Inquisitor Gwendolyn Laspellier

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  • WS: 34
  • BS: 48
  • S: 33
  • T: 43
  • Ag: 36
  • Int: 60
  • Per: 46
  • WP: 71
  • Fel: 48
  • Wounds = 17
  • FP = 4
  • Divination = The pain of the bullet is ecstacy compared to damnation. (T + 1)
  • Corruption =
  • Insanity =

XP Spent = 30,200


  • Blessed Ignorance
  • Hagiography
  • Liturgical Familiarity
  • Superior Origins
  • Indomitable Will of the Inquisition
  • Conviction is Strength
  • Ritual Trial
  • Unnatural Willpower (x2)


  • Awareness +20
  • Blather +20
  • Charm +20
  • Climb
  • Command +20
  • Common Lore (all) +20
  • Deceive +20
  • Dodge +10
  • Drive - Ground Vehicle
  • Forbidden Lore (all) +20
  • Inquiry +30 (Talented)
  • Interrogation +20
  • Intimidate +20
  • Literacy
  • Logic
  • Psyniscience
  • Scholastic Lore (all) +20
  • Scrutiny +20
  • Search +20
  • Security
  • Speak Language - High Gothic
  • Speak Language - Low Gothic
  • Tech-Use +10
  • Tracking


  • Air of Authority
  • Ambidextrous
  • Basic Weapon Training - Bolt
  • Basic Weapon Training - Las
  • Basic Weapon Training - SP
  • Decadence
  • Heightened Senses - Hearing
  • Light Sleeper
  • Melee (Expertise)
  • Peer - Adeptus Arbites
  • Peer - Government
  • Peer - Inquisition
  • Pistol (Expertise)
  • Quick Draw
  • Rapid Reload
  • Resistance - Insanity
  • Sound Constitution ×6
  • Talented (Inquiry)
  • Sorcerer
  • Fuelled by Flesh (Sorcery Talent)

Mastered Skills[edit]

  • Charismatic Mastery
  • Common Lore Mastery
  • Forbidden Lore Mastery
  • Investigation Mastery
  • Observation Mastery
  • Scholastic Mastery

Paragon Talents[edit]

  • Heroic Leadership
  • Mental Aegis
  • Pistol Expertise
  • Melee Expertise

Influence Talents[edit]

  • Peer Academics
  • Peer Adeptus Arbites
  • Peer Administratum
  • Peer Imperial Guard
  • Peer Imperial Navy
  • Peer Inquisition
  • Peer Military
  • Peer Nobility
  • Good Reputation Inquisition
  • Rival Ordo Hereticus
  • Rival Adepta Sororitas
  • Acolyte Network
  • Committed Xanthite
  • Lord of Domains
  • Revolutionary

Sorcery Powers[edit]

  • Mark of Flesh
  • Death's Messenger
  • Whispers of the Warp
  • Disease
  • Exsanguine
  • Hellish Blast
  • Leach Life
  • Living Weapon
  • Malefic Curse
  • Open
  • Psy Barrier
  • Transfix

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

Power sword Bolt pistol (Best Craftmanship) Inquisition Rosette Digi-las ring Xeno-mesh armour (under robes) Fancy staff Assorted minions Various heretical doohickeys for sorcery and research Attitude


Born on Candlemass, Gwen always throught she was special. Her initial circumstances didn't reflect that though. Coming from an utterly dreary agri-world, there were really only two options for her - become a farmer or join the Imperial Guard. Fleeing home to the only city of note, she found her way into another option - local law enforcement. For a while, just suited Gwen just fine, but she soon got bored of the petty farming-related crime (mainly tractor thefts, crop poisoning of rivals, occasional fights between workers) that provided the only real work on her homeworld.

The interest came when an inquisitor named Remus Browne turned up on the planet looking for a stash of xenotech that a heretic had hidden in a remote barn. Gwen found herself assigned to aid him in his work, an experience she found both interesting and rewarding. When the case was completed, she exchanged details with Browne, and the two worked together on and off for the next decade or so. During this time, Browne helped Gwen acheive a transfer into the Arbites and subsequent promotion and in return she helped him from time to time providing information, assistance and even conducting her own investigations.

As time went on, Gwen started neglecting her Arbites duties in favour of Inquisition work, which she just found so much more interesting. She started harbouring dreams of becoming an inquisitor herself, travelling the galaxy, hunting down heretics and preserving the Imperial way. Eventually she asked Browne to be assigned to him full-time. He agreed, taking her on first as an acolyte and then later on as an interrogator. After another ten years or so, Gwen graduated to become an inquisitor in her own right.

Her first ten years or so were typical for a young inquisitor. Embracing the puritan ideals, she found favour with the monodominant faction and started enforcing her view on all her work. Tolerating no form of heresy, she initially carved a destructive path for herself, executing suspected heretics and destroying everything xenos or warp-tainted wherever she found it.

