Interview Sessions

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A pile of leaflets and tapes, the paper with countless questions, almost random in nature. Some have handwriting that is legible, some are dainty cursive, others are not even in English! The tapes have short titles on them, proclaiming the question that sparked the discussion. What sort of pieces of information do you seek of the heroes, for it may be answered here...
You can add or answer questions here, if you want. I want to have lots and lots of little pieces of information for the PCs. Just put a question in the 'unclaimed' and have fun.

The PCs[edit]


What is the worst fight you have had with your family? - When Darius got kicked out of the Army for beating up his Major, there was a lot of screaming and recriminations from his brother Cyrus and his mom. His dad wouldn't even speak to him.
What is your character's living quarters like? - Very messy.
Name a quote that sums up your character! - "Lord Naoshige said, 'The Way of the Samurai is in desperateness. Ten men or more cannot kill such a man. Common sense will not accomplish great things. Simply become insane and desperate.'" -Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure (Hidden Leaves)
Reality Shows! What's your guilty pleasure? - Darius likes to watch Ultimate Fighter... not so much for the reality as for watching guys beat each other up at the end of the episode.


What are your character's favourite color and clothes? - Cassidy is a stickier for blue, gold, and red. The bolder, the better. Her clothes vary on the situation, but her current favorite consists of frumpy blue PJ bottoms, a baby-blue sweater with some sort of shirt under it, a pair of the rattiest looking sneakers in the world, and a bright, bright gold sash. She may love slinky dresses, but she wears them so often at work!
Funny. She really didn't have a favorite color before Exaltation.
What is your character's take on killing and/or violence in general? Would (s)he have a problem taking another's life? What would it take to escalate him/her from simple violence to lethal force? What if the person is a normal, baseline human? - Cassidy learned self-defense in high school, though she had to cover it up. It depends on the level of violence. At this point, it's wiser to her POV to just subdue normal humans. But anything that burns from her anima? They will face the blazing brush.
If your character could talk to anyone, living or dead, for one hour, who would it be and why? - Cassidy would probably pick to talk... Her maternal grandmother. Hell, Cassidy may try to look up her grandmother if she is in the area of Washington D.C. ever. She knows the old woman's name, Miranda Williams. Her mother and grandmother had a falling out over religion, and Cassidy would love to meet the woman that she got part of her stubbornness from.
What are your characters favorite foods and/or treats? - Cassidy isn't picky. She actually has that high stamina and resistance from partly all of the weird crap she has eaten. However, she loves a lot of international fare, Japanese in particular. When the characters go to Japan, she will insist on trying fugu.
Favorite movie, and why? - A Japanese movie called Tomonpo. It's a foodie's movie, and it was what got Cassidy started on asking her roommate more about Japanese food, and learning the language. Cassidy is not a Japanophile. She just loves the language and the food.
What is the one item which your character must have? - A comb. Not for what you think. It's because of her being able to use her form charms with it. With a comb, she is never unarmed.
What is the most embarassing moment that your character can remember? - The ONE time her mother made her enter a beauty pageant. It was more for the embarrassment it caused everyone else. It was a total disaster. Casey had thought that the dressing up was stupid and boring, she was tired, and she had found out that if she won she could 'look forward' to more contests. Her answer was to switch her performance from a pop song to looking at the judges, and telling them that she wasn't going to let her mother live though her, and marched offstage humming Dancing Queen.
Yes, even as a child, Cassidy was a stubborn little shit.
Name one historical person your character admires. Yes, you may use fictional people. - Cassidy had this on a shirt.
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." - Winston Churchill
It was her favorite shirt, but it got too old and ratty. Her mother HATED it, and Cassidy left it in the drawer of her little brother before she ran away. She really admires the British Prime Minster, and if she has the chance, she may get another shirt with a quote of his.
Describe... only the good things that come into your mind about... your mother. - "She is over two thousand miles away and doesn't know where the hell I am. Same thing goes to my father. Oh, and they gave birth to me."
