Inquisitor Remus Browne

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Inquisitor Remus Browne

Ordo Xenos, Thorian Puritan, Cleric/Inquisitor.

Gwen's former mentor. He's very old now and has mostly retired, satisfied that his life has been well spent. However his concern over his former protege is enough to draw him out of retirement. He took Gwen on all those decades ago because he had seen something in the young arbitrator - a spark of something, the touch of fate - the sort of thing he and his Thorian brethren look out for. And for a long while, Gwen did not disappoint, proving herself to be more than capable, a candidate for Lord Inquisitor even. But even he can see that she has lost her way, and so he has emerged to try and save her soul before it is lost for good. He wants her to succeed and to return fully to the light of the Emperor. But is it too late? Will he ultimately be the one to condemn her at tribunal?

Remus is old and bent, reliant on suspensors for movement. He knows his days are numbered now and is determined to use his remaining time well. Despite his age and frailty, he still has the presence and will of an inquisitor and is not afraid to use it to get what he wants. He also still has vast networks of contacts and allies. Former acolytes and peers in all of the adeptas. All would happily assist him should he ever call on them for help or favours. Remus Browne may be nearly dead, but he is certainly not yet gone.