The change came when she was finally in a position to make the worst decision an inquisitor must face. A large hive world had become infected with the genestealer taint, and the corruption was starting to spread out of control. The obvious solution was an Exterminatus to stop the taint spreading to other worlds. Whilst Gwen didn't shy from that in principle, some of the guidance she was receiving suggested that the purge might not remove the taint entirely and it could still spread. Another solution presented itself through careful contact with the Eldar who didn't want this particular world destroyed for their own reasons. They supplied some xeno-tech and instructions for a ritual that would stop the spread of the corruption in its tracks.

Faced with the horrible choice of the extermination of billions that might not even work, or to accept the help of the Eldar which (her intel revealed) would definitely work she took her first step along the dark path to radicalism. The Eldar tech did what it was supposed to, and after that it was simply a matter of hunting down the corrupted souls and destroying them without worrying about further spread.

After that, the fire had gone from Gwen's puritanism. She began to realise that if the war against the xenos and the heresy was to be won, then subverting their own weapons and turning them against them was better. Recruit their help against common enemies, then turn on these allies and destroy them all. Investigate the technology, use her tech adepts to reverse engineer it and create new variants with machine spirits loyal to the Imperium. Use the power of the warp - psykers, rituals, even the power of the dark gods could be unleashed on the enemies of the Imperium. And yet, she was always very careful not to actually cross the narrow line between radicalism and outright heresy. Never once has Gwen strayed from her faith and loyalty to the Imperium and the God-Emperor. Everything she did was for the good of the Imperium.

It took Gwen a surprisingly long time to realise she had become a radical. Once she did realise though, she accepted it, joining the Xanthite faction and sharing her work with others. And there's no doubt that her methods were successful. her name became known to the highest levels of the Calixian Conclave. Her achievements became legendary and after a hundred years or so, she began to be tipped as a future successor to the Lord Inquisitor of Ordo Xenos for the sector.

And yet, she wasn't without enemies. The monodominants saw her as a disgrace, a member of their brethren who had fallen to the dark side. More than once has she clashed with puritan inquisitors trying to destroy the very heresy she was trying to control and subvert for the good of the Imperium. More than once has she been pursued and harassed by Ordo Hereticus, intent on finding evidence that she has fallen too far. So far they have been unsuccessful. The Adepta Sororitas in particular have her name as someone who is tainted with darkness.

When the warp gate to the Jericho Reach was discovered, Gwen was one of the first members of the Inquisition on the scene, and was immediately seeing all the wonderful possibilities for the gate and for the secrets within the Jericho Expanse.

Meanwhile, the Lord Inquisitor of Ordo Xenos finally announced his impeding retirement, and Gwen realised that she wanted his position and power. Wanting to scoop some really big achievement to make her the only viable successor, she signed herself onto the Achilus Crusade command group (no doubt much to the dismay of many who sadly had no authority to argue with the will of the Ordos). Her goal is to be instrumental in the retaking of the Jericho Reach and to be the first to find and use the sector's secrets against the many enemies of the Imperium...

Description: Gwen is well over a hundred years old, and has been active during all that time. Her exposure to the darkness and taint that she has willingly embraced easily shows - she is withered and marked. Her skin is pale, veins showing through. Her limbs are long and thing and she walks with a slight hunch. Her eyes are dark and her expression is clearly that of someone who has stared much too deeply into the abyss. She never smiles, always glares and gives off really quite a disturbing and frightening aura to many around her.

She tends to dress in plain black robes, a hood pulled over her head, and she clutches a staff topped with with sigil of the Inquisition. Assorted purity seals hang from her robes, the withered prayer papers trailing across the floor behind her. Her rosette hangs from a thick golden chain around her neck, providing a splash of colour. From underneath her hood, she peers and scowls at anyone who dares to address her.

Gwen's Staff Gwen has a selection of minions at her command - a selection of minor acolytes who follow her around pitifully and kneel at her feet. A trio of chained psykers who cower whenever she comes near. A couple of throne agents who stand tall and proud. A crusader bodyguard who has pledged to defend her no matter the odds. And a network of adepts who meticulously labour away to provide her with all the research and information that she needs. Gwen's library of forbidden lore is quite legendary, even within the higher ranks of the Inquisition. And of course, as an experienced and highly-regarded member of Ordo Xenos, she has the power to command the great Deathwatch.

Gwen's Enemies Gwen is thoroughly under investigation by Ordo Hereticus who are certain that she has crossed the line somewhere, although they have yet to find the evidence they seek. At least two Hereticus Inquisitors have pledged themselves to bringing this radical to tribunal, and they are frequently to be found meddling in Gwen's affairs. As the militant wing of Ordo Hereticus, the Adepta Sororitas are very aware of Gwen's name and nature and are just itching for the moment when they are given the go-ahead to bring her in for justice. Of course some of the more fanatical Sisters may not even wait for that...

In addition, Gwen has pissed off many cults and recidivist organisations over her long years as an Inquisitor and has been declared kill on sight by most. And many of the xenos races see her both as a threat and possible tool to be used depending on circumstance...