What is your greatest weakness? - Good question indeed. I actually can't think of Cassidy's greatest weakness, other than her conviction. But she is also convinced that she has to have the backbone to listen, so it isn't so bad. Another big weakness probably would be her little brother, Nathaniel Marlin, especially if he had decided to leave as well and they run into each other.
You have nearly limitless power. What stops you from just exploiting your power and living in utter luxury? Why do you fight? - "I do not want luxury. I want to make the world a place where no one can abuse wisdom and twist and break it to harm others or as for their own benefit alone. Look at the televangelists. That is not what I want to do. If they want their precious word, why not seek them as their beloved did? "I fight because I know that someone must stand up, that someone must offer that cheek... And the arm to block those who can not fight." THAT sums up Cassidy's opinion involving religion. It's, in general, a good idea. Just stop twisting it...
Who is your character's hero, and why? - Cassidy will never, ever tell these to anyone. Jesus of Nazareth, Buddha, Muhammad, Luther, and other religious souls who ever sired a faith, or stood up and said "We need to change."
Do you have any siblings? How is your relationship to them? - Cassidy has one younger brother, Nathaniel Marlin. He was three years younger than Cassidy, and looked up to her, though he was often upset when she was punished for sticking up for her beliefs. Cassidy actually acted out at times to cover up something her brother did that was worse. When Cassidy made her very public departure from her family, she left her favorite shirt in his shirt drawer as a quiet farewell.
Whats your favourite book, fiction and nonfiction? - Cassidy would say the holy texts of all of the major religions, with a cheeky grin and no comment if it's for fiction, or nonfiction.
If your character had a different day job (or a regular day job, period, for some of us....), what would they be stuck doing? - Cassidy would be still a waitress, working at a karaoke bar.
What is your darkest moment, the time when you felt all was indeed lost. - Cassidy has not had that moment yet. However, she has been greatly depressed before, and wanted to die. It's just something yelled at her to fuck everything else and keep going.
What is the weirdest thing you ever saw before your Exaltation? - Cassidy's weirdest moment before Exaltation was watching a girl walking out of the church she went to, and getting hit by a car. That wouldn't be weird, if the girl just kept on walking, without a scratch. The only two other witnesses, other than the driver and girl, were Cassidy and her brother.
Who did you always envy? (secret or otherwise) - One of Cassidy's neighbors is mentally handicapped, just enough that the woman knows that there is something wrong. But, Jamie has always had an unshakable faith in the goodness of people and things turning out for the best, and Cassidy has always wished since meeting Jamie that she could have the same faith in anything.
What was your best subject in school? - Cassidy did best in choir, of course. However, she was actually a very good kid at sports. Not the fastest, not the strongest, but Casey could outdo people in feats of endurance.
Name the one thing you will be most sorry to lose in your mortal life. - Cassidy will miss being able to go out and be a normal person.
What would be your character's ideal date? - Honestly, Cassidy has no idea what would be her ideal date. She is really frugal, prefers not too much of a fuss, and is not the sort to dress up. The problem? She is still a Solar and a girl, and has a touch of wanting to be spoiled. :P Probably in her case, it would involve actually just having a day off and goofing off, being as close to normal as she can ever get. The most awkward thing?
It would be her first date EVER.
What are your political leanings, if any? (Being apolitical is also a valid response) - "I'm independent. I'm not exactly a political girl, but I know that I'd prefer the bureaucracy more streamlined and some other stuff... But a lot of the right wingers are insane. But that's because of the whole 'separation of church and state' some of them rag on about. Fuckers."
What's your favourite constellation in the night sky and why? - "I have always been a Leo girl, but that's my sign. I guess Orion? It was always up late during the summer and I'd be sitting on the porch thinking about a different place."
Name a hobby or interest that your character has that hasn't been previously mentioned. - Crap, I need to think about that. I have mentioned the big ones. She actually has a... Ah, interest in formal wear. Not the normal sort of interest, but the sort that makes her blush. Needless to say, Robert all dressed up is going to make her choke.
If your character hadn't Exalted, what supernatural denizen of the World of Darkness would they most likely be? - Cassidy, as a Hermetic, amuses me.


