
Attention 0/3 Crack 0/3
Decadent Socialite D: Emma, my devoted PA E: I know everyone who's anyone I: Lux, the City's most exclusive club
A: It all feels empty B: I need the attention I only have one life to enjoy