How did your character spend their last thanksgiving? - There's no school on Thanksgiving, so Gabe spent that day alone at home -- the same as the last couple decades. Nancy has made it a point the last three years to call him and invite him to have dinner with herself and her friends, but he has politely declined each time in favor of getting ahead on writing the winter curriculum.
What is your character's take on the supernatural and how does it affect them? - Gabe originally thought that the supernatural was mostly malevolent, but he has since become far more open-minded. He has made so many mistakes in judging groups that he's simply decided to consider their merits on an individual basis. He is far more concerned with the well-being of normal humans, however, so he takes a dim view of those who meddle too much in mortal affairs.
What are your character's favourite color and clothes? - Gabe likes orange, though he doesn't wear or use much of it. He isn't aware of how often he'll choose items or restaurants simply because there was some orange in their design.
When at work, he never fails to wear his dress shirt, tie and slacks. He doesn't often bother to change clothes when at home, but on the rare occasions that he goes out for any reason, he affects cargo pants and t-shirts with any number of dopey messages or advertisements. They make him laugh.
What is the worst fight you have had with your family? - Gabe will always regret an argument that he had with his parents when he was young regarding their inability to work more respectable jobs. He disliked being a cliche, but he didn't understand what they'd gone through to get where they were.
He will, however, be forever thankful that he had many happier years with them before they passed away.
Name a hobby or interest that your character has that hasn't been previously mentioned. - Heh heh. Interestingly enough, Gabe is a huge comic book fan. He doesn't buy too many anymore, but he takes great joy in the fact that the local library carries trade paperbacks. His all-time favorite superhero is Batman -- no real surprise, considering the vigilante life that he pursued.
What is your character's take on killing and/or violence in general? Would (s)he have a problem taking another's life? What would it take to escalate him/her from simple violence to lethal force? What if the person is a normal, baseline human? - Gabe does not approve of killing. He's seen too much unnecessary death -- in his mind, heroes should be able to find a better way to deal with trouble than execution. When monsters are involved, however, this hard line becomes blurred. On the other hand, he is quite a bit more angry these days when it comes to those who prey on the weak...
What is your character's living quarters like? - Comfortable yet boring. Gabe does not entertain much... at all. Plain furniture, little in the way of decorations, and a dining table barely big enough for two. It's not that he's a boring guy, so much as he's just never home that often and even when he is, he's usually working or sleeping.
What are your characters favorite foods and/or treats? - Though he has never been able to find them anywhere else in the States, Gabe's mother made wonderful pupusas and they are definitely his comfort food. He has not had them in about fifteen years, though, so if he ever manages to have some again, he will probably be as giddy as a kid. Other than that, he has developed a fondness for coffee that runs beyond the caffeine. He's a bit of a coffee snob, though he tries not to make it obvious.
If your character hadn't Exalted, what supernatural denizen of the World of Darkness would they most likely be? - Mage would be obvious -- Son of Ether, probably. But I've always mused that Gabriel would make a more interesting Fallen.


What is your character's take on the supernatural and how does it affect them? - Liz take on the supernatural is mostly an amalgam of every fantasy movie she's seen, every book she's read and the few things she knows from observation. There's herself with superpowers of some sort, there are the others like her, there are apparently also vampires and robots as well as, from what she saw during her Exaltation, sorcerers of some sort. Nothing of it really makes sense, many of her assumptions are wrong, but she's learning.
Because that's how the revelation has affected her. She has seen behind the facade, seen that what she thought she knew about the world was a lie, that horrible things move in the darkness and dangerous magic is at work everywhere. Now she HAS to know the hidden truth of it, find out how this new world works and what her place is within it. Because she won't allow any vampire, warlock or other monster to gain any sort of power over her and her part of the world, nor let them keep their power over others.
Favorite movie, and why? - Liz' favourite movie is (as I've discovered) The Matrix. Not so much as a 'what if?' scenario or for the crazy action (though that's nice too), but as a metaphor for everything that's wrong with the world - control, systems enforced through greater firepower and brainwashing, needless suffering. But also those few, who break free although it costs them and aim to free others.
After her Exaltation the whole metaphor thing has become a little muddled as there are now literally different worlds, one just facade, the other horrific but true, and superpowers and, apparently, robot men in black. It's still a good movie, though.
What sort of music does your character like? - Liz' taste in music is quite eclectic. Usually she'll become fascinated with one type of music, be it emo metal, the current pop charts or baroque string music, for a week or two, then move on to another. If asked to point out her very favourite, she'd probably point to a playlist where she gathers those pieces of music that she likes most and are spared the monthly or weekly deletion spree when Liz finds a new fascination.
What is your favorite holiday, and why? - Easter! It's in spring, so the weather will usually be good. It's a family holiday, but not as forced as Christmas where absolutely every relative, no matter how unknown or obnoxious needs to be called, talked to or even visited. And even going to church can be fun once a year, if they have big fires, lots of candles and incense, gregorian chants and everything.
What is your greatest weakness? - Liz might be good at many things, but patience is not among them. She needs to DO something. Training is about the only thing she can be patient with, since it's so important to her and not as boring as so many other things that need patience. She also is quite impulsive and often doesn't think through what she's doing.
If your character was another Exaltation... What would they be? - Liz would absolutely be a Fire Aspect. Her personality, beliefs, powers, theme, it all fits. So, if she wasn't a Night Caste, that's what she'd be.
Whats your favourite book, fiction and nonfiction? - Her favourite book is a collection of short stories about daily life in the Middle Ages written by a historian. It's what prompted her to settle on history as a subject when her parents implored her to 'study something serious as well'.
Can your character cook? What can they cook? - Cooking isn't really Liz's thing. Mostly she keeps to simple stuff like noodles of different kinds or putting a frozen pizza into the oven. With salads however she is quite good and she experiments a lot.
If your character had a different day job (or a regular day job, period, for some of us...), what would they be stuck doing? - I could see her working as a waitress though she'd probably quit or be fired with some regularity, her temper being somewhat volatile ... On one occasion she helped out as a replacement instructor at local dojo when one of the teachers fell ill for a few weeks. If she could get a job like that she'd probably like it a lot better.
What is your darkest moment, the time when you felt all was indeed lost. - When Elizabeth was 15 her sister Julia had a car accident and for a time it looked as if her injuries were too severe to survive. In the end she pulled through, but those hours waiting in a hospital hallway while her sister was in surgery, hoping and praying for a miracle, were the worst Liz has had to live through.
Is there anything that your character runs away from? Can be a phobia, something they find gross, or a situation they can't stand... - Bees. Wasps. Other things that fly and buzz and sting. Argh! Liz hates those. And after so many deaths on their side - rolled up newspapers, shoes, whatever's within reach - it seems the feeling is mutual.
What is the weirdest thing you ever saw before your Exaltation? - Liz once went on tour with an Urban Exploration group she knew through a friend of hers. In an earlier exploration they had found catacombs beneath the city - catacombs in the original sense of the word, i.e. an underground ossuary. Which was a little weird already, since there'd been no known ruins from Roman times there. But what really creeped her out apart from the strange decorations was, that apparently the date of the newest set of buried bones inscribed in neat bronze letters was only two years ago...
What was your worst subject in school? - Embarassingly perhaps it was Art for Liz. She just never had the patience to sit down for hours and hours to draw/paint/cut out whatever inane thing her teachers had thought of.
What's your favorite attraction in a theme park? - "I've actually never been to a theme park, so I'm not sure what I'd enjoy. What do you DO there?"
If your character hadn't Exalted, what supernatural denizen of the World of Darkness would they most likely be? - Since it's a template that can be forcibly inflicted Liz might have become a vampire - for a very short time, since her temperament would probably lead to quickly being terminated for rocking the boat. More in line with her character would be a Mage, on the side of the Traditions. Akashic Brotherhood maybe, though I'm not sure she'd fit in. At the very least it would make for a pretty weird (if fun!) take on her character.

John Palmer[edit]

Name a place your character has traveled to, and the occasion (vacation, business, fleeing vampires, etc). - John hasn't actually traveled a great deal in the past, as running his enterprises has taken up the vast majority of his free time. When he was a kid, though, he did get to go to Disneyland once. He rather enjoyed it, to be honest. It's why he went back there a couple of years ago on his last real vacation. NO one knows about this, of course.
What is your most treasured memory? - John has no desire to reveal that to anyone, even these new companions. Not after less than 24 hours, at least. Maybe far down the road, he'll trust them enough to share those memories, but not just yet.
What is the sort of social situation that your character must be dragged into? - John is capable of handling any real social situation (it's what the character was built for, after all), but probably would be least comfortable in any situation beyond the superficial. He's used to hiding his emotions and putting up whatever sort of front is required, but expressing his genuine emotions goes against everything he's trained to do.
How does your Exaltation fit into your worldview as more or less rational human being, formerly belonging to a world without magic? - "There are far, far more things on heaven and earth then are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio." John knows that there are people who are convinced, absolutely positive that the Mafia is a myth. And few enough people have the in-depth organization of the mob as part of their worldview. This? This is just one more part of a greater whole. And he'll take it as it comes.
Not that it's that easy. But he'll do the best he can.
If your character was another Exaltation... What would they be? - John would probably be a Sidereal serving the Maiden of Secrets. The desire for order; the ability to live half a dozen lives, each one a facet of the whole but never intersecting with any other; the power hidden in bureaucratic softness; all of it suggests that he would be a damn fine servant of Jupiter. But he's an Eclipse, so it'll be time to put those viziers to work for him at some point in the distant future, he supposes. If he knew about them, anyway.
Can your character cook? What can they cook? - John actually can cook rather well -- not on the level of a professional, but he can generally not flambe most dishes. His specialties are American and Italian cuisine, but he's willing to experiment with the dishes of other cultures, too.
What is your character's favorite book? - John likes The Count of Monte Cristo a great deal, and has a beat-up copy of the unabridged version that he keeps with him (even now, on the run). I mean, it's the ultimate tale of calculating, methodical revenge, balanced with a great deal of hope for the future. Somehow, John can identify with that a great deal, some days.
Name a hobby or interest that your character has that hasn't been previously mentioned. - John actually joined his school band way back in elementary school, and kept going for several years. Though he doesn't play or practice with any sort of regularity these days, he's still a half-decent clarinetist, especially with jazz music.
What are your character's living quarters like? - Spartan, clean, with a minimum of potential collateral evidence.
Favorite movie, and why? - Though John will likely refuse to admit it? The Blues Brothers. The sheer over-the-top nature of everything in the movie just makes him quietly crack up. If he's channel-surfing and comes across it at random, he'll generally sit and watch it all the way through, if he can.
What sort of music does your character like? - He'll listen to most types of music without complaint, but jazz is his favorite (just not that so-called "smooth jazz" elevator music crap!). On the other hand, John can't stand most country music -- he claims that if you've heard one song about how you know Jesus loves you because you've got a pickup truck, it's enough to write off the genre as a whole.
If your character hadn't Exalted, what supernatural denizen of the World of Darkness would they most likely be? - John would be a vampire (either Lasombra or Ventrue), but thematically? Absolom had a point, and John would probably be a Devil of the Reconciler, seriously! He's got his code of conduct, and part of that is "Protect those under you". I figure Fallen-John would focus on protecting those he had pacts with, and trying to make the world a decent place for them/finish what the rebellious angels started way back when. So....Reconciler. Really.
What would be the stupidest thing you ever ate? - Food he genuinely regrets eating? There were a couple of restaurants where he had "business meetings"; good for privacy and because his associates owned them, but John really wished they'd have sprung for a chef who knew understood that there's more ways to cook a steak other than "food-poisoning raw" and "charcoal briquette".
What is your greatest weakness? - John would never reveal such a thing on a public Internet forum. Which I suppose might be his biggest weakness, in a way -- he won't trust anyone until they've proven their trustworthiness. And even then, he'd never tell even his trusted friends everything.


Name a hobby or interest that your character has that hasn't been previously mentioned. - Rob was a Boy Scout for about 3 or 4 years (he dropped out fairly quick, but no so quick as some) and, though he didn't take much else away from the program, really did like camping. He tries to take a couple of friends or aquaintences camping at least once or twice a year if he can manage it.
What are your character's living quarters like? - Rob tried to keep his apartment fairly clean - it wasn't very big so it wasn't very hard. If he didn't keep on top of it, the place rapidly devolved into a pig-sty. After all, the floor is the largest shelf in the room.
What is your most trusted source for news? Not the television news but rather important things. - "The internet is more reliable than television for most general news - its less bias. I'm not sure what you mean specifically by 'not the television news'. Just for like in-the-family stuff, I guess my mom, she'll talk my ear off if I let her."


How did your character spend their last thanksgiving? - In Boston with Al Jolson's family. Trying to understand the odd American tradition. Johnny does like pumpkin pie though!
What are your character's living quarters like? - Hotels, motels etc. Life on the road ain't easy but its better than being leech food. Until yesterday Johnny was residing in the Star Hotel, one floor below the penthouse , but only to avoid vampire suspicion.
What are your characters favorite foods and/or treats? - Food: Dim Sum. but mostly those little steamed dumplings. Snack: Chicken's feet the way Cook used to make.
What is the worst thing you did as a child? - Wu Jian disobeyed the wan kuie. (OoC note: Like telling off a cop... if a cop were an immortal undead monster who pulled himself out of hell to re-inhabit his corpse. And, for Johnny specifically, if that cop's beat was just your family and he'd been faithfully serving and protecting for centuries.)
What kind of posters or paintings do (or did) you have on your walls? -
Johnny currently has no actual valuable stuff or any treasured items. However...
Harvard Dorm room: An original sketch of him and Michelle by Sarah, a rather tatty Firefly poster with Wash's "Watch how I soar" in Mandarin and English.
Hong Kong room: Bare almost spartan, an old triptych panel of Journey to the West, An original peice of Ming Dynasty art depicting a nightingale.
Name one person your character deeply respects. - Master Hong Zhu. Johnny's MA teacher and sometimes mentor. When a mortal can bend steel with his head you tend to be more willing to listen.
How do you feel about your Exaltation? Is it worth the trouble? Are you better than normal people now? - My Second Breath was the will of Heaven. The Ancestors have chosen me for greatness. This power is worth the pain and sacrifice I have endured. I am a new god, and the people shall bow before me.
How does your Exaltation fit into your worldview as more or less rational human being, formerly belonging to a world without magic? - Magic lies just beneath the world and the sight of the unworthy. If the wan kuie can manipulate Chi so can I.
Reality shows! What's your guilty pleasure? - When his friends could drag him away from his studies long enough Johnny was kinda finding Fear Factor interesting. He is sorry he missed 90% of Survivor China though, he misses home terribly and is not willing to tell anyone that yet.
What is your character's favorite book? - Journey to the West in the original Mandarin and the modern Mandarin.
Is there anything that your character runs away from? Can be a phobia, something they find gross, or a situation they can't stand? - Johnny has fairly low Valor so a fair number of things make him freak. He really can't stand being ignored though. What you grow up with 20 servants waiting on you and see how you like being ignored.
If you had a large sum of money to donate to some cause or organisation, what would it be? - Johnny would prolly donate a chunk to a language school and prolly the ACLU.
What is the weirdest thing you ever saw before your Exaltation? - Vampires. What! Johnnys been living with them around him since age two. Though he has also seen the occasional use of the wan kuie Disciplines.
What would be a perfect date for your poor unfortunate PC? - pre or post America?
Pre: Taking random high class chick out to a five star restaurant. Chatting about language and culture. Having her actually understand. Ending with her returning to her parents and Johnny going home.
Post: Al and Sarah, Johnny and Michelle. Watching a horror movie, with popcorn and drinks. (Funny how exposure to life makes you really look at your priorities)
What was your favorite cartoon as a kid? - I honestly don't know any Chinese cartoons. Maybe Dragon Ball translated to Chinese. Or possibly an adventure cartoon or two when Johnny could steal a few moments away from his tutors.
When was the first time you used your Exalted powers, and what were you doing? - The bar scene in Johnnys backstory. He was simply trying to absorb American culture.
Ah, delicious fast food. Which's your guilty pleasure? - "Have you tried these milkshake things yet? I don't know what's in them. But we do not have them back home. And what are onion rings?"
Let's give a wink to ourselves, shall we? What RPG would our character play? - "A what? Oh, the one with the dice? The gang and I tried that once. I think I was a thief." (a D&D game that lasted one session)
If your character hadn't Exalted, what supernatural denizen of the World of Darkness would they most likely be? - With all the crazy nuttiness in Johnny's life, one of two things. One: Dhampir, similar to his now half dead cousin. Two: some kind of hunter. Prolly focusing on research.
What would be the stupidest thing you ever ate? - Crickets.

Sui Mae[edit]

Multiple PCs[edit]

What do you want the most in life? (Asked by Jian)
Liz: You don't do easy questions, do you?
Jian: I beg your pardon. I didn't mean to be difficult. Master Hong always said that if a man can ask for nothing more in life than a firm pillow he is happy.
Cassidy: I like thinking that happiness is what you make of it. You have to find those little moments or you'll go crazy.
Liz: Hey, difficult questions are good. They just take some time and thinking to answer ... and I'm neither the most patient nor the most intellectual of people, you know?
Jian: I actually belive that was his point. Find happiness where you can. I think my question still stands.

ST Questions[edit]

What would terrify you to know you once were? What would your character just HATE/FEAR/DREAD knowing about her past incarnation?
Darius's Answer
Cassidy's Answer
Gabriel's Answer
Liz's Answer
John's Answer
Robert's Answer
Jian's Answer

Unclaimed Questions[edit]

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